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  Nr. 3382 de sambata, 23 iulie 2005 
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Liberals promise loyalty to Tariceanu
Premier Tariceanu convoked yesterday the heads of the PNL (the National Liberal Party) branches to personally check out what are the organizations that are loyal to him and what are those he can count on no longer. The calling together was at least 24 hrs after Theodor Stolojan's announcing his availability to get involved in a possible changing process within the party. The meeting took place at Casa Dante, close to President Traian Basescu's...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Chisinau leaders agrees with the Kozak-Yuschenko-Sova Plan
Moldovan MPs approved yesterday the law regarding Transdniestria's special status, proposed by President Vladimir Voronin, according to a BASA-press release, quoted by Mediafax. Voronin addressed the deputies and told them that "the law is extremely important, for Moldova announces for the first time its serious intent to reintegrate the territory".
The project, proposed by Vladimir Voronin through Minister Valery Shova,...   (3 afisari)
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LATEST - In Brief
IMAS Barometer: Basescu's popularity drops under 50%
The July public opinion barometer made by IMAS (Marketing and Public Opinion Poll Institute) shows that, if the nest Sunday parliamentary election took place, 47.4% of the electorate would vote for the Alliance Justice and Truth (National Liberal Party and the Democrat Party), while PSD (the Social Democrat Party, now in opposition) would get 31.9% of the votes. PRM (The Greater Romania Party) is on the third place, with 12.1%...   (3 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
People phone calls, legally intercepted
-- Social Democrat draft bill
Just like during the evil period of the communist dictatorship, the Romanian intelligence will be able, following the old good tradition of Securitatea, to intercept the private phone calls without being made responsible, in the absence of an authorization paper issued by the judicial authority the law provided. This absurd provision has been recently introduced by the Deputies of the Social Democrat Party Ion...   (1 afisare)
LATEST - In Brief
Basescu: We'd better leave the power than rule together with the Social Democrats
President Traian Basescu stated yesterday, at Maracineni, in case there were politicians in the Alliance Justice and Truth who thought of governing by compromising with PSD (the Social Democrat Party, now in opposition), it would be better for the parties now in power to withdraw from the governing, according to a Mediafax News Agency release. "We tell the people we couldn't do it", said Traian Basescu....   (2 afisari)
EBRD support for the Moldavian region
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is willing to offer Romania a financial support to deter the effects of the floods occurred recently in Moldavian region, EBRD president, Jean Lemierre announced after the meeting he had yesterday with President Traian Basescu at Cotroceni Palace. "The solution proposed was to extend the current project on the infrastructure, in amount of 100 million Euro, by supplementing...   (1 afisare)
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