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  Nr. 3386 de joi, 28 iulie 2005 
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"Basescu's party" has reached crisis
There has lately been much speculation on the crisis the Coalition is going through and the premises are right. PNL (the National Liberal Party)-PD (the Democrat Party) Alliance is no longer what it used to be. PNL and PD have reached discord. As for their partners in the Coalition at rule, UDMR (the Democrat Union of Hungarians in Romania) and PC (the Conservative Party), they speak double language: on the one hand they are in favour of PSD (the Social-Democrat...   (3 afisari)
The people versus Putin
I helped select Vladimir Putin to succeed Russia's first democratically elected President, Boris Yeltsin. Because KGB/Mafia structures now rule Russia and manipulate the judicial system, it is assumed that Yeltsin wanted to handpick his successor in order to avoid future prosecution. But we who chose Putin were charged with finding someone to continue Yeltsin's reforms, not shield him and his family.
Indeed, Yeltsin was fearless, and sought not his personal...   (2 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Mona Musca makes government changes
Minister of Culture Mona Musca announced she would resign in today's government meeting. This is who she explained her decision: she expresses agreement to her vote against decision that Tariceanu should continue to be prime minister and president of PNL (the National Liberal Party). She said she could not be member of a team whose leader she no longer trusted.
Musca's resignation might be a clue about the announced government changes. The...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Voronin attacks both Romania and Basescu
In one of his few interviews to "Free Europe" radio post, Chisinau president Vladimir Voronin harshly attacks Romania's new policy on the East, as expressed by Romanian President Traian Basescu. The President of the Republic of Moldavia Vladimir Voronin has denounced the presence of Russian military troops in Transdnistria, which he describes as "a political umbrella and a form of support for the separatist regime in Transdnistria". Voronin,...   (2 afisari)
A trusted PM and president
On Tuesday evening PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu got what he wanted most: the Liberals' trust. In order to do away with all doubt, he even outlined that the vote of support expressed by the Permanent Delegation of PNL (the National Liberal Party) proved that only a party president could manage with the PM position as well. Moreover, just after he started feeling that things were under his control, Tariceanu hinted at Theodor Stolojan. He opined that the...   (1 afisare)
Unbelievable trick
Dan Voiculescu changed the names of his main press companies overnight. Many companies part in his financial empire were sacked by being simply erased or sold after their names had been changed. The mechanism that made the Romania media boss suddenly renounce consacrated brands is related to top financial motivation. As rumored in mass media, some of Voiculescu's press companies had large debts to the state budget and local administration at a certain...   (1 afisare)
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 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Nicolas Poussin (1594-1665) (166 afisari)
 Trenurile in Moldova (58 afisari)
 Fantastica inginerie (43 afisari)
 "Ambasada romana din Stockholm m-a persecutat intotdeauna..." (39 afisari)
 Angela Gheorghiu si Roberto Alagna, din nou in "Boema" (25 afisari)
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