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2008-11-19 22:59:58

Re: Nu mi-a fost niciodata drag dl presedinte Basescu


Lasa-te de goange, am scris si eu cand s-a publicat stirea si e scris si in articol:

Nimanui in Israel nu-i pasa de Basescu, majoritatea nici nu stie cine este, nici o media nu a comentat declaratzia lui (in afara de Haaretz cu articolul tampit al lui Rosenbergul ala, care se pare ca e legat de manevre politice romanesti) si nu mai amesteca Israelul in treaba asta.

Profitzi de orice, numai sa adaugi un pic de fiere si ura contra evreilor si Israelului si sa-i provoci pe romani contra noastra.

La 2008-11-19 22:37:26, Evreu-rus a scris:

> La 2008-11-19 22:05:48, contraevreu-rus a scris:
> > Iar bagi anti israelismul in fiecare postare ce legatura are asta cu
> > articolul ,este sau nu este nu prea e treaba ta ,dupa cum spui
> > traiesti la ST PETERSBURG si nici evreu nu iesti deci mocles ,poti
> > sa-ti asterni otrava cand e vorba de evreisi Israel in rest ,incearca
> > sa cenzurezi si atacurile antisemite cand ai timp ca pe cele contra
> > antisemitilor le stergi imediat AHMED.
> Are legatura cu articolul de fata. Caci Basescu a omis in mod
> "rusinos" sa precizeze ca Israelul ar fi vecinul Siriei, si a
> recunoscut existenta Palestinei (pacat capital) drept stat suveran,
> independent, unitar si indivizibil. "Antisemitismul" presedintelui
> roman privitor la statul evreu este specificat in articol,
> constituind de fapt punctul de plecarea in redactarea acestuia.

2008-11-19 23:01:32

Re: A inviat...

S-a dat cu DDT si au murit trei purici.

La 2008-11-19 21:42:05, evreu mandru din israel a scris:

> kkt de musca...
> La 2008-11-19 21:36:38, .Sobru. a scris:
> > N-ar fi mai bine sa te cari din tara asta, sa te duci la neamurile
> > tale? Nu ai imputit tu si altii ca tine, destul forumul si lumea
> > asta?
> >

2008-11-19 23:03:40

Re: penibil

Mos Grigore
2008-11-19 23:08:20

Israel 'occupies' no Arab territories

Nov. 18, 2008

In urgent matters of national survival and geopolitics, words matter. The still generally unchallenged language referring provocatively to an Israeli "Occupation" always overlooks the pertinent and incontestable history of the West Bank (Judea/Samaria) and Gaza. Perhaps the most evident omission concerns the unwitting manner in which these "Territories" fell into Israel's hands in the first place. It is simply and widely disregarded that "occupation" followed the multi-state Arab aggression of 1967 - one never disguised by Egypt, Syria or Jordan.

A sovereign state of Palestine did not exist before 1967 or 1948. Nor was a state of Palestine ever promised by UN Security Council Resolution 242. Contrary to popular understanding, a state of Palestine has never existed. Never. Even as a nonstate legal entity, "Palestine" ceased to exist in 1948, when Great Britain relinquished its League of Nations mandate.

During the 1948-49 Israeli War of Independence (a war of survival fought because the entire Arab world had rejected the authoritative United Nations resolution creating a Jewish state), the West Bank and Gaza came under the illegal control of Jordan and Egypt respectively. These Arab conquests did not put an end to an already-existing state or to an ongoing trust territory.

What these aggressions did accomplish was the effective prevention, sui generis, of a state of Palestine. The original hopes for Palestine were dashed, therefore, not by the new Jewish state or by its supporters, but by the Arab states, especially Jordan and Egypt. LET US return to an earlier history. From the Biblical Period (ca. 1350 BCE to 586 BCE) to the British Mandate (1918 - 1948), the land named by the Romans after the ancient Philistines was controlled only by non-Palestinian elements. Significantly, however, a continuous chain of Jewish possession of the land was legally recognized after World War I, at the San Remo Peace Conference of April 1920.

There, a binding treaty was signed in which Great Britain was given mandatory authority over "Palestine" (the area had been ruled by the Ottoman Turks since 1516) to prepare it to become the "national home for the Jewish People." Palestine, according to the Treaty, comprised territories encompassing what are now the states of Jordan and Israel, including the West Bank and Gaza. Present-day Israel comprises only 22 percent of Palestine as defined and ratified at the San Remo Peace Conference. In 1922, Great Britain unilaterally and without any lawful authority split off 78 percent of the lands promised to the Jews - all of Palestine east of the Jordan River - and gave it to Abdullah, the non-Palestinian son of the Sharif of Mecca.

Eastern Palestine now took the name Transjordan, which it retained until April 1949, when it was renamed as Jordan. From the moment of its creation, Transjordan was closed to all Jewish migration and settlement, a clear betrayal of the British promise in the Balfour Declaration of 1917, and a patent contravention of its Mandatory obligations under international law. On July 20, 1951, a Palestinian Arab assassinated King Abdullah for the latter's hostility to Palestinian aspirations and concerns.

Regarding these aspirations, Jordan's "moderate" King Hussein - 19 years later, during September 1970 - brutally murdered thousands of defenseless Palestinians under his jurisdiction. IN 1947, several years prior to Abdullah's killing, the newly-formed United Nations, rather than designate the entire land west of the Jordan River as the long-promised Jewish national homeland, enacted a second partition. Curiously, considering that this second fission again gave complete advantage to Arab interests, Jewish leaders accepted the painful judgment.

The Arab states did not. On May 15, 1948, exactly 24 hours after the State of Israel came into existence, Azzam Pasha, Secretary General of the Arab League, declared to a tiny new country founded upon the ashes of the Holocaust: "This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre." This unambiguous declaration has been at the very heart of all subsequent Arab orientations toward Israel, including those of "moderate" Fatah. Even by the strict legal standards of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide,

Arab actions and attitudes toward the microscopic Jewish state in their midst has remained patently genocidal. For some reason, this persistence has repeatedly been made to appear benign. IN 1967, almost 20 years after Israel's entry into the community of nations, the Jewish state, as a result of its unexpected military victory over Arab aggressor states, gained unintended control over the West Bank and Gaza. Although the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war is codified in the UN Charter, there existed no authoritative sovereign to whom the Territories could be "returned." Israel could hardly have been expected to transfer them back to Jordan and Egypt, which had exercised unauthorized and terribly cruel control since the Arab-initiated war of "extermination" in 1948-49. Moreover, the idea of Palestinian "self-determination" had only just begun to emerge after the Six Day War, and - significantly - had not even been included in UN Security Council Resolution 242, which was adopted on November 22, 1967.

For their part, the Arab states convened a summit in Khartoum in August 1967, concluding: "No peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with it...." The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was formed three years earlier, in 1964, before there were any "Israeli Occupied Territories." Exactly what was it, therefore, that the PLO sought to "liberate" between 1964 and 1967? This question should now be raised in connection with the US-sponsored "Road Map To Peace in the Middle East," a twisted cartography leading to "Palestine." THIS HAS been a very brief account of essential historic reasons why the so-called "Palestinian Territories" are not occupied by Israel. Several other equally valid reasons stem from Israel's inherent legal right to security and self-defense. International law is not a suicide pact.

Because a Palestinian state would severely threaten the very existence of Israel - a fact that remains altogether unhidden in Arab media and governments - the Jewish State is under no binding obligation to end a falsely alleged "Occupation." No state can ever be required to accept complicity in its own dismemberment and annihilation. Both Israel and the United States will soon have new leadership. Neither Jerusalem nor Washington should be deceived by the so-called "Road Map To Peace in the Middle East," a twisted bit of highway that makes entirely inaccurate claims about "Palestinian Territories" and "Israeli Occupation."

For substantially documented reasons of history and national security, it is imperative that a twenty-third Arab state never be carved out of the still-living body of Israel.If anyone should still have doubts about Palestinian intentions, they need look only to former Prime Minister Sharon's "disengagement" from Gaza, an area that is now used by Hamas to stage rocket attacks upon Israeli noncombatants, and by al-Qaeda to mount future terrorist operations against American cities.

The writer, a professor of International Law at Purdue University, is the author of many books and articles dealing with military affairs and international law.

2008-11-19 23:12:22

Re: Nu mi-a fost niciodata drag dl presedinte Basescu

La 2008-11-19 22:46:15, contraevreu-rus a scris:

> Nu ai raspuns si la restul intrebarilor ,si nici nu am chef sa
> dialoghez cu tine,insa it-i dau un sfat daca sti engleza ,citeste
> articolul de azi in Jerusalem Post care confirma faptul ca Israelul
> nu ocupa nici un teritoriu Palestinian ,stiu ca ai contra argumente
> propagandiste dar cel putin poate te ma-i lamureste alt cineva decat
> Al Jazira.Daca nu-l gasesti da-mi o adresa de e mail si ti-l
> trimet,chiar daca nu este a ta ,stiu ca te feresti sa stie lumea
> ,poate fi una straina .

Nu ocupa nici un teritoriu palestinian? Nu zau? Esti sigur ca ai citit bine? Ori ca poti minti atat de convingator, incat nimeni sa nu fie capabil sa-ti puna la indoiala cuvantul?
500.000 de colonisti evrei traiesc in Cisiordania, pamant ocupat de Israel in urma razboiului din 1967. Constructia de colonii evreiesti un Cisiordania a fost declarata ca fiind ilegala de catre justitia internationala, dar Israelul recurge la metoda celor 3 maimute ptr a nu se indatora sa respecte decizia de stopare a procesului de colonizare si evacuarea colonistilor deja prezenti in regiune.
400.000 colonisti evrei traiesc in Ierusalimul de Est, capitala legitima a statului palestinian.

carol zwilling1
2008-11-19 23:22:14

Re: Nu mi-a fost niciodata drag dl presedinte Basescu/Rusky Jews

La 2008-11-19 23:12:22, Evreu-rus a scris:

> La 2008-11-19 22:46:15, contraevreu-rus a scris:
> > Nu ai raspuns si la restul intrebarilor ,si nici nu am chef sa
> > dialoghez cu tine,insa it-i dau un sfat daca sti engleza ,citeste
> > articolul de azi in Jerusalem Post care confirma faptul ca Israelul
> > nu ocupa nici un teritoriu Palestinian ,stiu ca ai contra argumente
> > propagandiste dar cel putin poate te ma-i lamureste alt cineva decat
> > Al Jazira.Daca nu-l gasesti da-mi o adresa de e mail si ti-l
> > trimet,chiar daca nu este a ta ,stiu ca te feresti sa stie lumea
> > ,poate fi una straina .
> Nu ocupa nici un teritoriu palestinian? Nu zau? Esti sigur ca ai citit
> bine? Ori ca poti minti atat de convingator, incat nimeni sa nu fie
> capabil sa-ti puna la indoiala cuvantul?
> 500.000 de colonisti evrei traiesc in Cisiordania, pamant ocupat de
> Israel in urma razboiului din 1967. Constructia de colonii evreiesti
> un Cisiordania a fost declarata ca fiind ilegala de catre justitia
> internationala, dar Israelul recurge la metoda celor 3 maimute ptr a
> nu se indatora sa respecte decizia de stopare a procesului de
> colonizare si evacuarea colonistilor deja prezenti in regiune.
> 400.000 colonisti evrei traiesc in Ierusalimul de Est, capitala
> legitima a statului palestinian.
> http://www.jerusalemites.org/jerusalem/islam/42.htm

Fugi domnule cu povestile dumitale repetate ca pe un portativ muzical.
Inca nu ai receptionat ca tot ce postezi e pur provocativ si pro Islamist,facand pe cel ce va citeste sa te sa concluzioneze ridicolul si telul dumitale?????

2008-11-19 23:45:12

Basescu nu stiu daca este antisemit dar stiu ca in Romania domina gradul de nationalism

deosebit de inalt.
Ca se manifesta prin antisemitism sau prin antirromism sau antiungurism sau
antirusism, antigrecism sau antietc este absolut tot una- dar exista.
Ma indoiesc ca un sef de stat constient si-ar manifesta antisemitismul pentruca consecintele sunt imediate daca nu chiar fulgeratoare, insa cateodata se intampla lucruri despre care este mai bine sa nu se vorbeasca.
Antisemitism ? stiu eu daca nu este prostia omeneasca !? nu stiu !

2008-11-19 23:49:33

Este desgustator...

... modul de adresare pe acest forum, anumite element, cu preponderenta evrei, nu sint in stare sa argumenteze (se repeta din lipsa de idei) si se dedau la folosirea unui limbaj de sant... Probabil ca acestia sint "cei necrescuti"... sau ma rog obisnuiti cu mormane de nisip... Ce-i drept "opozantii" sint si ei prezenti cu lexicul de poteca... ce sa-i faci? (exceptiile intaresc regula! Nu?)

Ma intreb oare, citi evrei sint in acuzata clica atacatoare basesciana?

Un lucru va pot spune... nu doriti (voi ce romani) sa patiti ca Ungaria, unde 90% este condusa (citeste "owned") de evrei... care fac ceea ce le incinta muschiul lombar!

Na si acum so pe mine!

carol zwilling1
2008-11-19 23:50:59

Re: Basescu nu stiu daca este antisemit dar stiu ca in Romania domina gradul de nationalism

La 2008-11-19 23:45:12, ionion a scris:

> deosebit de inalt.
> Ca se manifesta prin antisemitism sau prin antirromism sau
> antiungurism sau
> antirusism, antigrecism sau antietc este absolut tot una- dar exista.
> Ma indoiesc ca un sef de stat constient si-ar manifesta antisemitismul
> pentruca consecintele sunt imediate daca nu chiar fulgeratoare, insa
> cateodata se intampla lucruri despre care este mai bine sa nu se
> vorbeasca.
> Antisemitism ? stiu eu daca nu este prostia omeneasca !? nu stiu !

Ai gandit bine!

2008-11-20 00:10:23

Re: sobru

He, he, buuna!

La 2008-11-19 21:47:03, .Sobru. a scris:

> Si schimba-ti nickul, "niciodata" nu se potriveste. Pune "curand".

2008-11-20 00:25:05

or fi sarit sa mushte (evRuSS, Greywolf, Sobru), dar si-au spart dantura, ca vad ca le-a pierit grai

ca vad ca le-a pierit graiul ...

un bun rezumat istoric ... si oportun,
fiindca se pare ca unii uita ca Israelul este un stat oficial, format legal, suveran si irevocabil, ...

ca orisice stat pe acest pamint ...

La 2008-11-19 23:08:20, Mos Grigore a scris:

> Nov. 18, 2008
> Louis Rene Beres , THE JERUSALEM POST
> In urgent matters of national survival and geopolitics, words matter.
> The still generally unchallenged language referring provocatively to
> an Israeli "Occupation" always overlooks the pertinent and
> incontestable history of the West Bank (Judea/Samaria) and Gaza.
> Perhaps the most evident omission concerns the unwitting manner in
> which these "Territories" fell into Israel's hands in the first
> place. It is simply and widely disregarded that "occupation" followed
> the multi-state Arab aggression of 1967 - one never disguised by
> Egypt, Syria or Jordan.
> A sovereign state of Palestine did not exist before 1967 or 1948. Nor
> was a state of Palestine ever promised by UN Security Council
> Resolution 242. Contrary to popular understanding, a state of
> Palestine has never existed. Never. Even as a nonstate legal entity,
> "Palestine" ceased to exist in 1948, when Great Britain relinquished
> its League of Nations mandate.
> During the 1948-49 Israeli War of Independence (a war of survival
> fought because the entire Arab world had rejected the authoritative
> United Nations resolution creating a Jewish state), the West Bank and
> Gaza came under the illegal control of Jordan and Egypt respectively.
> These Arab conquests did not put an end to an already-existing state
> or to an ongoing trust territory.
> What these aggressions did accomplish was the effective prevention,
> sui generis, of a state of Palestine. The original hopes for
> Palestine were dashed, therefore, not by the new Jewish state or by
> its supporters, but by the Arab states, especially Jordan and Egypt.
> LET US return to an earlier history. From the Biblical Period (ca.
> 1350 BCE to 586 BCE) to the British Mandate (1918 - 1948), the land
> named by the Romans after the ancient Philistines was controlled only
> by non-Palestinian elements. Significantly, however, a continuous
> chain of Jewish possession of the land was legally recognized after
> World War I, at the San Remo Peace Conference of April 1920.
> ...

2008-11-20 00:26:29

Iarasi evreii ?

Asa e cu evreii: Daca ii ignori, esti acuzat de antisemitism, iar daca ii lingusesti, iti reproseaza mai tarziu ca nu ei aveau nevoie sa-ti acorde titlul de "goy folositor".

Vesnic nemultumiti, vesnic acuzatori, vesnic pretentiosi.

Nu-i de mirare ca o lume intreaga s-a scarbit de ifosele lor. Evreii se afla in pozitia de neinvidiat a unora care pe masura ce isi pierd capitalul de simpatie adunat de pe urma holocaustului, devin tot mai stridenti si antipatici, in incercarile lor de a-si mentine monopolul asupra suferintei.

Un sfat pentru evrei:

O atitudine mai rezervata v-ar prinde foarte bine. Faptul ca mai toate guvernele democratice sunt alcatuite din meduze care tremura numai la acuzatiile voastre, nu inseamna ca lumea si uita. Deocamdata, doar tace si suporta.

In dezbaterile pe marginea problemei evreiesti, se ajunge intotdeauna la rastignirea Mantuitorului, pentru ca aceasta este piatra de poticnire, peste care nu se poate trece, indiferent de banii si influenta evreilor in lume.

Conflictul dintre Crestini si evrei este irenconciliabil din aceasta cauza.
Singurul lucru pe care-l putem nadajdui, este ca va veti da intr-un final seama cat de mult rau va fac agitatorii vostri de profesie, si ca ne veti lasa sa ne inchinam in pace Dumnezeului nostru si sa ne sarbatorim eroii, fara neincetatele si iritantele vostre pretentii de a schimba cartile sfinte si istoria neamului.

E timpul sa spunem lucrurilor pe nume:

Cu cat plangeti mai tare, cu atat veti starni mai multe resentimente.
Lasati-o mai usor, caci noi ne-am saturat de acuzele si vitriolul vostru, noi cei care vrem sa ne inchinam in liniste si pace si sa ne eliberam eroii de sub tablele cu care le-ati acoperit fata.

Vreti sa fie bine ? Lasati-ne in pace!

2008-11-20 00:31:16

de ce se accepta titluri de felul "iarasi evreii"? de ce nu am scrie "iarasi nationalismul romanesc"

ce "iarasi evreii" - ? ce v-au facut evreii ? v-au scos din mlastina otomana - asta v-au facut evreii si nu trebuiau sa o faca- dar pt viitor ar fi bine sa fiti lasati singuri sa va croiti drumul...sau poteca macar.

2008-11-20 00:32:23

Sefii de stat nu au dreptul sa faca "gafe" iar daca comit "gafe" solutia este una singura:


2008-11-20 00:39:27

Israel, Palestine and the Occupied Territories: Land and Settlement Issues

At the heart of the Israel/Palestine conflict lies the question of land and who rules it. The collision of Jewish nationalist colonisation and Palestian nationalism, both laying claim to the same territory, forms the basis of this long conflict, deepened by the tragedies of the Holocaust and of the dispossession and occupation of Palestine. The United Nations partition of the land in 1947, an effort to resolve the two claims simultaneously, did not result in a lasting settlement.

Since the war of 1967, Palestinians have come to accept the reality of Israel within the 1948 boundaries. The land dispute has increasingly focused on Israel's occupation of the remaining territories -- the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. UN Resolutions 242 and 338 stipulate that Israel must withdraw completely from these territories. Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip on 12 September 2005, but continues to build many Jewish settlements in the other territories, actions deemed illegal by virtually all other states. The Oslo Accords (1993) and the Road Map (2003) have failed to reach a land agreement between the parties or to bring Israeli withdrawal.

Since 2002, the Israeli government has been building a "security fence" that winds deep into Palestinian territory, claiming the barrier would keep Palestinian suicide bombers from striking Israeli citizens. But this separation wall is a major de facto annexation of Palestinian territories. By building the wall and increasing settlement expansion, Israel retains control over important Palestinian economic areas, agricultural grounds and natural resources like water. The International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel's West Bank barrier violates international law, but the unequal struggle over the land of Palestine continues.


2008-11-20 00:40:57

Israel Pushes Ahead With Settlement Expansion

Israel has published tenders for the construction of 1,761 illegal housing units for Israeli settlers in occupied east Jerusalem alone, according to the Israeli rights group Peace Now. The expansion plans come despite promises by the Israeli government at last year's peace summit at Annapolis, Maryland (in the U.S.) to freeze all settlement growth. "Once again this government has shown that its words and commitments are meaningless, and they have no intention of keeping to their word," says Peace Now.

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has stressed repeatedly that settlement construction or expansion in the West Bank is contrary to international law and Israel's commitments under the 'road map' peace process. The road map was a series of peace-building measures proposed by U.S. President George W. Bush in 2002 and subsequently developed by the diplomatic Quartet of the European Union, the United Nations, Russia and the United States. Ban Ki-moon further urged Israel to freeze all settlement activity and to dismantle outposts erected since March of 2001.

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, normally a diehard supporter of Israel, also expressed her concern about the settlement building during her last visit to Israel several months ago. "It's important to have an atmosphere of confidence and trust," Rice said following talks she held with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah. "The United States believes that the (settlement) actions and the announcements that are taking place are indeed having a negative effect on the atmosphere for negotiation." The new construction should not be allowed to shape future Israeli-Palestinian borders, which remain under negotiation, Rice said. "The United States will not let these activities have any effect on final status negotiations, including final borders." The Geneva Conventions specifically forbid the transfer of a civilian population into occupied territory. But even as Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was meeting with Abbas in Jerusalem last week in an endeavour to further the peace process, plans for further settlement construction were already under way.

At the beginning of the month, prior to Peace Now's statement, the Israel Lands Authority published tenders for the construction of 130 new housing units in Har Homa, East Jerusalem. The Har Homa neighbourhood and all east Jerusalem settlements were built on land Israel occupied in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. Israel subsequently incorporated the areas into Jerusalem's boundaries in a move not recognised internationally. In addition to the public announcement of the tenders, there are currently 500 houses already under construction in Har Homa, and 240 in the settlement of Maaleh Adumim in East Jerusalem. At the same time as the Har Homa tenders were being published, Israeli officials also called for bids from construction companies to build more than 300 apartments in the West Bank settlement of Beitar Illit near Bethlehem, and about 20 minutes drive from Jerusalem. This came on top of Olmert's approval at the beginning of the year to build 750 new houses in the Givat Zeev settlement northwest of Jerusalem, and 100 in the Ariel settlement in the northern West Bank. There are approximately 430,000 Israeli settlers residing illegally in the West Bank.

According to Israeli advocacy group B'Tselem, Israel has established 135 settlements in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) that have been recognised by the Interior Ministry. Additionally, dozens of outposts of varying size have been established. Sixteen settlements were established in the Gaza Strip and subsequently dismantled in 2005 during the implementation of the 'disengagement plan'. Land expropriation from Palestinian farmers for the building and enlargement of Israeli settlements has caused undue hardship and economic suffering for Palestinians, and some have initiated acts of civil disobedience in a bid to retain the pieces of agricultural land that have not been confiscated. The villagers of Bil'in and Ni'ilin near Ramallah in the central West Bank, together with international activists and Israeli sympathisers, have staged weekly protests that have resulted in a number of deaths, arrests and injuries. The most infamous incident was the blindfolding, handcuffing and shooting of Ni'ilin resident Ashraf Abu Rahma.

The villagers of Ni'ilin have been protesting land expropriation which has seen the size of their village reduced from 5,700 hectares of land in 1948 to 3,300 hectares in 1967, to the present approximate of 1,000 hectares. Ni'ilin olives farmer Bahjat Mesleh told IPS he had lost about 75 dunams (10 dunums is one hectare) of land to make way for the building of the separation barrier which divides Israel from the West Bank. "This has cost me about 25,000 dollars, and I am more fortunate than other farmers as I've been able to continue supporting my family by working as a teacher. Not all farmers have been able to continue a livelihood," said Mesleh. According to B'Tselem, "Israel has stolen thousands of dunams of land from the Palestinians. Israel forbids Palestinians to enter and use these lands, and uses the settlements to justify numerous violations of Palestinian rights, such as the right to housing, to earn a living, and freedom of movement. "The settlers, on the other hand, benefit from all rights given to citizens of Israel who live inside the Green Line, and in some instances, even additional rights."

The principal tool used to take control of land is to declare it state land. This process began in 1979, and is based on a manipulative implementation of the Ottoman Lands Law of 1858, which applied in the area at the time of occupation. Other methods employed by Israel to take control of land include seizure for military needs, declaration of land as "abandoned assets", and the expropriation of land for public needs.


2008-11-20 00:52:00

2008-11-20 00:54:32

Re: Israel, Palestine and the Occupied Territories: Land and Settlement Issues

La 2008-11-20 00:39:27, Evreu-rus a scris:

> Since the war of 1967, Palestinians have come to accept the reality of
> Israel within the 1948 boundaries.
da` de ce ??
ce s-o fi intimplat in acel razboi ??? te pomenesti ca l-au pierdut ???

pai ce te-a invatzat idolul tau Putin ca se intimpla cind pierzi un razboi ???

2008-11-20 01:02:44



Ioan Danila
2008-11-20 01:11:31

Re: Sefii de stat nu au dreptul sa faca "gafe" iar daca comit "gafe" solutia este una singura:

Domnule Presedinte Traian Basescu, dece va lasati murdarit de astfel de excroci. Nu vedeti ca acest ,,paranoia" vrea sa tirasca Romania in noroi? Ca persoana fizica si ca om de stat, n-ar trebui sa luati masuri de exceptie in astfel de cazuri? Un sef de stat nu-i un presedinte CAP pe care-i mustruluia Voiculescu in exercitiu functiunii din vechiul sistem! N-am sa protestez ,,Romania trezestete" ci am sa va invit sa priviti realitatea faptelor ce se pun la cale in jurul dumneavoastra ci am sa zic ,,trezitiva d-le Basescu", pana nu e pre-a tirziu. Inca n-ati scapat de ce-i 322 manevrati de mogulii infierati de dumneavoastra.

Ioan Danila
2008-11-20 01:15:05


Domnule Presedinte Traian Basescu, dece va lasati murdarit de astfel de excroci. Nu vedeti ca acest ,,paranoia" vrea sa tirasca Romania in noroi? Ca persoana fizica si ca om de stat, n-ar trebui sa luati masuri de exceptie in astfel de cazuri? Un sef de stat nu-i un presedinte CAP pe care-i mustruluia Voiculescu in exercitiu functiunii in vechiul sistem! N-am sa protestez ,,Romania trezestete" ci am sa va invit sa priviti realitatea faptelor ce se pun la cale in jurul dumneavoastra si am sa zic ,,trezitiva d-le Basescu", pana nu e pre-a tirziu. Inca n-ati scapat de ce-i 322, manevrati de mogulii infierati de dumneavoastra.

2008-11-20 01:15:08


La mine, site-ul s-a incarcat ff greu.
Cred ca ar fi bine sa optimizati site-ul, altfel pierdeti multe persoane care ar putea sa va ajute dar nu au rabdare cu site-ul.

La 2008-11-20 01:02:44, Anaconda a scris:

> http://plesesti.blogspot.com/

2008-11-20 01:24:06

Esti copil. De ce l-ar deranja? Pe tine te deranjeaza datul din gura?

In plus, n-ar strica sa revizuiesti putin gramatica elementara.

"dece, excroci, trezestete, tirasca, Un sef de stat nu-i un presedinte CAP pe care-i mustruluia...., ...in exercitiu functiunii..., trezestete, trezitiva d-le Basescu, pre-a tirziu, ce-i 322"

Nici cu logica nu stai prea bine: "N-am sa protestez ,,Romania trezestete" .."

Ai absolvit doctoratul plin de "succesuri", nu-i asa? Da-i inainte, te potrivesti la PD-L.

La 2008-11-20 01:15:05, Ioan Danila a scris:

> Domnule Presedinte Traian Basescu, dece va lasati murdarit de astfel
> de excroci. Nu vedeti ca acest ,,paranoia" vrea sa tirasca Romania in
> noroi? Ca persoana fizica si ca om de stat, n-ar trebui sa luati
> masuri de exceptie in astfel de cazuri? Un sef de stat nu-i un
> presedinte CAP pe care-i mustruluia Voiculescu in exercitiu
> functiunii in vechiul sistem! N-am sa protestez ,,Romania trezestete"
> ci am sa va invit sa priviti realitatea faptelor ce se pun la cale in
> jurul dumneavoastra si am sa zic ,,trezitiva d-le Basescu", pana nu e
> pre-a tirziu. Inca n-ati scapat de ce-i 322, manevrati de mogulii
> infierati de dumneavoastra.

2008-11-20 01:34:13

Re: de ce se accepta titluri de felul "iarasi evreii"? de ce nu am scrie "iarasi nationalismul roman

La 2008-11-20 00:31:16, ionion a scris:

> ce "iarasi evreii" - ? ce v-au facut evreii ? v-au scos din mlastina
> otomana - asta v-au facut evreii si nu trebuiau sa o faca- dar pt
> viitor ar fi bine sa fiti lasati singuri sa va croiti drumul...sau
> poteca macar.
Da ioane-ioane...ai dreptate.
Ia lasati-ne singuri..
Si pe noi si pe altii.....
Ce zici..? Va prindeti ?

iobagul roman
2008-11-20 01:37:32

nu exista presedinte in lumea "libera" sa nu fie ales de la bordelul alb din washington

iar bordelul cu presa sunt complet ocupata de ovrei
Ca sa sustzi contrariul e ca si cum ai face frectzie la un picior de lemn
Vezi trupele pe care le ai peste tot +bazele militare,si mai ales vezi de unde sfii iau camata in numele tzarii si si-le depoziteaza pe numele lor in E lvetzia,Hong Kong,etc(din cauza ca statzi cu nasul in diluant nelimitat si ascultatzi prea multe manele fudule,mincind burgeruri amestecate cu pepsi, nici nu realizatzi ca suntetzi in pozitzie de capra intr-un stat vasal)

bedros bedrosian
2008-11-20 01:54:49

base si antisemetismul

nimeni nu spune ca romania este anti semita, base este rasist,pe o femie a facut o tiganca imputita, de armeni se i a cam des,de israel, pt el nici nu exista ca stat, tare sunt curios ce a zis ,nu in public de alegerea lui obama ca presedinte al licuriciului cel mare
prietenii lui sunt palestinienii,siriieni, iranienii si probabil somalezii, sudanezii si congolezii

2008-11-20 01:56:56

Re: Israel, Palestine and the Occupied Territories: Land and Settlement Issues

Deci ai ajuns la concluzia ca cea mai buna aparare este atacul,cu tine e cazul sa discute cineva cum discuti cu un copil ,daca spun ca e ziua afara tu spui ca e noaptea findca traiesti cu perdelele trase si nici nu vrei sa vezi ca soarele este sus pe cer,uite articolul pe care nu vrei sa-l accepti,stiam ca revi cu propaganda AL JAZIRA ,CITESTE SI CEVA NORMAL abu Ahmed.Articolul este pe forum sau nu intelegi engleza si postezi ce trimete seful terorist.

La 2008-11-20 00:39:27, Evreu-rus a scris:

> At the heart of the Israel/Palestine conflict lies the question of
> land and who rules it. The collision of Jewish nationalist
> colonisation and Palestian nationalism, both laying claim to the same
> territory, forms the basis of this long conflict, deepened by the
> tragedies of the Holocaust and of the dispossession and occupation of
> Palestine. The United Nations partition of the land in 1947, an effort
> to resolve the two claims simultaneously, did not result in a lasting
> settlement.
> Since the war of 1967, Palestinians have come to accept the reality of
> Israel within the 1948 boundaries. The land dispute has increasingly
> focused on Israel's occupation of the remaining territories -- the
> West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem. UN Resolutions 242 and 338
> stipulate that Israel must withdraw completely from these
> territories. Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip on 12 September
> 2005, but continues to build many Jewish settlements in the other
> territories, actions deemed illegal by virtually all other states.
> The Oslo Accords (1993) and the Road Map (2003) have failed to reach
> a land agreement between the parties or to bring Israeli withdrawal.
> Since 2002, the Israeli government has been building a "security
> fence" that winds deep into Palestinian territory, claiming the
> barrier would keep Palestinian suicide bombers from striking Israeli
> citizens. But this separation wall is a major de facto annexation of
> Palestinian territories. By building the wall and increasing
> settlement expansion, Israel retains control over important
> Palestinian economic areas, agricultural grounds and natural
> resources like water. The International Court of Justice has ruled
> that Israel's West Bank barrier violates international law, but the
> unequal struggle over the land of Palestine continues.
> http://www.globalpolicy.org/security/issues/israel-palestine/occupindex.htm

2008-11-20 01:58:45

2008-11-20 02:17:05

Re: base si antisemetismul

La 2008-11-20 01:54:49, bedros bedrosian a scris:

> nimeni nu spune ca romania este anti semita, base este rasist,pe o
> femie a facut o tiganca imputita, de armeni se i a cam des,de israel,
> pt el nici nu exista ca stat, "tare sunt curios ce a zis" (???) ,nu in public
> de alegerea lui obama ca presedinte al licuriciului cel mare
> prietenii lui sunt palestinienii,siriieni, iranienii si probabil
> somalezii, sudanezii si congolezii

Sa vede ca nu te duce mintea mai departe de mahalagisme. Chiar daca esti curios tot n-ai pricepe nimic din ce a spus..
Si nu esti armean, toti prietenii mei armeni sint oameni destepti

2008-11-20 02:17:52

Pt dl. Scarlat

Si cum ziceati?

"Tupeul nu are margini. Oamenii lui Felix care au sarit la beregata lui Basescu pentru alianta sa cu americanii si care s-au facut avocatii lui Saddam pentru a compromite participarea Romaniei la razboiul din Irak se erijeaza acum in aparatorii evreilor."

V-a luat dl. Stan, nebunul, painea de la gura si tipati de nu mai puteti? Ce nume israelit aveti dle Scarlat?

2008-11-20 02:21:26

Re: nu exista presedinte in lumea "libera" sa nu fie ales de la bordelul alb din washington

La 2008-11-20 01:37:32, iobagul roman a scris:

> iar bordelul cu presa sunt complet ocupata de ovrei
> Ca sa sustzi contrariul e ca si cum ai face frectzie la un picior de
> lemn
> Vezi trupele pe care le ai peste tot +bazele militare,si mai
> ales vezi de unde sfii iau camata in numele tzarii si si-le
> depoziteaza pe numele lor in E lvetzia,Hong Kong,etc(din cauza ca
> statzi cu nasul in diluant nelimitat si ascultatzi prea multe manele
> fudule,mincind burgeruri amestecate cu pepsi, nici nu realizatzi ca
> suntetzi in pozitzie de capra intr-un stat vasal)

Asta va spune la cursurile serale de iobagie? Nu credeti chiar tot ce va spune, mai si exagereaza, smecherii de americani. Noroc cu iobagii cei destepti, ca deja s-au prins

2008-11-20 02:24:47

Ratacitul: Pe tine te deranjeaza datul din gura?

Nu, de loc. D'aia nici nu ma supar pe tine. Da-i 'nainte neamule!

2008-11-20 02:34:17

Re: Sefii de stat nu au dreptul sa faca "gafe" iar daca comit "gafe" solutia este una singura:

La 2008-11-20 00:32:23, ionion a scris:

> demisia!

Asa e, am auzit ca tirliceanu isi da demisia de doua ori pe saptamina, dar raul de Basescu nu vrea s-o primeasca.

2008-11-20 02:37:10

Re: Israel Pushes Ahead With Settlement Expansion

Autoritatea Palestiniana in Gaza acuza Hmasul ca insceneaza demonstrati false cu lumanari ,copii si femei facand propaganda ca din cauza lipsei de combustibil au pana de curent,astea sunt minciuni propagate de Al J azira si Hamas propaganda invatata si studiata de la Iranieni si de la Rusi,faptul ca Hmas a furat 220,000 litri de combustibil de la societatea electrica din Gaza si ca 70% din toatalitatea curentului electric este livrat de Israel si Egypt dovedeste ca Hmasul minte zilnic,la fel nu exista lipsa de alimente sau bunuri de larg consum care sunt aduse prin cele100 de tuneluri din Egypt,vezi Ahmed cand faci propaganda mincinoasa trebue sa-ti dai seama ca nu ai de a face cu idioti asa cum it-i inchipui cand postezi baliverne propagandiste,astea sunt bune pentru Sobru,Zenn,Iobagul Roman ,Akimote si restul bandei care nu reusesc sa impuste drept,the 3 stuges si povestea ta care o repeti zilnic este CASTRAVETELE .......si asa mai departe.

La 2008-11-20 00:40:57, Evreu-rus a scris:

> Israel has published tenders for the construction of 1,761 illegal
> housing units for Israeli settlers in occupied east Jerusalem alone,
> according to the Israeli rights group Peace Now. The expansion plans
> come despite promises by the Israeli government at last year's peace
> summit at Annapolis, Maryland (in the U.S.) to freeze all settlement
> growth. "Once again this government has shown that its words and
> commitments are meaningless, and they have no intention of keeping to
> their word," says Peace Now.
> United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has stressed repeatedly
> that settlement construction or expansion in the West Bank is
> contrary to international law and Israel's commitments under the
> 'road map' peace process. The road map was a series of peace-building
> measures proposed by U.S. President George W. Bush in 2002 and
> subsequently developed by the diplomatic Quartet of the European
> Union, the United Nations, Russia and the United States. Ban Ki-moon
> further urged Israel to freeze all settlement activity and to
> dismantle outposts erected since March of 2001.
> U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, normally a diehard supporter
> of Israel, also expressed her concern about the settlement building
> during her last visit to Israel several months ago. "It's important
> to have an atmosphere of confidence and trust," Rice said following
> talks she held with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in
> Ramallah. "The United States believes that the (settlement) actions
> and the announcements that are taking place are indeed having a
> negative effect on the atmosphere for negotiation." The new
> construction should not be allowed to shape future
> Israeli-Palestinian borders, which remain under negotiation, Rice
> said. "The United States will not let these activities have any
> effect on final status negotiations, including final borders." The
> Geneva Conventions specifically forbid the transfer of a civilian
> population into occupied territory. But even as Israeli Prime
> Minister Ehud Olmert was meeting with Abbas in Jerusalem last week in
> an endeavour to further the peace process, plans for further
> settlement construction were already under way.
> At the beginning of the month, prior to Peace Now's statement, the
> Israel Lands Authority published tenders for the construction of 130
> new housing units in Har Homa, East Jerusalem. The Har Homa
> neighbourhood and all east Jerusalem settlements were built on land
> Israel occupied in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. Israel subsequently
> incorporated the areas into Jerusalem's boundaries in a move not
> recognised internationally. In addition to the public announcement of
> the tenders, there are currently 500 houses already under construction
> in Har Homa, and 240 in the settlement of Maaleh Adumim in East
> Jerusalem. At the same time as the Har Homa tenders were being
> published, Israeli officials also called for bids from construction
> companies to build more than 300 apartments in the West Bank
> settlement of Beitar Illit near Bethlehem, and about 20 minutes drive
> from Jerusalem. This came on top of Olmert's approval at the beginning
> of the year to build 750 new houses in the Givat Zeev settlement
> northwest of Jerusalem, and 100 in the Ariel settlement in the
> northern West Bank. There are approximately 430,000 Israeli settlers
> residing illegally in the West Bank.
> According to Israeli advocacy group B'Tselem, Israel has established
> 135 settlements in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) that have
> been recognised by the Interior Ministry. Additionally, dozens of
> outposts of varying size have been established. Sixteen settlements
> were established in the Gaza Strip and subsequently dismantled in
> 2005 during the implementation of the 'disengagement plan'. Land
> expropriation from Palestinian farmers for the building and
> enlargement of Israeli settlements has caused undue hardship and
> economic suffering for Palestinians, and some have initiated acts of
> civil disobedience in a bid to retain the pieces of agricultural land
> that have not been confiscated. The villagers of Bil'in and Ni'ilin
> near Ramallah in the central West Bank, together with international
> activists and Israeli sympathisers, have staged weekly protests that
> have resulted in a number of deaths, arrests and injuries. The most
> infamous incident was the blindfolding, handcuffing and shooting of
> Ni'ilin resident Ashraf Abu Rahma.
> The villagers of Ni'ilin have been protesting land expropriation which
> has seen the size of their village reduced from 5,700 hectares of land
> in 1948 to 3,300 hectares in 1967, to the present approximate of 1,000
> hectares. Ni'ilin olives farmer Bahjat Mesleh told IPS he had lost
> about 75 dunams (10 dunums is one hectare) of land to make way for
> the building of the separation barrier which divides Israel from the
> West Bank. "This has cost me about 25,000 dollars, and I am more
> fortunate than other farmers as I've been able to continue supporting
> my family by working as a teacher. Not all farmers have been able to
> continue a livelihood," said Mesleh. According to B'Tselem, "Israel
> has stolen thousands of dunams of land from the Palestinians. Israel
> forbids Palestinians to enter and use these lands, and uses the
> settlements to justify numerous violations of Palestinian rights,
> such as the right to housing, to earn a living, and freedom of
> movement. "The settlers, on the other hand, benefit from all rights
> given to citizens of Israel who live inside the Green Line, and in
> some instances, even additional rights."
> The principal tool used to take control of land is to declare it state
> land. This process began in 1979, and is based on a manipulative
> implementation of the Ottoman Lands Law of 1858, which applied in the
> area at the time of occupation. Other methods employed by Israel to
> take control of land include seizure for military needs, declaration
> of land as "abandoned assets", and the expropriation of land for
> public needs.
> http://www.globalpolicy.org/security/issues/israel-palestine/land/2008/0827peacenow.htm

2008-11-20 02:38:50

Re: Basescu nu stiu daca este antisemit dar stiu ca in Romania domina gradul de nationalism

La 2008-11-19 23:45:12, ionion a scris:

> deosebit de inalt.
> Ca se manifesta prin antisemitism sau prin antirromism sau
> antiungurism sau
> antirusism, antigrecism sau antietc este absolut tot una- dar exista.
> Ma indoiesc ca un sef de stat constient si-ar manifesta antisemitismul
> pentruca consecintele sunt imediate daca nu chiar fulgeratoare, insa
> cateodata se intampla lucruri despre care este mai bine sa nu se
> vorbeasca.
> Antisemitism ? stiu eu daca nu este prostia omeneasca !? nu stiu !

Daca nu stii, inseamna ca este prostia omeneasca. A ta !

2008-11-20 02:48:18


La 2008-11-19 23:08:20, Mos Grigore a scris:

> Nov. 18, 2008
> Louis Rene Beres , THE JERUSALEM POST
> In urgent matters of national survival and geopolitics, words matter.
> The still generally unchallenged language referring provocatively to
> an Israeli "Occupation" always overlooks the pertinent and
> incontestable history of the West Bank (Judea/Samaria) and Gaza.
> Perhaps the most evident omission concerns the unwitting manner in
> which these "Territories" fell into Israel's hands in the first
> place. It is simply and widely disregarded that "occupation" followed
> the multi-state Arab aggression of 1967 - one never disguised by
> Egypt, Syria or Jordan.
> A sovereign state of Palestine did not exist before 1967 or 1948. Nor
> was a state of Palestine ever promised by UN Security Council
> Resolution 242. Contrary to popular understanding, a state of
> Palestine has never existed. Never. Even as a nonstate legal entity,
> "Palestine" ceased to exist in 1948, when Great Britain relinquished
> its League of Nations mandate.
> During the 1948-49 Israeli War of Independence (a war of survival
> fought because the entire Arab world had rejected the authoritative
> United Nations resolution creating a Jewish state), the West Bank and
> Gaza came under the illegal control of Jordan and Egypt respectively.
> These Arab conquests did not put an end to an already-existing state
> or to an ongoing trust territory.
> What these aggressions did accomplish was the effective prevention,
> sui generis, of a state of Palestine. The original hopes for
> Palestine were dashed, therefore, not by the new Jewish state or by
> its supporters, but by the Arab states, especially Jordan and Egypt.
> LET US return to an earlier history. From the Biblical Period (ca.
> 1350 BCE to 586 BCE) to the British Mandate (1918 - 1948), the land
> named by the Romans after the ancient Philistines was controlled only
> by non-Palestinian elements. Significantly, however, a continuous
> chain of Jewish possession of the land was legally recognized after
> World War I, at the San Remo Peace Conference of April 1920.
> There, a binding treaty was signed in which Great Britain was given
> mandatory authority over "Palestine" (the area had been ruled by the
> Ottoman Turks since 1516) to prepare it to become the "national home
> for the Jewish People." Palestine, according to the Treaty, comprised
> territories encompassing what are now the states of Jordan and Israel,
> including the West Bank and Gaza. Present-day Israel comprises only 22
> percent of Palestine as defined and ratified at the San Remo Peace
> Conference. In 1922, Great Britain unilaterally and without any
> lawful authority split off 78 percent of the lands promised to the
> Jews - all of Palestine east of the Jordan River - and gave it to
> Abdullah, the non-Palestinian son of the Sharif of Mecca.
> Eastern Palestine now took the name Transjordan, which it retained
> until April 1949, when it was renamed as Jordan. From the moment of
> its creation, Transjordan was closed to all Jewish migration and
> settlement, a clear betrayal of the British promise in the Balfour
> Declaration of 1917, and a patent contravention of its Mandatory
> obligations under international law. On July 20, 1951, a Palestinian
> Arab assassinated King Abdullah for the latter's hostility to
> Palestinian aspirations and concerns.
> Regarding these aspirations, Jordan's "moderate" King Hussein - 19
> years later, during September 1970 - brutally murdered thousands of
> defenseless Palestinians under his jurisdiction. IN 1947, several
> years prior to Abdullah's killing, the newly-formed United Nations,
> rather than designate the entire land west of the Jordan River as the
> long-promised Jewish national homeland, enacted a second partition.
> Curiously, considering that this second fission again gave complete
> advantage to Arab interests, Jewish leaders accepted the painful
> judgment.
> The Arab states did not. On May 15, 1948, exactly 24 hours after the
> State of Israel came into existence, Azzam Pasha, Secretary General
> of the Arab League, declared to a tiny new country founded upon the
> ashes of the Holocaust: "This will be a war of extermination and a
> momentous massacre." This unambiguous declaration has been at the
> very heart of all subsequent Arab orientations toward Israel,
> including those of "moderate" Fatah. Even by the strict legal
> standards of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the
> Crime of Genocide,
> Arab actions and attitudes toward the microscopic Jewish state in
> their midst has remained patently genocidal. For some reason, this
> persistence has repeatedly been made to appear benign. IN 1967,
> almost 20 years after Israel's entry into the community of nations,
> the Jewish state, as a result of its unexpected military victory over
> Arab aggressor states, gained unintended control over the West Bank
> and Gaza. Although the inadmissibility of the acquisition of
> territory by war is codified in the UN Charter, there existed no
> authoritative sovereign to whom the Territories could be "returned."
> Israel could hardly have been expected to transfer them back to
> Jordan and Egypt, which had exercised unauthorized and terribly cruel
> control since the Arab-initiated war of "extermination" in 1948-49.
> Moreover, the idea of Palestinian "self-determination" had only just
> begun to emerge after the Six Day War, and - significantly - had not
> even been included in UN Security Council Resolution 242, which was
> adopted on November 22, 1967.
> For their part, the Arab states convened a summit in Khartoum in
> August 1967, concluding: "No peace with Israel, no recognition of
> Israel, no negotiations with it...." The Palestine Liberation
> Organization (PLO) was formed three years earlier, in 1964, before
> there were any "Israeli Occupied Territories." Exactly what was it,
> therefore, that the PLO sought to "liberate" between 1964 and 1967?
> This question should now be raised in connection with the
> US-sponsored "Road Map To Peace in the Middle East," a twisted
> cartography leading to "Palestine." THIS HAS been a very brief
> account of essential historic reasons why the so-called "Palestinian
> Territories" are not occupied by Israel. Several other equally valid
> reasons stem from Israel's inherent legal right to security and
> self-defense. International law is not a suicide pact.
> Because a Palestinian state would severely threaten the very existence
> of Israel - a fact that remains altogether unhidden in Arab media and
> governments - the Jewish State is under no binding obligation to end
> a falsely alleged "Occupation." No state can ever be required to
> accept complicity in its own dismemberment and annihilation. Both
> Israel and the United States will soon have new leadership. Neither
> Jerusalem nor Washington should be deceived by the so-called "Road
> Map To Peace in the Middle East," a twisted bit of highway that makes
> entirely inaccurate claims about "Palestinian Territories" and
> "Israeli Occupation."
> For substantially documented reasons of history and national security,
> it is imperative that a twenty-third Arab state never be carved out of
> the still-living body of Israel.If anyone should still have doubts
> about Palestinian intentions, they need look only to former Prime
> Minister Sharon's "disengagement" from Gaza, an area that is now used
> by Hamas to stage rocket attacks upon Israeli noncombatants, and by
> al-Qaeda to mount future terrorist operations against American
> cities.
> The writer, a professor of International Law at Purdue University, is
> the author of many books and articles dealing with military affairs
> and international law.

2008-11-20 02:54:15

Evreii sunt foarte deranjati de cei care se folosesc de antisemitism-Ei cred ca li se fura discursul

Cata dreptate ai d-le Scarlat ... doar ei au dreptul sa mulga industria holocaustului.

2008-11-20 02:57:03

Re: Evreii sunt foarte deranjati de cei care se folosesc de antisemitism-Ei cred ca li se fura discursul

Din partea mea as fi fost multumit daca lucrurile se produceau invers,sa treceti voi prin Holocaust si sa cereti voi discursul si bani.

La 2008-11-20 02:54:15, Arcturus a scris:

> Cata dreptate ai d-le Scarlat ... doar ei au dreptul sa mulga
> industria holocaustului.

2008-11-20 03:03:01

Re: Israel 'occupies' no Arab territories; perfect! One state, palestinienii devin israelieni

Palestinienii din Gaza si West Bank devin cetateni israelieni cu drept de vot.

And BTW, nici USA sau Israel n-au existat pana cand nu au fost proclamate/recunoscute ... asa ca nu e nici o problema.

La 2008-11-19 23:08:20, Mos Grigore a scris:

> Nov. 18, 2008
> Louis Rene Beres , THE JERUSALEM POST
> In urgent matters of national survival and geopolitics, words matter.
> The still generally unchallenged language referring provocatively to
> an Israeli "Occupation" always overlooks the pertinent and
> incontestable history of the West Bank (Judea/Samaria) and Gaza.
> Perhaps the most evident omission concerns the unwitting manner in
> which these "Territories" fell into Israel's hands in the first
> place. It is simply and widely disregarded that "occupation" followed
> the multi-state Arab aggression of 1967 - one never disguised by
> Egypt, Syria or Jordan.
> A sovereign state of Palestine did not exist before 1967 or 1948. Nor
> was a state of Palestine ever promised by UN Security Council
> Resolution 242. Contrary to popular understanding, a state of
> Palestine has never existed. Never. Even as a nonstate legal entity,
> "Palestine" ceased to exist in 1948, when Great Britain relinquished
> its League of Nations mandate.
> During the 1948-49 Israeli War of Independence (a war of survival
> fought because the entire Arab world had rejected the authoritative
> United Nations resolution creating a Jewish state), the West Bank and
> Gaza came under the illegal control of Jordan and Egypt respectively.
> These Arab conquests did not put an end to an already-existing state
> or to an ongoing trust territory.
> What these aggressions did accomplish was the effective prevention,
> sui generis, of a state of Palestine. The original hopes for
> Palestine were dashed, therefore, not by the new Jewish state or by
> its supporters, but by the Arab states, especially Jordan and Egypt.
> LET US return to an earlier history. From the Biblical Period (ca.
> 1350 BCE to 586 BCE) to the British Mandate (1918 - 1948), the land
> named by the Romans after the ancient Philistines was controlled only
> by non-Palestinian elements. Significantly, however, a continuous
> chain of Jewish possession of the land was legally recognized after
> World War I, at the San Remo Peace Conference of April 1920.
> There, a binding treaty was signed in which Great Britain was given
> mandatory authority over "Palestine" (the area had been ruled by the
> Ottoman Turks since 1516) to prepare it to become the "national home
> for the Jewish People." Palestine, according to the Treaty, comprised
> territories encompassing what are now the states of Jordan and Israel,
> including the West Bank and Gaza. Present-day Israel comprises only 22
> percent of Palestine as defined and ratified at the San Remo Peace
> Conference. In 1922, Great Britain unilaterally and without any
> lawful authority split off 78 percent of the lands promised to the
> Jews - all of Palestine east of the Jordan River - and gave it to
> Abdullah, the non-Palestinian son of the Sharif of Mecca.
> Eastern Palestine now took the name Transjordan, which it retained
> until April 1949, when it was renamed as Jordan. From the moment of
> its creation, Transjordan was closed to all Jewish migration and
> settlement, a clear betrayal of the British promise in the Balfour
> Declaration of 1917, and a patent contravention of its Mandatory
> obligations under international law. On July 20, 1951, a Palestinian
> Arab assassinated King Abdullah for the latter's hostility to
> Palestinian aspirations and concerns.
> Regarding these aspirations, Jordan's "moderate" King Hussein - 19
> years later, during September 1970 - brutally murdered thousands of
> defenseless Palestinians under his jurisdiction. IN 1947, several
> years prior to Abdullah's killing, the newly-formed United Nations,
> rather than designate the entire land west of the Jordan River as the
> long-promised Jewish national homeland, enacted a second partition.
> Curiously, considering that this second fission again gave complete
> advantage to Arab interests, Jewish leaders accepted the painful
> judgment.
> The Arab states did not. On May 15, 1948, exactly 24 hours after the
> State of Israel came into existence, Azzam Pasha, Secretary General
> of the Arab League, declared to a tiny new country founded upon the
> ashes of the Holocaust: "This will be a war of extermination and a
> momentous massacre." This unambiguous declaration has been at the
> very heart of all subsequent Arab orientations toward Israel,
> including those of "moderate" Fatah. Even by the strict legal
> standards of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the
> Crime of Genocide,
> Arab actions and attitudes toward the microscopic Jewish state in
> their midst has remained patently genocidal. For some reason, this
> persistence has repeatedly been made to appear benign. IN 1967,
> almost 20 years after Israel's entry into the community of nations,
> the Jewish state, as a result of its unexpected military victory over
> Arab aggressor states, gained unintended control over the West Bank
> and Gaza. Although the inadmissibility of the acquisition of
> territory by war is codified in the UN Charter, there existed no
> authoritative sovereign to whom the Territories could be "returned."
> Israel could hardly have been expected to transfer them back to
> Jordan and Egypt, which had exercised unauthorized and terribly cruel
> control since the Arab-initiated war of "extermination" in 1948-49.
> Moreover, the idea of Palestinian "self-determination" had only just
> begun to emerge after the Six Day War, and - significantly - had not
> even been included in UN Security Council Resolution 242, which was
> adopted on November 22, 1967.
> For their part, the Arab states convened a summit in Khartoum in
> August 1967, concluding: "No peace with Israel, no recognition of
> Israel, no negotiations with it...." The Palestine Liberation
> Organization (PLO) was formed three years earlier, in 1964, before
> there were any "Israeli Occupied Territories." Exactly what was it,
> therefore, that the PLO sought to "liberate" between 1964 and 1967?
> This question should now be raised in connection with the
> US-sponsored "Road Map To Peace in the Middle East," a twisted
> cartography leading to "Palestine." THIS HAS been a very brief
> account of essential historic reasons why the so-called "Palestinian
> Territories" are not occupied by Israel. Several other equally valid
> reasons stem from Israel's inherent legal right to security and
> self-defense. International law is not a suicide pact.
> Because a Palestinian state would severely threaten the very existence
> of Israel - a fact that remains altogether unhidden in Arab media and
> governments - the Jewish State is under no binding obligation to end
> a falsely alleged "Occupation." No state can ever be required to
> accept complicity in its own dismemberment and annihilation. Both
> Israel and the United States will soon have new leadership. Neither
> Jerusalem nor Washington should be deceived by the so-called "Road
> Map To Peace in the Middle East," a twisted bit of highway that makes
> entirely inaccurate claims about "Palestinian Territories" and
> "Israeli Occupation."
> For substantially documented reasons of history and national security,
> it is imperative that a twenty-third Arab state never be carved out of
> the still-living body of Israel.If anyone should still have doubts
> about Palestinian intentions, they need look only to former Prime
> Minister Sharon's "disengagement" from Gaza, an area that is now used
> by Hamas to stage rocket attacks upon Israeli noncombatants, and by
> al-Qaeda to mount future terrorist operations against American
> cities.

2008-11-20 03:03:55

Re: Evreii sunt foarte deranjati de cei care se folosesc de antisemitism-Ei cred ca li se fura discursul

Pai n-am trecut? Vrei sa zici ca doar evreii au maziliti de fascisti? Fugi ba de aici ...

La 2008-11-20 02:57:03, contraevreu-rus a scris:

> Din partea mea as fi fost multumit daca lucrurile se produceau
> invers,sa treceti voi prin Holocaust si sa cereti voi discursul si
> bani.
> La 2008-11-20 02:54:15, Arcturus a scris:
> > Cata dreptate ai d-le Scarlat ... doar ei au dreptul sa mulga
> > industria holocaustului.
> >

2008-11-20 03:20:15

Re: contra ... cine au fost cei 5 milioane de ne-evrei ucisi in holocaust? stii?


Polonezi, crestini, tzigani, negri, homosexuali, etc.

La 2008-11-20 03:03:55, Arcturus a scris:

> Pai n-am trecut? Vrei sa zici ca doar evreii au maziliti de fascisti?
> Fugi ba de aici ...
> La 2008-11-20 02:57:03, contraevreu-rus a scris:
> > Din partea mea as fi fost multumit daca lucrurile se produceau
> > invers,sa treceti voi prin Holocaust si sa cereti voi discursul si
> > bani.
> >
> >
> >
> > La 2008-11-20 02:54:15, Arcturus a scris:
> >
> > > Cata dreptate ai d-le Scarlat ... doar ei au dreptul sa mulga
> > > industria holocaustului.
> > >
> >
> >

2008-11-20 03:39:18

Ionion dece nu esti corect si folosesti un nick fals ?

Schimba-l in Itszakitszak ca asta e cel adevarat.
Chiar nu ai nici o jena ?

2008-11-20 03:56:30

Re: Ionion dece nu esti corect si folosesti un nick fals ?

hahaha, aladin care a suflat in bricheta si si-a parlit sprincenele
pai ionion este aici de secole
si nu e fals
dar tu...

La 2008-11-20 03:39:18, Aladin a scris:

> Schimba-l in Itszakitszak ca asta e cel adevarat.
> Chiar nu ai nici o jena ?

2008-11-20 04:49:14

La 2008-11-19 20:37:32, evreu mandru din israel a scris:

"In Romania, cestiunea jidovilor nu este religioasa; ea este o cestiune nationala si economica. [...] Toti acei care au vizitat Principatele, si indeosebi Moldova, s-au inspaimantat de aspectul trist [...] ce-l infatiseaza israelitii. [...] De aceea, nu de astazi, ci de pururea, in tot timpul si sub toate regimurile, toti domnii, toti barbatii de stat ai Romaniei [...] s-au preocupat de a opri exploatarea poporului roman prin alt popor strain lui, prin jidovi".
(Din comunicarea lui Kogalniceanu, care detinea functia de ministru de Interne, adresata Ministrului de Externe referitor la chestiunea evreiasca. Publicata de M. Bujoreanu, 1873, sub titlul: "Dispozitiuni si circulare", capitolul X, pp. 813-16).

"Va spun, domnilor, ca nu este nici o cestiune mare pentru Moldova decat cestiunea israelitilor"
(din Cestiunea israelita inaintea Adunarei Generale a Romaniei din 1864, Bucuresti, 1879, p. 19)

"Aceste uneltiri au facut pe evrei sa piarza pana ?i pe putinii lor amici sinceri dintre romani. Din momentul insa ce-i vedem aliati cu strainii contra tarii in care traiesc [...] pentru a capata drepturi, de la straini capete-le!" (Mihai Eminescu, 1 august 1879).

2008-11-20 04:53:23

Sub orice critica

"De exemplu, Ierusalimul este foarte iritat..."
De cind Ierusalim este recunoscut oficial capitala vreunui stat?

"...ca "Siria se invecineaza cu Palestina". Pentru evrei asa ceva este inacceptabil, din cauza ca s-ar nega astfel insasi existenta Statului Israel..."
Si care-i problema? Ce altii nu fac gafe?...fata de noi nu mai vorbesc. Palestina mai curind sau mai devreme va exista ca si stat recunoscut de comunitatea internationala; este o chestiune de timp.

"Evreii sunt foarte deranjati de cei care se folosesc de tema antisemitismului pentru rafuieli politice."
Normal este apanajul lor; cum vor ceva (gratis) hop cu antisemitismul...daca stiu ce-i ala. Semiti sint si palestinienii, mai ales ei.

"Ei [israelienii] cred ca li se fura discursul si, de asemenea, se trivializeaza o tema sensibila si dureroasa."
'mda, sensibila si dureroasa, mai ales sensibila. Dar oare altii n-au teme dureroase?

"Oamenii lui Felix care au sarit la beregata lui Basescu pentru alianta sa cu americanii si care s-au facut avocatii lui Saddam pentru a compromite participarea Romaniei la razboiul din Irak se erijeaza acum in aparatorii evreilor."
Si ce-are scula cu prefectura?

Urit articol! stai jos nota 4 cheama-ti parinti la scoala!

2008-11-20 04:57:27

Ce spuneau marii inaintasi despre evrei

Vasile Conta
Noi, daca nu vom lupta in contra elementului jidovesc, vom pieri ca natiune.
(Din discursul contra rezivuirii art. 7 din Constitutie, tinut in Camera Deputatilor, sedinta de la 4 Sept. 1879, publicat in Monitorul Oficial nr. 201/1879).

Vasile Alecsandri
"Cine sunt navalitori, de unde vin si ce vreau? Sunt cei mai exclusivisti din toti locuitorii pamantului dorind a face din tara intreaga o proprietate izraelita?"
(Din discursul contra reviziunii art. 7 din Constitutie, rostit in Senatul Romaniei, in sedinta din 10 Oct. 1879, publicat in Mon. Of. nr. 230/1879).

Mihail Kogalniceanu

"In Romania, cestiunea jidovilor nu este religioasa; ea este o cestiune nationala si economica. Toti acei care au vizitat Principatele, si indeosebi Moldova, s-au inspaimantat de aspectul trist ce-l infatiseaza israelitii. De aceea, nu de astazi, ci de pururea, in tot timpul si sub toate regimurile, toti domnii, toti barbatii de stat ai Romaniei s-au preocupat de a opri exploatarea poporului roman prin alt popor strain lui, prin jidovi".
(Din comunicarea lui Kogalniceanu care detinea functia de Ministru de Interne, adresata Ministrului de Externe privitor la chestiunea evreiasca. Publicata de M. Bujoreanu 1873, sub titlul: "Dispozitiuni si circulare" capitolul X pag. 813-816).

Ion Heliade Radulescu

"Nu vedeti Dumneavoastra ca evreii din Englitera si Franta nu cer drepturi de cetateni in Romania, ci privilegii, suprematia..."
(din Echilibru intre anthitese de I. Heliade Radulescu Bucuresti 1859-1869 partea III, titlul "Israelitii si jidanii", cap. X, pag. 380-383).

Costache Negri

"Jidovimea, adica 1/7 parte din poporatiunea noastra totala, este cea mai trista lepra cu care ne-au osandit slabiciunea si venalitatea noastra".
(din Scrisoarea catre Lupascu trimisa in 12 Ianuarie 1869, publicate in volumul C. Negri, de E. Garleanu, Ed. Minerva 1909, pag. 116).

Dr. N. C. Paulescu (savant, descoperitorul insulinei)
"In Talmud se afla legislatia evreiasca, iar Cahalul si Francmasoneria sunt organizatiile de lucru pentru stapanirea omenirii".
"In cuprinsul metodelor lor se gasesc sisteme perfide prin care natiunile sunt puse sa lucreze la propria lor ruina si la propria lor nimicire".

2008-11-20 05:28:58

consecintele crizei financiare mondiale in Romania se vor marca prin rabufniri nationaliste

de strada. Scandalurile sunt la ordinea zilei, mai este un pas numai pana la rabufnirea totala a populatiei care in 1989 nu a dorit sub nici o forma schimbarea
sistemului comunist. Romanii au iesit in strada sa demonstreze pentru alungarea familiei Ceausescu si inlocuirea ei cu o alta, dar cel mai mult au dorit ca magazinele sa fie pline cu mancare, nu au dorit libertati politice, nu si-au dorit libertate in religie sau a cuvantului. Nu ! Cei care au iesit in strada au dorit carne in magazine si paine.
Romania de fapt a fost luata in trenul libertatii mai mult ca un val-vartej si urcandu-se in trenul libertatii populatia Romaniei nu isi da seama ce pas a facut, mai nasol este ca nici conducatorii Romaniei nu prea inteleg ce s-a intamplat cu Romania nici astazi.
Populatiei Romaniei ii lipsesc organizatiile de partid comunist de cartier, securistul de cartier si sedintele de partid. Este posibil astazi ca patronul sa te oblige sa lucrezi opt ore pe zi si nici macar o sedinta de partid sa nu-ti organizeze- fie ea macar de o ora!!!!!!!! este inadmisibil.
Dar Ceausescu este mort si putini vor fi cei care vor incerca sa restaureze comunismul in Romania- numai ca exista solutia. Cine vrea comunism sa se uneasca cu "republica" Moldova- romaneste se vorbeste si si sedinte de partid au - asa ca drum batut catre Nistru si la mai mare....dragi tovarasi si pretini.

2008-11-20 05:31:20

To: evreu mandru din israel

La 2008-11-19 22:47:03, evreu mandru din israel a scris:

> Am uitat sa adaug ca aceasta postare e preluata din "Rezultatele
> comisiei pt cercetarea Holocaustului din Romania", cuvant cu
> cuvant.Contestatii puteti prezenta presedintelui Romaniei , el a
> format comisia.

Istoria este o stiinta, iar cei care o scriu se numesc istorici. Nu presedinti, nu comisii, nu lobby-uri evreiesti.
Interzicerea prin lege a Holocaust denial sau a antisemitismului in unele state este o porcarie. Incarcerarea unui om de stiinta pentru ideile sale (David Irving, in Austria, de exemplu) o alta porcarie, pentru care cineva va trebui sa plateasca intr-o buna zi. Poti sa-i prostesti pe toti un timp. Poti sa prostesti pe cineva tot timpul. Dar nu vei reusi sa-i prostesti pe toti, tot timpul.
Cu ce e mai criminal antisemitismul decit antiamericanismul sau antiromanismul? Sint evreii mai importanti decit altii? E mai nobil holocaustul evreiesc decit genocidul armenilor?

De ce nu incearca lobby-ul evreiesc sa le bage pumnul in gura americanilor? E cam riscant, nu-i asa? Sigur ca e riscant, fiindca astia au pusca in dulap, credinta in Dumnezeu si vointa de a trai in libertate. Atit timp cit nu renunta la credinta lor, nu ii veti putea distruge. Asta e si motivul pentru care evreii din USA incurajeaza ateismul, diversity, subminarea valorilor crestine, avortul, pedepse cit mai mici pentru criminali, distrugerea familiei heterosexuale (dar promovarea familiei homo), nanny-state-ul in conditiile in care (INSA, ATENTIE!!!) ei insisi isi pastreaza CU SFINTENIE propria credinta. Asta e motivul pentru care au infestat Partidul Democrat si l-au transformat intr-o coloana a 5-a socialista si anticrestina.

Unul dintre evreii din spatele lui Obama si al clanului Kennedy e Soros, cel gasit guilty of insider trading in Franta. Sau altii chiar mai rai decit asta.

Doua vorbe despre doamna Palin, vinovata de a fi crestina, casatorita si de a avea cinci copii, cea demonizata si caricaturizata de presa evreiasca de stinga din USA. Dintre multele magarii care s-au spus pe seama ei, o sa ma opresc doar la una: ca doamna Palin crede ca Africa e o tara!!!
Unde s-a dat stirea? La MSNBC. De ce nu ma mir... !!!???
Cine a dat-o? David Shuster. Bineinteles, chinez de origine si religie.
Cine a fabricat hoax-ul? Eitan Gorlin and his partner, Dan Mirvish. Bineinteles, chinezi de origine si religie si ei. Din Brooklyn, probabil.
Pentru cei curiosi, info e aici:
Vreti o poza cu dragutul de Dan Mirvish? Luati de aici:

Sigur, faptul ca The One credea ca USA are 57 de state, sau ca vecinii de la Nord, canadienii, au presedinte sint scapari minore de care nu trebuie sa facem bascalie.

Celor care au 73 minute la dispozitie, le recomand filmul "Understanding Anti-Semitism":

Daca in tara Dv filmul nu se poate vedea, inseamna ca nu traiti intr-o democratie.

O parere: nu ar avea nimeni nimic cu evreii daca nu ar incerca tot timpul sa faca pe desteptii si sa se creada o rasa superioara.

Daca acest mesaj va fi sters de pe site-ul ZIUA, il puteti gasi aici:

2008-11-20 05:34:13

ca de asta ziceam ca romanii doresc pe Vadim prishidinti, Funar viciprishidinti si

Gigi la Victoria- formula ideala .

2008-11-20 05:56:21

Re: base si antisemetismul

Pai, fata de tine, si o capra e un munte de inteligenta.

La 2008-11-20 02:17:05, Danny a scris:

.... toti prietenii mei armeni sint oameni destepti

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