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  Nr. 3371 de luni, 11 iulie 2005 
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Scheele: Date of accession doesn't depend on whether there are elections or not, but on reform
Jonathan Scheele, Head of the EU Delegation to Bucharest, claimed that the resignation of Tariceanu's Cabinet would not effect on Romania's accession to the European Union, if the interim government to come could go on with implementing reforms agreed on. In the radio show on Radio MIX FM the EU official attended on Friday evening, journalist Carol Sebastian asked him if the government's resignation...   (2 afisari)
Emergency ordinance on property laws
The laws included in the set of laws declared to be unconstitutional by the Constitutional Court were included in the emergency ordinance adopted by the Executive on Thursday. The laws had been part in the legislation set on Justice reform and property. The Constitutional Court reached decision that some articles on the judiciary system were unconstitutional. "The reform in the field of property, one of the main promises made by the Cabinet, was adopted...   (2 afisari)
Government promise things will work perfectly in Romania
In the coming period state executive structure will work at full capacity and will not be affected by the early elections to come. This is what Executive spokesman outlined in press release issued yesterday. The document explains: "After resignation and till the new Cabinet has been reached, the government will legally use attributions to handle state activities and to see to the normal progress of the public sector, although it will...   (1 afisare)
European Liberals appreciate "brave" decision
PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu's resignation and the intention of PNL (the National Liberal Party)-PD (the Democrat Party) Alliance to call for early elections are the only achievable solutions that can carry out reforms needed for Romania's accession to the European Union at the date set. This is what Graham Wilson, Liberals' leader in the European Parliament, has recently stated. The European official has mentioned: "In their six-month mandate...   (1 afisare)
CSM checks unveiled procedure flaws in Patriciu case
CSM (the Superior Council of Magistrates) inspectors concluded that prosecutors Georgiana Hosu and Adriana Cristescu from the High Court of Justice broke the rights of Dinu Patriciu during inquiry on the Rompetrol case. After the scandal that burst out during investigations in the Rompetrol case, CSM became aware of it and asked for checks. As known, the businessman was retained 24 hours on grounds of ordinance issued by prosecutors two...   (1 afisare)
Scenarios on early elections
In today's newspaper you can read four different scenarios that can cause the Parliament to dissolve and lead to early elections. Here they are in brief: "repeated resignation", "abandoning before starting", "leave them with no quorum" and " fake PM". They all have both advantages and disadvantages. Some of them are fast, but some can't stick to the term the Alliance has announced: October. Cristian Preda has talked about the simplest method: PM comes...   (1 afisare)
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 Top afisari / comentarii 
 Liberalii Fenechiu si Vlasov - ventuze de fonduri europene (78 afisari)
 Reforma proprietatii demareaza cu frana trasa (74 afisari)
 Cele mai mari diamante la Muzeul Luvru (54 afisari)
 Coruptii lor si neputinta noastra (26 afisari)
 Basescu, ocupantii Romaniei si urmasii lor (25 afisari)
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