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  Nr. 3404 de joi, 18 august 2005 
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War on stenograms and political appeal to criminal inquiry
In spite of last year's severe accusations, Justice thinks there was no election fraud. But now we can see the start of criminal war against some top leaders of PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) because of the stenograms. So one scandal covers another. Since there was no election fraud, it means that accusations voiced during the election campaign by the leaders of PNL (the National Liberal Party)-PD (the Democrat Party) Alliance...   (2 afisari)
European Parliament voices accession is likely in 2008
Romania's accession to the European Union in 2007 is practically impossible. This is much more likely to follow in 2008. This is what German MEP Rainer Wieland, member of the Christian-Democrat Union as well as of the European people's Party, stated. Rainer Wieland is now Vice president of the Juridical Commission in the Parliament of Europe and also a member of the EU-Romania Joint Parliamentary Committee.
As for Romania's accession...   (1 afisare)
Murder in the Church of Reconciliation
36-year old Romanian female stabbed to death the religious leader of the Church of Reconciliation on Tuesday evening. The murder took place in front of 2,500 churchgoers attending the religious service in Taize, France. French authorities retained the murderer, who said she didn't intend to kill the victim, but just to arrest his attention. Romanian authorities in Paris confirmed the aggressor's identity.
Yesterday the Romanian Ministry of Foreign...   (2 afisari)
PSD plays victim of political revenge
PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) believes the scandal on stenograms is but the revenge of political adversaries, because the documents are fake. On the other hand, Rodica Stanoiu and Florin Georgescu, officially accused in the PSD stenograms case, have been accused without having been questioned and in the absence of real juridical grounds, just as the criminal inquiry has started without any clue showing their crimes. The information has been included...   (1 afisare)
Export grows, exporters complain
In the first term of 2005 the monthly growth of export was significant, despite the national currency appreciation. The information was provided yesterday by Iuliu Winkler, Delegate Minister of Commerce. He explained: "The structure of export has had positive evolution. Medium complexity products have lost power and high complexity products have grown in importance. Lohn exports have gone down from 53,8% last year to 46,3%. Winkler outlined that...   (1 afisare)
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