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iobagul roman
2009-07-09 01:00:12

au pierdut zionistii un punct,trebuie sa mai amine macelarirea altor zeci de milioane

de suflete umane si in Iran
Nici nu au terminat cu odioasele crime premeditate in yugo,afgan,irak,liban,ossetia.pakistan,gaza,etc,etc si acum vor o noua prada==ajunge baietzi! la cite tone de singe atzi supt--ajunge

Israel Kept Palestinian Detainees in Ditches Without Food and Water
As the United Nations wrapped up the testimony gathering portion of its investigation into the Israeli war against the Gaza Strip, an Israeli human rights group today described the "disgraceful" treatment of some of the detainees held during the war.

The group reported that the Israeli military kept the detainees in ditches, handcuffed and blindfolded, with no access to food, water or restroom facilities. The detainees were subjected to violent interrogations by Shin Bet, and their families were threatened.


US Drone Strikes Kill at Least 45 in South Waziristan
Yesterday, the drones had attacked another compound, killing at least 16 and wounding around 30 others. On Friday, another strike killed 17. So far there are no reports that any high profile militants have been killed in any of the strikes.

Webmaster's Commentary:
I don't see a difference morally between a drone missile strike and a terrorist bombing, do you?


Obama Slouching Towards an Iran War?
Unfortunately, Obama’s "sovereignty" argument is not good enough. Unless the White House declares loudly and clearly not only that it opposes any attack on Iran by Israel, but also that it will do whatever is in its power to prevent such an attack, the Obama Administration will be read as having made a plausibly-deniable but nonetheless real threat that Iran faces military action.


America Closing Her Door To Freedom
At 47, I lament how today's America is far less free than the country of my youth. Replacing it is not a 1984ish totalitarian dictatorship, but what Alexis de Tocqueville called the "soft tyranny" of what Mark Levin sees as a 21st century "nanny state." We so feared a Stalin or Hitler that we ignored endless assaults on our liberty by idealistic home-grown statists and the seductive narcotic of ever more government goodies buying our acquiescence. What makes Americans' surrender to statism so shameful is that we freely chose this course in direct contravention of our founding principles.

2009-07-09 14:49:59

Frattini noul Chamberlain + Lord Halifax.

Ca sa-si poata continua afacerile dubioase cu Iranul iese Frattinii cu niste lozinci rasuflate de vorbe goale. Dupa noi potopul zice excelenta sa din tara de bastina a mafiei. Principalul sa curga in continuare dolarii. Despre care drepturi ale omului se balbaie D-ia sa? Rad toti muezinii din Persia in barba.

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