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  Nr. 3269 de sambata, 12 martie 2005 
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Current scenarios
The day of domestic revenge
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
Those asking president Traian Basescu for explanations on his insistence on imminent early elections could not have chosen a worse time for it. Just like the Roman emperors returning to the empire capital and carrying trophies, followed by soldiers, the plane the head of state is in is landing on Henri Coanda airport....   (1 afisare)
President Bush goes soft
The first term of George W. Bush's presidency was marked by unilateralism and military power. The United States was the world's only superpower, so others had to follow. The result was a dramatic decline in America's "soft" or attractive power. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said he did not know what soft power was. Now it is back in fashion in Washington.
Bush's second inaugural address was devoted to the power of liberty and democracy. Such...   (3 afisari)
Basescu: We have accomplished missions!
Yesterday after he had returned from Washington the Romanian president announced that the US Administration had provided more $ 40 million to funds meant for the Romanian army this year. It had also set more $ 30 million for 2006. Basescu said the $ 40 million would join the other $ 29 million.
Traian Basescu said his visit to Washington had been "very efficient, politically speaking". He opined the Romanian delegation had accomplished missions. He...   (2 afisari)
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The proof
While attending a show on Realitatea TV, Rodica Stanoiu confirmed that the stenograms of PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) meetings were true, such as they were published in a book by ZIUA Publishing House. On Thursday evening the ex Ministress of Justice stated: " When there was the shift with Mr. Talpes, (...) but the secret was well kept.. and then the shift was debated just during the Permanent Delegation meeting that took place one year ago, in March 8". The stenogram of the...   (2 afisari)
Urechean, Russian agent in Basarabia
-- BMD (Democrat Moldavia Front) leader officially admitted he had asked the Russian Federation for Support with view to parliamentary elections in the Republic of Moldavia @ Serafim Urechean regrets Russia is losing influence in the Moldavian region!
In an interview to Russian newspaper Noviie Izvestia BMD leader Serafim Urechean admitted he had asked Russia for support with view to parliamentary elections on March 6, says Mediafax. Serafim Urechean expressed...   (7 afisari)
Basescu asks for ruling with no compromise
While in Washington Basescu warned PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu to make no compromise. The head of state told BBC that he was at very good terms with the prime minister and that Tariceanu's career as Executive chief could continue after eventual early elections. But Basescu outlined: " I am at excellent terms with the prime-minister. When I invoked the name of Stolojan as support for winning eventual early elections, it I did not exclude Calin Popescu...   (1 afisare)
Belkovski: There won't be early elections in Chisinau
Stanislav Belkovski, Head of the National Strategy Institute, stated that there would not be early elections in the Republic of Moldavia. APN says Belkovski said during new conference: " The communist are already negotiating with the opposition on making a coalition for ruling and the reelection of president Voronin and the making of a government to obey him are problems that will be solved. This is why the scenario on one more election...   (3 afisari)
Agreement with IMF isn't indispensable
Bogdana PAUN reports from Madrid
While in Madrid, Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu stated that the agreement with IMF (the International Monetary Fund) was useful, but not indispensable. Tariceanu commented: " The Executive considers this agreement to be useful to the international image of Romanian economy and to attracting foreign investors. But to Romania the agreement is neither indispensable nor absolute necessity, since such agreements are...   (1 afisare)
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 Cine este George Soros? (472 afisari)
 Incepe Postul Pastelui (240 afisari)
 Razboiul chestorilor (111 afisari)
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