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  Nr. 3819 de miercuri, 3 ianuarie 2007 
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Supremacy of the left wing
At the end of last year, I analyzed two perverse effects of the way the Coalition governed. Today, we shall talk about the presumptive reverse of balance between the political right and left wings. Whether the premises and the conclusion are correct, then we shall be obliged to accept the idea that in 2008 the latest PSD (Social Democrat Party) will come back into power.
Almost all the process of accelerating the reforms and of integration into the European...   (37 afisari)
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Tariceanu: The benefits of the accession will overcome the costs
Prime Minister Calin Popescu-Tariceanu believes that the benefits of Romania's integration into the EU will overcome the costs our country has to bear once integrated. But, he says, we don't have to wait for miracles and we have to look at the day of January 1st, 2007 as an ordinary day. "The balance sheet will surely be on the side of benefits. Benefits will be greater than the assumed costs. As for the way the life of Romanians will...   (34 afisari)      1 comentariu
Transition is over, development follows
-- Basescu announces a new 15 - 20 year way
President Traian Basescu stated, on Monday evening, at Sibiu, that the merit for the accession into the EU belongs to the 22 million Romanians who have paid day by day the "bill for the modernizing Romania", a fact for which politicians must look to the people with respect and love.
When starting his discourse, the chief of State took off his cloth and threw it towards the crowd. He thanked the people from Sibiu...   (25 afisari)
Johannis dreams of Cotroceni
Leader of the German Democratic Forum in Romania, Klaus Johannis, mayor of Sibiu, admitted yesterday, for the first time, that he intended to become president of the country, says a Rompres release. "Well, I thought of it (i.e. to run for the presidency - our note). And I decided to run for the mayor position again. In the future, probably for the mayor again", said Johannis, in a press conference. Klaus Johannis gave up running against Adrian Nastase or Traian Basescu...   (41 afisari)
Back to Europe
-- Romania and Bulgaria have stepped into the New Year as members of the European family. Welcomed by the European Capitals, Bucharest's accession to the EU has brought anxiety on the other bank of Prut River
17 years after the withdrawal of the communist regime and after seven years of negotiations with the officials in Brussels, Romania and Bulgaria have joined the European Union at the New Year's Night, in the fifth enlargement. Following the accession of the two countries, the EU...   (33 afisari)
Rejected Parties
-- Rejected by the traditional groups in the European Parliament, the nationalist and extreme right wing parties try to build up their own force in the EU. PRM (Great Romania Party) and PNG (New Generation Party) are in the sight of the "Enlightened Nationalism".
ZIUA is presenting you a synthesis of the doctrines and main positions of these parties in the perspective of the 8th of January, the date when they will try to coagulate into a parliamentary group. Known through exponents...   (29 afisari)
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