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  Nr. 3684 de marti, 25 iulie 2006 
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Still Basescu has got all aces up his sleeve
The head of state seems to be in real trouble. Because of his lack of temper the heads of three important information services - the SRI (Romanian Secret Service), the SIE (Foreign Intelligence Service) and the information department in the Interior Ministry - resigned at the same time and left the him no time for preparations to appoint his favorites to take over. One day later, one more top official, the Romanian general attorney, resigned...   (6 afisari)
Operation: "Extraction"
Although Omar Hayssam has been missing for more than a few days, it doesn't seem he will be reached soon. No guilty has been tracked so far. No state institution is taking the responsibility for Hayssam's disappearance. Still top officials have been sacked: Radu Timofte, Gheorghe Fulga, Virgil Ardelean, Ilies Botos and yesterday prosecutor Ciprian Nastasiu. All these people have been claiming it was not their job to watch and monitor Omar Hayssam. One version has...   (5 afisari)
Basescu blames it on poor laws
Yesterday Romanian President Traian Basescu got even with the Liberals who attracted civil society, criticized and blocked the national security laws at several levels. He announced he would appoint new chiefs for the secret services only after the Parliament passed new regulation. Hayssam's disappearance was the perfect pretext for Basescu to get even with all his political adversaries. The president approached the secret service heads as a whole, even if...   (5 afisari)
The confessions of an ex SRI chief
-- Nastasiu didn't demand SRI to watch Hayssam
Romanian President Traian Basescu lost his trust in the secret services, said Radu Timofte, ex chief of the SRI (Romanian Secret Service), yesterday. Timofte claimed this is the only reason why he resigned and explained his decision was not because of a SRI mistake in the Omar Hayssam case.
Yesterday the parliamentary committee to check on the SRI interrogated Timofte, who denied that the head of state has...   (7 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
CSM picked up documents from Court of Appeal
The CSM (Superior Council of Magistrates) is checking on the Omar Hayssam case. Yesterday CSM representatives picked up from Bucharest Court of Appeal the documents grounding decision to set the Syrian businessman free in April 26. CSM is proceeding to checks in keeping with its attributions and the independence of both judges and magistrates. According to the principle of judges' independence, the CSM may not interfere in a magistrate's...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Ex DGIPI chief to be questioned tomorrow
The defense committee in the Romanian Senate is to question Virgil Ardelean, ex chief of the DGIPI (the information department in the Interior Ministry), tomorrow on the Omar Hayssam case that made him resign. George Maior, head of the above-mentioned committee, said yesterday that the ex DGIPI chief confirmed he would attend the questioning. (...) (Mediafax)   (5 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Presidential commission to interrogate minister Atanasiu
The presidential commission the Prosecutor's Office set because of the President's notification is to interrogate Romanian defense minister Teodor Atanasiu tomorrow. The Prosecutor's Office asked the Romanian President for consent to the opening of criminal investigations against the minister.
In last week's meeting the presidential commission sent Atanasiu an official letter informing the latter about two criminal complaints...   (1 afisare)
PSD leader Dan Ioan Popescu to be sacked
Dan Ioan Popescu, head of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) organization in Bucharest, is to be sacked this week. Sorin Oprescu is to take over. The change is due in tomorrow's extraordinary conference of the PSD members in Bucharest. Yesterday the latter decided to have extraordinary conference and voted for depriving Dan Ioan Popescu of such official position in the party. (...) (M.T.)   (1 afisare)
Liberals want reconciliation with Basescu
Crin Antonescu and Gabriel Sandu, leaders of Liberal deputies, believe the dispute between the Romanian President and Liberal defense minister Teodor Atanasiu looks like a conflict between Cotroceni Palace and the Ministry of Defense. The two Liberals think there is need of reconciliation. (...)
In yesterday's press release Antonescu and Sandu opine, that given the unprecedented crisis emerging from the simultaneous resignations of...   (1 afisare)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Proces de cartea recordurilor (381 afisari)
 Hayssam avea informatii ca va fi eliberat (228 afisari)
 Bisericii din Bals nu i se retrocedeaza propria curte (125 afisari)
 Operatiunea "Extragerea" (112 afisari)
 Moldova intre europenizare si transnistrizare (95 afisari)
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