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  Nr. 3536 de luni, 30 ianuarie 2006 
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LATEST - In Brief
Bomb attack against Basescu
Just a few hours before Romanian president Traian Basescu's arrival to Focsani in January 24, the Prefect House in Vrancea was under much strain. It was not just because of preparations for the president's visit, but because an artisanal bomb had just been detected in the hydrant close to the office of prefect Ion Oprea. President Basescu got there around 2:15 p.m. to attend the ceremony on the Unification of Romanian counties and he got back to the...   (4 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Tariceanu wants rules on Justice-Government communication
Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu has proposed public debate on the communication between Justice and the Romanian government. In the speech delivered in front of the female Liberals, Calin Popescu Tariceanu has taken up the Patricu case again and latest doubt on the relations between Executive staff and Justice employees. The PM has started from this case in his plan meant to do away with suspicion on his interference...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
PSD is realm of corruption
Romanians thinks the most honest politicians are members of PD (the Democrat Party), whereas the most corrupted ones are in PSD (the Social-Democrat Party). This is one of the conclusions reached in the latest opinion poll by Insomar. (...)
Either business or politics
According to this research, Romanians believe the main reason why people take up politics is their wish to get rich. Romanians think those who choose political careers should give...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Prince Carol Mircea died
Prince Carol Mircea of Romania, first son of King Carol II and brother of King Mihai I, died on Friday in London after great suffering. He was 85 years old.
Prince Carol Mircea (Carol Mircea Grigore Lambrino) was born in January 8, 1920, in Bucharest, as son of King Carol II and his wife Ioana Maria Valentina (Zizi) Lambrino. The marriage was later annulled, but the royal origin of Carol Mircea was admitted after two trials, in France and Portugal....   (7 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
All Romanians are free to go abroad
More than 65,000 Romanians forbidden to leave Romania because of having been caught in illegal stay in other states are now free to go abroad. Starting with yesterday the law on free circulation is in use. From the database of customs policemen there were erased 67,499 Romanians forbidden to leave the country because of illegal leave or stay abroad longer than permitted.
Romanian Police has announced special officers are now in charge of...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Talks on Transdniestria to restart in February
Talks on the Transdniester conflict are to restart in February, in the presence of Russian, US and EU representatives, said the head of Tyraspol diplomacy yesterday, informs Mediafax. Valeri Litkai said: "We are going to have a meeting in February 27 to talk about the state of things at the border again." Litkai was talking about the new customs regime at the border between Transdniestria and Ukraine. Negotiations are going to take...   (1 afisare)
Social-Democrats deny talks with parties in power
PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) spokesman Cristian Diaconescu denied yesterday talks between PSD and the parties in power on the Deputy's Chamber president position, at present assumed by Adrian Nastase. Mediafax cites Diaconescu: "There is no consulting, negotiation or dialogue between PSD and the governing parties. We want to put this straight, given latest press comments. Our intention is not after such dialogue."
He explained...   (1 afisare)
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 Ionut Dobronauteanu pune capat erei Crisan (138 afisari)
 Atentat la Basescu (88 afisari)
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