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2009-05-15 12:53:26

o natie...lipsita de umanism

pt a te erija in jandarmul lumii, trebuie sa ai capacitatea de a coordona comportamentul armatei...imi aduc aminte ca bunicii mei imi povesteau despre ocupatia nazista in romania,ce comportament uman si cata buna crestere aveau nemtii,iar mai apoi imi povesteau de ocupatia ruseasca,ii urasc pe rusi din povestea lor.....asta este si america o cloaca de psihopati care se reuneste in armata regulata,e foarte adevarat ca nu poti castiga lupte doar cu gentelmeni,ce nu inteleg este altceva...chiar omul nu a evoluat deloc de la inchizitie incoace,chiar asa de animal ,de inuman te poti comporta cu un semen al tau aflat in imposibilitate de aparare....e valabil animalismul si la o natie care se considera stindardul lumii,atunci ce pretentie sa am de la rusi,arabi si alte nationalitati?

2009-05-15 12:55:14


Amintirea ororilor practicate de comunistii evrei si otrepele aservite lor impotriva Romanilor, nu neaga in nici un fel abominatiile perpetuate de guvernul SUA in zilele noastre, asupra propriilor cetateni, cat si-a altora.

Culmea e ca urmasii acelorasi gunoaie au afacut tortura o realitate americana, toti neoconservatori, pana la unul.
Ma mir nespus de cei care condamnandu-i pe cei dintai, ii sustin acum pe copiii si nepotii lor.


2009-05-15 13:45:37


2009-05-15 13:56:31


"Schimbarea de atitudine a Casei Albe este pusa pe seama interventiei oficialilor militari, care au avertizat ca publicarea ar putea provoca un curent de opinie ostil armatei americane."
Dar cand torturau nu se gandeau la curentul de opinie ostil armatei americane?
Credeau ca nu se va afla?

2009-05-15 15:39:50

Re: diferenta! -- Diferenta intre americani si cine ? N-a mai facut nimeni asa ceva

2009-05-15 16:28:57

Re: o LUME INTREAGA ... lipsita de umanism

La 2009-05-15 12:53:26, dac a scris:

> pt a te erija in jandarmul lumii, trebuie sa ai capacitatea de a
> coordona comportamentul armatei...imi aduc aminte ca bunicii mei imi
> povesteau despre ocupatia nazista in romania,ce comportament uman si
> cata buna crestere aveau nemtii,iar mai apoi imi povesteau de
> ocupatia ruseasca,ii urasc pe rusi din povestea lor.....asta este si
> america o cloaca de psihopati care se reuneste in armata regulata,e
> foarte adevarat ca nu poti castiga lupte doar cu gentelmeni,ce nu
> inteleg este altceva...chiar omul nu a evoluat deloc de la inchizitie
> incoace,chiar asa de animal ,de inuman te poti comporta cu un semen al
> tau aflat in imposibilitate de aparare....e valabil animalismul si la
> o natie care se considera stindardul lumii,atunci ce pretentie sa am
> de la rusi,arabi si alte nationalitati?
Vad ca ti-ai raspuns singur ... Tragedia este ca evolutia omului nu a urmat evolutia tehnica ! Ciomagarul este tot un ciomagar orice conditii ar avea ... Magarul trage tot la staulul lui mizerabil ! Asta este ...

2009-05-15 18:22:51


2009-05-15 21:17:27

Pe marginea deciziei lui Obama


White House Watch
by Dan Froomkin

Deconstructing Obama's Excuses

In trying to explain his startling decision to oppose the public release of more photos depicting detainee abuse, President Obama and his aides yesterday put forth six excuses for his about-face, one more flawed than the next.


Torture Pictures: When a Flip-Flop Isn’t a Flip-Flop
by Michael Wolff
Sure as shootin', the torture pictures will be released. The courts will authorize them or some exceptional leaker will free them. In the digital age, if you know a picture exists and it’s in hot demand—whether it’s a nude Miss California or a gruesome bit of aggressive interrogation—there’s little or no chance it won’t be found.


Q On the 24th you stated the opposite, that he had come to the conclusion that this would not cause harm to the troops.

MR. GIBBS: I will go back and -- I looked at part of that a few days ago. I have not seen the full -- but I'll be happy to take a look at it.

Q The question is, are you concerned that it would cause a backlash against our troops in harm's way? You said that the President has done a lot of back-and-forth in his mind over the course of several weeks about ensuring that this protected those who keep us safe, that it protected our national security. The President came to a determination that the decision that he made was consistent with all those criteria.

MR. GIBBS: Well, the President reflected on this case and believes that they have the potential to pose harm to our troops.

Q Was he pressured by the military?

MR. GIBBS: No. In fact, this was brought up -- his decision was brought up with General Odierno yesterday at the end of their meeting, the meeting that General Odierno and Ambassador Hill had with the President. The President brought this up at the end of the meeting to inform General Odierno of his decision.

Obviously, there has been concern. There was certainly concern throughout the process by folks that -- the harm that could be caused by the release.

Q Did they make it known to him?

MR. GIBBS: I think they have. But I would also say the President believes a couple of other things. Understand that the existence of these investigations are -- and I don't know the exact address, but they're on the DOD website. The President believes that the release of these photos will also provide a disincentive for detainee abuse investigation.

The photos don't denote the existence of the investigations -- they're simply part of the potential evidence in the cases that have been finished since 2004. But if in each of these instances somebody looking into detainee abuse takes evidentiary photos in a case that's eventually concluded, this could provide a tremendous disincentive to take those photos and investigate that abuse. I would also add, lastly --

Q Wait, try that once again. I don't follow you. Where's the disincentive?

MR. GIBBS: The disincentive is in the notion that every time one of these photos is taken, that it's going to be released. Nothing is added by the release of the photo, right? The existence of the investigation is not increased because of the release of the photo; it's just to provide, in some ways, a sensationalistic portion of that investigation.

These are all investigations that were undertaken by the Pentagon and have been concluded. I think if every time somebody took a picture of detainee abuse, if every time that -- if any time any of those pictures were mandatorily going to be necessarily released, despite the fact that they were being investigated, I think that would provide a disincentive to take those pictures and investigate.

2009-05-15 22:28:22

Re: Sigur,sigur!

2009-05-15 23:16:05

Re: Sigur,sigur!

2009-05-16 04:21:24

Poze din 2004!?

Deci Congresul american STIA…si a facut...nimic.
Intregul US Government, cu numa’ cateva exceptii, este vinovat de crime de razboi.
Cat de grav trebuie sa devina situatia pana cand oamenii sa realizeze ca ceva nu e in regula?

iobagul roman
2009-05-16 04:31:33

cel mai dur se pare ca a fost alinierea "teroristilor" in pozitzia capra,iar homosexuali amerloci

au trecut la actziune,pe dinapoi(nu pot fi condamnatzi,pozitzia permitea musulmanilor sa fuga,chiar daca au avut glugi pe cap) de atunci,sunt multzi eroi in jurul lumii care vor si ei o slujba in nato,doar asa se simt barbatzi aptzi(ca votka,mache,nellu,etc)
A fost trecut in paginile nato ca o mare sarbatoare barbateasca,ca o victorie a occidentului curat impotriva tzapilor musulmani

2009-05-16 09:57:26


o organizatie israeliana ce lupta pentru drepturile omului (uite ca sunt si oameni printre evrei)sunt pe cale sa duca la un scandal monstru in Israel.Organizatia a intrat in posesia dovezilor ca asupra celor peste 200 de copii palestinieni din inchisorile israeliene se fac experientelor medicale militare.Israelul incearca sa gaseasca o metoda prin care cu ocazia banalei retineri de cite ore a unui suspect de terorism sa i se poata radia efectiv creierul
incit dupa plecare el sa incepa sa se transforme treptat intr-o "leguma"incapabil de a mai face altceva decit strictele necesitati fiziologice.
Se mizeaza ca prin reducerea la minin a puterii lui de concentrare,viitorul potential terorist sa nu isi mai poata pune planul in aplicare.Experientele pe detinutii-copii palestinieni au dat rezultate,15 dintre ei sunt acum nebuni veritabili.Autoritatile represive israeliene au intrat in alerta maxima ,deoarece un scandal de acest gen va face si mai odios regimul israelian,fiind inevitabila o legatura cu experientele pe copii a nazistilor,la Auschvitz.Deoarece in urmatoarele 10 zile organizatia va face public,la Paris dezvaluirea,Israelul are in vedere eliberarea tuturor copiilor palestinieni din inchisori,cei pe care s-a facut experimentul fiind facuti disparuti ..dupa eliberare.

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