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  Nr. 3342 de marti, 7 iunie 2005 
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Current scenarios
Disgust makes the party
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
Mr. Iliescu is disgusted at many of his political comrades whom he believes to be traitors. He thinks so because they didn't elect him president, as he would have liked. He states in the open suspicion on some "petty moves" done before the PSD (the Social Democrat Party) Congress so that Mircea Geona got to be number 1,...   (2 afisari)
The "new" Iraq insurgency
Sun Tzu, the great Chinese philosopher of war, once wrote, "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles." The absence of such knowledge invites trouble, often disaster. This certainly applies to the ongoing conflict in Iraq, where understanding the insurgents is both crucial and difficult.
To some degree, the Iraq insurgency reflects its historic predecessors. The conflict is "armed theater," in which...   (2 afisari)
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Two journalists from National daily in Iraqi taxis
"Right now there are two Romanian journalists from National daily who have decided to go to Iraq, although the Embassy has told them not to." This is what Basescu said. "Today the cars of the Romanian Embassy in Baghdad have been attacked. The two journalists working for National daily have left by taxi. I hope this is not true, for they are to pass by areas where even troops find it difficult to pass. But my consciousness is relieved. I...   (2 afisari)
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Two Romanian soldiers injured in Baghdad
Two Romanian soldiers in the escort of an official delegation from the Romanian Embassy in Baghdad were injured in gun raid yesterday. Secret service sources say the two are from the anti tero group of SIE (the Foreign Intelligence Service). Romanian President Traian Basescu stated last evening that the two soldiers were injured in their feet, but none of them was in danger. One of them was taken to a hospital in Baghdad and he is to get to the Romanian...   (2 afisari)
Romania and Bulgaria together in 2007
Romanian and Bulgarian diplomats stated at the end of a meeting in Ruse that their countries were fully convinced that they could become members of the European Union in 2007, all rights and obligations included.
The Romanian and Bulgarian Ministers of Foreign Affairs signed common declaration reaffirming determination to meet requirements with view to the EU accession set for January 1 2007 by means of internal preparation and collaboration. Romanian...   (1 afisare)
Ungureanu explains Romania's EU accession in Hague
Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Mihai Razvan Ungureanu is paying official visit to the Netherlands today at the invitation of Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs Bernard Bot. The visit marks 125 years of Romanian-Dutch diplomat relations and is meant to continue the very intense and pragmatic political dialogue developed in the latest years. Such dialogue aims at discovering new means of cooperation and common interest assistance.
Minister...   (3 afisari)
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