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  Nr. 3270 de luni, 14 martie 2005 
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Current scenarios
The orator is naked, shrewd and mad
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
Corneliu Vadim Tudor made a wise political move on Saturday! He announced PRM ("Great Romania " Party) was going to turn into a popular, conservatory party. Vadim's move looked like withdrawal and he showed he had correctly guessed political void on the right side. Out of domestic and foreign reasons as well,...   (4 afisari)
15 years since the Proclamation of Timisoara
On Saturday president Traian Basescu, His Majesty King Mihai I and PPCD (the Popular Christian-Democrat Party) president Gheorghe Ciuhandu attended ceremonies celebrating 15 years since the Proclamation of Timisoara. The Grand Theater hall from in Timisoara hosted the event. In the balcony of the Opera House in Timisoara in March 11 1990, PNTCD (the National Christian-Democrat Party) George Serban was reading the programmatic manifesto of the...   (3 afisari)
MAE left Romanians on their own
-- MAE (the Foreign Affairs Ministry) did nothing to make local authorities obey the rights of the 234 Romanian citizens who were denied access beyond the Spanish border
Yesterday morning 20f the 6 buses transporting Romanian citizens and prevented to enter Spain by Spanish authorities on Friday returned to Romania. Four of them crossed France once again, escorted by French guardian cars and presently entered Germany. Yesterday morning Romanian passengers from...   (1 afisare)
Vadim's shrewdness
On Saturday Vadim announced change: he would be honorary president of former PRM ("Great Romania" Party)! The latter turned into PPRM (the Popular "Great Romania" Party) overnight. It was only the PRM Congress that could have made such a decision, but not the National Council, as it happened. Corneliu Ciontu is the newly anointed, a façade leader absent from the new conference. Vadim imposed Ciontu first as the only candidate and then the elected. The orator has...   (4 afisari)
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