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  Nr. 3267 de joi, 10 martie 2005 
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Current scenarios
Tariceanu first and Stolojan afterwards?
Motto: "Before becoming history and even before taking place, a lot of major events are prepared in laboratories"
Press has come up with puzzling hypothesis and acts like some wall where presidential signs get to resound. Recovering from his health condition, Theodor Stolojan could be projected PM and replace Calin Popescu Tariceanu. This would make the idea of "two time" engine I was talking about just after elections...   (1 afisare)
Special ally
In extraordinary news conference in the Oval Office, George Bush assured Traian Basescu that Romania had got special position within the US security strategy @ US president admitted the Black Sea was key area to the EU and Washington @ Bush appreciated Basescu's clear view on the Basarabia problem and talked to the Romanian president about how to enlarge democracy "further to this area" @ The US leader was happy to recollect "the most wonderful moment" in his career as president:...   (1 afisare)
US strategy on the Black Sea region
Bruce Jackson reminded about the area's history. The Russian, Ottoman and Persian Empires effected this area along time. Jackson states there are six major factors dominating it at present.
1.The Black Sea region has for centuries been the entry point to the broader Middle East.
2. The Black Sea region was the beginning of the Silk Road of trade with Asia. While silk and spices have lost much of their allure, the energy reserves of Central Asia are becoming...   (2 afisari)
Victor RONCEA reports from Washington: The president is positive about early elections
As he is a different kind of president, Traian Basescu didn't avoid talking to journalists while on the presidential plane. They took up Romania's main problems. Early elections as means of cleaning Romanian politics was one of them. Traian Basescu said he was positive that early elections would take place soon.
The reporter from ZIUA invoked several blunders of the new rulers - PM Tariceanu invited the...   (2 afisari)
Liberals are angry with the president
The PNL (the National Liberal Party) Executive committee had a meeting on Tuesday evening. Several leading members expressed dissatisfaction with president Basescu's latest statements on early elections to be held this year, says Mediafax. Party sources claim the first to take it up was Ludovic Orban, President of PNL Bucharest. He said Traian Basescu's insistence on early elections started bothering liberal groups. During the meeting Orban warned Tariceanu:...   (1 afisare)
Coalition asks Basescu for explanations
President Traian Basescu's insistence on early elections has made Coalition partners anxious. They have asked the head of state to attend meeting and make the issue clear. The leaders of PNL (the National Liberal Party), PD (the Democrat Party), UDMR (the Democrat Union of Hungarians in Romania) and PUR (the Romanian Humanist Party) had a meeting in the Parliament Palace yesterday early in the morning UDMR suggested they should call president Basescu...   (1 afisare)
Special commission is to investigate the activity of SRTV and SRR
Yesterday the Parliament agreed to draw parliamentary commission to evaluate the activity of SRTV (the Romanian Public Television Network) and SRR (the Romanian Public Radio Network). 184 MPs voted for it, whereas 42 were against the idea. The Commission's leading board is made up of 15 members: Raluca Turcan from PNL (the National Liberal Party) is president, Eugen Nicolicea from PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) and Lia Olguta...   (2 afisari)
Executive will take responsibility for laws on property
On Tuesday evening after the meeting of PNL (the National Liberal Party) leaders, PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu told journalists that in two months' time the Executive would take responsibility for a set of laws on agriculture land property and real estate. Mediafax informs the Romanian PM mentioned that the laws were meant to complete present normative documents on real estate and agriculture land property. Tariceanu stated: "The present...   (1 afisare)
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