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  Nr. 3271 de marti, 15 martie 2005 
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Current scenarios
A state with lots of duties
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
Hundreds of Romanian citizens are going through nightmare: Spanish and Romanian authorities are behaving as if the Romanians were some dirt. This makes us take up state's duties as far as citizens are concerned. There have been two days of mumbling explanations, of intoxicating the media with contradictory information...   (1 afisare)
Only 9 of the initial 240 Romanians had documents required for Spain
Some of the Romanian citizens whose access was denied at the border by the Spanish had no invitations, money or hotel reservations. Minister Blaga dismissed the Customs Police Chief at the Arad border for having misinformed public opinion on the documents of the Romanians citizens transported by the 6 buses. MAI (the Ministry of Internal Affairs) leaders suspect that this is a pact between the transport company and the...   (1 afisare)
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Time-out with IMF
-- @ Negotiations between the Executive and IMF (the International Monetary Fund) have reached break meant for reevaluation that can take up to 3 months @ Romanian officials hope to persuade IMF that Romania can manage with a higher budget deficit @ Finance Minister says the single tax rate has not led to budget loss @ Vice PM Videanu claims the "break" with IMF doesn't influence the signing of the accession treaty with the EU
Yesterday vice PM Videanu stated: "Negotiations...   (1 afisare)
Basescu is to visit Berlin and Rome
President Traian Basescu continues his visits abroad. Adriana Saftoiu, Presidency spokeswoman, has informed that the Romanian president if going to pay official visit to Berlin in March 20-21. He is to have meetings with the German president, federal chancellor Gerhard Schroderand Elmar Brook, president of the Foreign Affairs Commission in the Parliament of Europe. He is to deliver a speech to the "Friedrich Ebert" Foundation, and meet with German...   (1 afisare)
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 "Toti de la Ram ne tragem!" (236 afisari)
 Imperiul de carton al "Clanului Nicoara" (64 afisari)
 S-a relansat Cenaclul Uniunii Scriitorilor (40 afisari)
 Stiri pe scurt (38 afisari)
 Mostenirea lui Fleming (30 afisari)
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