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  Nr. 3756 de marti, 17 octombrie 2006 
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Oprescu versus Geoana
The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) leader Sorin Oprescu thinks party rulers use empirical strategies and the project to modify the party status is ordered.
In his interview to ZIUA Oprescu emphasizes that Geoana's attempt to prolong his mandate as party president is not in keeping with the status.
On the other hand, the PSD leader notices that some advice coming from the group in Cluj made Geoana lose some points, but not the other way around, as it would have been...   (39 afisari)
"A servant", "a drunkard" and "an embarrassing man"
The GIP (Group for Political Investigations) coordinated by Mugur Ciuvica unveiled yesterday a set of public statements on Theodor Stolojan, Valeriu Stoica and Cristian Boureanu, made by Traian Basesu himself in the past.
The GIP president opines that the credibility of the Liberal platform launched last Sunday is doubtable, since Traian Basescu, the man the platform intends to support, does not have opinions favorable to its authors....   (31 afisari)
Holy Synod to debate on ex Securitate records
The Holy Synod is to debate on ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania) records on priests next Monday. His Holiness Bartolomeu Anania suggested such records should be investigated within "the Church system", not by the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive). CNSAS board members dislike the initiative.
The Bishop of Cluj commented yesterday: "This is a personal initiative. The Church is not...   (23 afisari)
Goma's third letter
There is one more letter by Paul Goma for Romanian President Traian Basescu. The first two got no presidential response. And here is the famous dissident is talking about his Romanian citizenship again.
Ceausescu deprived him of it. But at 16 years after the Revolution, Goma hasn't got his Romanian citizenship back. One "comrade" from Romanian Justice told the writer whom the Communists had exiled: "Mr. Goma and every member of his family must write solicitations...   (37 afisari)
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EPP leader demands President to save St. Joseph Cathedral
Hans-Gert pottering, leader of the EPP group in the Parliament of Europe, wrote a personal letter to Romanian President Traian Basescu last month, asking the latter official for action to save St. Joseph Cathedral. The letter is written on behalf of the EPP parliamentary group, the most powerful group with control on the Parliament of Europe.
The PD (Democrat Party) has been taking efforts to become an EPP member for...   (26 afisari)
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European Parliament representatives come to Bucharest
The special committee looking into the CIA secret detention centers in Romania, leaded by Liberal Norica Nicolai, is to welcome today the representatives of the European Parliament commission. They are visiting Bucharest for investigations on the alleged illegal CIA operations in Europe. (...)
The EU representatives are to meet with Radu Timofte and George Maior, the former and present chiefs of the Romanian Intelligence...   (30 afisari)
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PM in search of commissioner for EU
Yesterday PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu dismissed President Basescu's suggestion that he should recommend two persons eligible for a position such as EU commissioner for Romania. The PM insisted that such choice was his attribution and said he would announce his decision on Friday. He outlined the final decision would take into account the opinions of parties in the Coalition. He mentioned the choice was up to the prime minister, after consulting...   (26 afisari)
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Oprisan's leadership is legal
The court in Vrancea decided yesterday that the decisions reached in September 27 by 22 district councilors, when they agreed to drive away Marian Oprisan, president of the District Council in Vrancea, were illegal. The court also dismissed the solicitation coming from Liberal Eduard Lambrino, demanding for a presidential ordinance to admit him as president of the District Council in Vrancea. Lambrino wouldn't comment on the court decision, saying...   (16 afisari)
Diaconescu heads Senate committee for defense
The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) president Mircea Geoana's was yesterday's victor in the battle on the future head of the Senate committee for defense. Geoana managed to impose a member of his party by means of political decision, not by votes.
The PSD spokesman Cristian Diaconescu was elected president of the committee. His opponent, senator Mihai Popescu enjoyed support from ex PSD leader Ion Iliescu, but he lost because of the...   (20 afisari)
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 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Scrisoarea III (3209 afisari)
 "Lacheul", "penibilul" si "betivul" (2614 afisari)
 Seful PPE il someaza pe Basescu (2431 afisari)
 Adrian SEVERIN: Republica de la Cluj (2046 afisari)
 Politica de doi poli: platforma Stoica-Stolojan (1941 afisari)
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