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  Nr. 3829 de luni, 15 ianuarie 2007 
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Come out with the note!
The accusation Elena Udrea launched and Traian Basescu reluctantly confirmed is extremely serious, as it unappealably incriminates Calin Popescu Tariceanu. In case it is true. That is if it is true that, from the position he holds, the prime minister addressed a note to the chief of state by which he asked the latter to intervene, altering by this the independence of Justice, in favour of Dinu Patriciu. This one was, at that time, being investigated in a criminal case. Ordinarily,...   (28 afisari)
PC wants the withdrawal of troops
The Conservatives organized yesterday a demonstration in front of Cotroceni Palace, asking for the withdrawal of the Romanian troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. Representatives of the PC (Conservative Party) also submitted to the Presidency a letter, signed by the party leader Dan Voiculescu, by which they were asking the chief of state to start procedures for the organization of a referendum on the withdrawal of the Romanian troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. "Such...   (13 afisari)
Tariceanu lifts up his voice
-- One of the projects of the PNL (National Liberal Party) reelected chairman is the reform of the secret services
Reelected by an overwhelming majority at the PNL lead, PM Tariceanu stated on Saturday that the vote of the Liberal delegates honoured him and it also "obliges" him to lead the party better than he has done it so far. Tariceanu was officially confirmed, Saturday, in the position of PNL chairman, with 1194 votes of 1305 expressed votes.
Reform of the services
The...   (22 afisari)
Basescu for El Mundo: anticipated elections - an instrument for consolidating the democracy
The anticipated elections are an instrument for consolidating the democracy, not one for generating instability. And it may offer the Government a greater support in the Parliament, the current majority being a very fragile one, president Traian Basescu said in an interview for the Spanish daily "El Mundo", according to a Mediafax release. The interview was published in the issue of 3 January 2007 and on...   (18 afisari)
Does he produce it?
-- Traian Basescu is the one who has to make public today the note sent to him by PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, if such note exists
Elena Udrea, the former head of the Presidential Chancellery, launched the information that the head of Executive would have asked, through a pink note, the chief of state to interfere to the Parquet for Dinu Patriciu. The president confirmed it, and the PM denied it. Marius Oprea claimed that the approach of the "blond" from Cotroceni Palace was a diversion...   (31 afisari)
Dormant CNSAS
The ordinance amending Ticu Law, by which the "political police" syntagm is to be eliminated, has been left in the Senate House for several months. Serban Mihailescu and Mircea Cosea were DIE (Directorate of Foreign Intelligence - in the former communist state) officers but didn't have activities of political police. Politicians who collaborated with the ex-Securitate have got certificates of good behaviour. CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive)...   (22 afisari)
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