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  Nr. 3824 de marti, 9 ianuarie 2007 
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The absentees' votes
It is estimated that 500,000 Romanians with the right to vote are now working abroad. There are other estimations claiming that the number reaches 1,500,000. And there is also half-official estimation that 2,500,000 Romanians are employed abroad. Let's admit the error rate is huge. It may grow and after Romania's accession to the European Union the number may be much larger. It is certain that more Romanians than until now will go for better wages in Western Europe...   (24 afisari)
Extremists get regrouped in EU
The EU accession of both Romania and Bulgaria facilitates the making of a far right group in the Parliament of Europe, the European press comments. It is paradoxical that the new group includes parties who voted against the EU membership of Romania and Bulgaria and also groups perceived as nationalists and coming from the latter newcomers. The making of such a parliamentary group would even bring them access to EU funds. Still it is to be mentioned that the...   (25 afisari)
Romanians trust EU
Romanians are among those Europeans most dissatisfied with life, their distrust in Justice is growing and they believe the change of their present state is directly linked to EU and UN institutions. This is one conclusion of the Euro Barometer released yesterday in Bucharest.
According to the National Report of the Euro Barometer accomplished last autumn, 48% of Romanians are satisfied with their lives, a figure that seems large enough, but which is significantly lower...   (20 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Stop the fees!
The EU is going to address the European Court of Justice to sue Romania for breaking the EU car legislation.
In a press release ZIUA received yesterday, the European Commission announced intention to soon open procedures to show Romania disobeyed its state obligations concerning the fee to be paid for the registration of a first car. The government included the fee in the new Fiscal Code, although EU officials disagreed repeatedly. The European Commission has...   (18 afisari)
PM summons political representatives to meeting on post-accession strategy
Yesterday the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu invited the leaders of parliamentary parties to attend a reunion on Romania's Post-Accession Strategy. The meeting is due on January 17. But this week there is to take place a meeting of experts to be attended by academia and civil society representatives, experts in European affairs and economy. They are to analyze the government's project and contribute to it,...   (21 afisari)
Argument on government restructuring
Romanian Democrats asked the PM yesterday to present the MPs with a plan to restructure the government so that to cut on the number of Cabinet members from 24 to 15-18 and do away with ministers of state and delegate ministers. Democrat leader Emil Boc explained: "The government must be restructured. We have been arguing for it ever since last summer. This is an obligation we have had since taking over and it accompanies the obligation to...   (24 afisari)      1 comentariu
Draconian rules for Liberals
Romanian Liberals will have the obligation to respect party leaders' decisions as such and not to publicly support a different party, such as the newly made Liberal-Democrat Party, or doctrine. The ones who dare break the new rules will be expelled at once, according to the latest modifications on the party status.
The leaders of the PNL (National Liberal Party) settled in yesterday's meeting of the Permanent Delegation the new regulation to be...   (16 afisari)
A r h i v a
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 Tariceanu: "Va garantez ca si peste un an voi fi prim-ministru al Romaniei" (89 afisari)
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