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Giuseppe Cocos din Wanderland (...@yahoo.com, IP: 146.95.132...)
2009-09-17 15:59
Arheologii israelieni anunta o noua mare descoperire in Marea Moarta!

NEWS FLASH-Israeli archaeologists announced new Dead Sea Scroll Finds today. A titanium chest was found in the earth nearby where several scrolls dating back to approximately 65A.D. were discovered about 50 years ago. In the chest were twenty 8X11 sheets of titanium with a small Star of David imprinted on each sheet. The translation from ancient Hebrew was,"I God, give to My Chosen People through my certified agent Moses whatever IS WANTED or DEMANDED by any ritually married Jewish woman. To achieve maximum and guaranteed satisfaction the following procedure should be adhered to: The properly ritually married Jewish Woman should look Heavenward in a loud and commanding voice say,"Ovay,ovay I say ovay I VANT to have or Give to Me now or You must get Me ---Whatever is needed. God promises that He and he associated husband will by," Hook or by Crook,"deliver satisfactorily on each and every demand. Experts say the find looks like the," The Real McCoy",(KOSHER).

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