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Zen din New York (...@yahoo.com, IP: 167.206.164...)
2007-10-18 17:24
Braking news : Sarkozy an Ex-Mossad Agent?

It has been reported that an email has been sent to high ranking French police officials claiming that French President Nicolas Sarkozy is a former Mossad agent

Sarkozy an Ex-Mossad Agent?
Iran-Daily.com – October 17, 2007

TEHRAN – A prestigious French daily reported that an email sent to 100 high-ranking police officials claims French President Nicholas Sarkozy is a former agent of the Israeli intelligence services, Mossad.

Le Figaro added that the letter was sent to French police officials late last winter and reiterated that Sarkozy was the fourth high-ranking spy of Israel.

The letter titled “Infiltration of Mossad in France’s ruling center-right UMP party“ insists that Sarkozy is a spy.

It also writes about widespread corruption in the UMP party.

The letter added that former Israeli prime minister, Menachem Begin, in 1978 ordered the head of his intelligence services to make former French Leader Charles De Gulle’s one of Israel’s associates.



10:18:25 Þ.Ù

French judiciary police is investigating documents on the French President Nicolas Sarkozy's spy activities for the Zionist regime's Spy Agency, Mossad, Le Figaro daily reported.

Le Figaro in an article titled "Mossad's infilteration into the public movement union (the French ruling party)" worte that the police is studying an electronic letter sent to 100 members of high ranking French police officials about Sarkozy's espionage for Mossad.

According to the daily, former Zionist regime's prime minister, Menachem Begin, in 1978 proposed then commander of the regime's spy agents, Rafael Itan, to employ three French political activists who were willing to cooperate with the Zionist reigme for spy missions.

Nicolas Sarkozy was one of the citizens who started its cooperation with Mossad in 1983 as the fourth French member of Mossad, Le Figaro revealed.


alwis46 (...@yahoo.com, IP: 82.78.115...)
2007-10-18 18:22
Re: Braking news : Sarkozy an Ex-Mossad Agent?

Te iei dupa toti prostii mai rau decat ia papagalul seminte din cutiuta.
Sarkozy ofiter Mossad ?
Ma faci sa rad.
Bre omule, Mossad are cam 1.200 de angajati iar cifra asta cuprinde pana si secretarele si femeile de serviciu.
Mossad are ca ofiteri operativi, care lucreaza in afara granitelor Israel si care sunt doar cetateni israelieni, cateva zeci de astfel de oameni, nu mai mult de 50-60.
In jargon Mossad, ei sunt numiti "katsas".
Marea forta a Mossad in domeniul informatiilor vine din alta parte si nu costa statul evreu nici macar un shekel. Informatii din absolut orice domeniu sunt livrate Mossad de catre persoane loiale statului evreu si care traiesc in comunitatile evreiesti raspandite in afara granitelor Israel.
In jargon Mossad aceste persoane se numesc "sayanimi" adica voluntari evrei iar numarul lor nu poate fi stabilit cu exactitate.
Un sayanim poate da o informatie si pe urma sa taca zeci de ani nemaiavand nimic interesant de transmis.
Nu este deci nevoie si nici nu exista in practica faptul ca Mossad sa aiba in serviciu ofiteri operativi din randul cetatenilor altor state.
Aici este vorba si de altceva.
Exista o unitate istorica a comunitatilor evreiesti si o convingere a evreilor ca ei trebuie sa se apere impreuna de dusmani iar aceste stari de fapt creeaza o deschidere absoluta in relatiile dintre evrei, deschidere greu de realizat intre agentii unor servicii gen KGB, CIA sau altele de acest tip.
In lumina celor mentionate, parerea mea este ca Sarkozy poate fi cel mult un sayanim si in nici un caz un katsas, cu atat mai putin un ofiter Mossad aflat in "adormire".

La 2007-10-18 17:24:12, Zen a scris:

> It has been reported that an email has been sent to high ranking
> French police officials claiming that French President Nicolas Sarkozy
> is a former Mossad agent
> Sarkozy an Ex-Mossad Agent?
> Iran-Daily.com – October 17, 2007
> TEHRAN – A prestigious French daily reported that an email sent
> to 100 high-ranking police officials claims French President Nicholas
> Sarkozy is a former agent of the Israeli intelligence services,
> Mossad.
> Le Figaro added that the letter was sent to French police officials
> late last winter and reiterated that Sarkozy was the fourth
> high-ranking spy of Israel.
> The letter titled “Infiltration of Mossad in France’s
> ruling center-right UMP party“ insists that Sarkozy is a spy.
> It also writes about widespread corruption in the UMP party.
> The letter added that former Israeli prime minister, Menachem Begin,
> in 1978 ordered the head of his intelligence services to make former
> French Leader Charles De Gulle’s one of Israel’s
> associates.
> http://www.iran-daily.com/1386/2968/html/
> **********
> 10:18:25 Þ.Ù
> French judiciary police is investigating documents on the French
> President Nicolas Sarkozy's spy activities for the Zionist regime's
> Spy Agency, Mossad, Le Figaro daily reported.
> Le Figaro in an article titled "Mossad's infilteration into the public
> movement union (the French ruling party)" worte that the police is
> studying an electronic letter sent to 100 members of high ranking
> French police officials about Sarkozy's espionage for Mossad.
> According to the daily, former Zionist regime's prime minister,
> Menachem Begin, in 1978 proposed then commander of the regime's spy
> agents, Rafael Itan, to employ three French political activists who
> were willing to cooperate with the Zionist reigme for spy missions.
> Nicolas Sarkozy was one of the citizens who started its cooperation
> with Mossad in 1983 as the fourth French member of Mossad, Le Figaro
> revealed.
> mk
> http://www.iribnews.ir/Full_en.asp?news_id=245671&n=35

dorinP din Kanata (...@hotmail.com, IP: 216.208.140...)
2007-10-18 22:56
Re: Braking news : Sarkozy an Ex-Mossad Agent?

La 2007-10-18 18:22:08, alwis46 a scris:

> Te iei dupa toti prostii mai rau decat ia papagalul seminte din
> cutiuta.
> Marea forta a Mossad in domeniul informatiilor vine din alta parte si
> nu costa statul evreu nici macar un shekel. Informatii din absolut
> orice domeniu sunt livrate Mossad de catre persoane loiale statului
> evreu si care traiesc in comunitatile evreiesti raspandite in afara
> granitelor Israel.
> In jargon Mossad aceste persoane se numesc "sayanimi" adica voluntari
> evrei iar numarul lor nu poate fi stabilit cu exactitate.
> Un sayanim poate da o informatie si pe urma sa taca zeci de ani
> nemaiavand nimic interesant de transmis.
> Nu este deci nevoie si nici nu exista in practica faptul ca Mossad sa
> aiba in serviciu ofiteri operativi din randul cetatenilor altor state.
> Aici este vorba si de altceva.
> Exista o unitate istorica a comunitatilor evreiesti si o convingere a
> evreilor ca ei trebuie sa se apere impreuna de dusmani iar aceste
> stari de fapt creeaza o deschidere absoluta in relatiile dintre evrei,
> deschidere greu de realizat intre agentii unor servicii gen KGB, CIA
> sau altele de acest tip.
> In lumina celor mentionate, parerea mea este ca Sarkozy poate fi cel
> mult un sayanim si in nici un caz un katsas, cu atat mai putin un
> ofiter Mossad aflat in "adormire".

Adica orice evreu este un potemtial "spion" voluntar?
Din ceea ce spui tu reiese ca oricarui evreu care manifesta simpatie fata de Israel ar trebui sa i se interzica accesul la orice informatie cu caracter cit de cit confidential pentru a nu fi tentat sa-si manifeste loialitatea in detrimentul tarii al carui cetatrean este.

katty1 din Suedia (...@yahoo.se, IP: 83.254.193...)
2007-10-18 23:11
Re: Braking news : Sarkozy an Ex-Mossad Agent?

La 2007-10-18 18:22:08, alwis46 a scris:

> Te iei dupa toti prostii mai rau decat ia papagalul seminte din
> cutiuta.
> Sarkozy ofiter Mossad ?
> Ma faci sa rad.
> Bre omule, Mossad are cam 1.200 de angajati iar cifra asta cuprinde
> pana si secretarele si femeile de serviciu.
> Mossad are ca ofiteri operativi, care lucreaza in afara granitelor
> Israel si care sunt doar cetateni israelieni, cateva zeci de astfel de
> oameni, nu mai mult de 50-60.
> In jargon Mossad, ei sunt numiti "katsas".
> Marea forta a Mossad in domeniul informatiilor vine din alta parte si
> nu costa statul evreu nici macar un shekel. Informatii din absolut
> orice domeniu sunt livrate Mossad de catre persoane loiale statului
> evreu si care traiesc in comunitatile evreiesti raspandite in afara
> granitelor Israel.
> In jargon Mossad aceste persoane se numesc "sayanimi" adica voluntari
> evrei iar numarul lor nu poate fi stabilit cu exactitate.
> Un sayanim poate da o informatie si pe urma sa taca zeci de ani
> nemaiavand nimic interesant de transmis.
> Nu este deci nevoie si nici nu exista in practica faptul ca Mossad sa
> aiba in serviciu ofiteri operativi din randul cetatenilor altor state.
> Aici este vorba si de altceva.
> Exista o unitate istorica a comunitatilor evreiesti si o convingere a
> evreilor ca ei trebuie sa se apere impreuna de dusmani iar aceste
> stari de fapt creeaza o deschidere absoluta in relatiile dintre evrei,
> deschidere greu de realizat intre agentii unor servicii gen KGB, CIA
> sau altele de acest tip.
> In lumina celor mentionate, parerea mea este ca Sarkozy poate fi cel
> mult un sayanim si in nici un caz un katsas, cu atat mai putin un
> ofiter Mossad aflat in "adormire".
> La 2007-10-18 17:24:12, Zen a scris:
> > It has been reported that an email has been sent to high ranking
> > French police officials claiming that French President Nicolas Sarkozy
> > is a former Mossad agent
> >
> >
> > Sarkozy an Ex-Mossad Agent?
> > Iran-Daily.com – October 17, 2007
> >
> > TEHRAN – A prestigious French daily reported that an email sent
> > to 100 high-ranking police officials claims French President Nicholas
> > Sarkozy is a former agent of the Israeli intelligence services,
> > Mossad.
> >
> > Le Figaro added that the letter was sent to French police officials
> > late last winter and reiterated that Sarkozy was the fourth
> > high-ranking spy of Israel.
> >
> > The letter titled “Infiltration of Mossad in France’s
> > ruling center-right UMP party“ insists that Sarkozy is a spy.
> >
> > It also writes about widespread corruption in the UMP party.
> >
> > The letter added that former Israeli prime minister, Menachem Begin,
> > in 1978 ordered the head of his intelligence services to make former
> > French Leader Charles De Gulle’s one of Israel’s
> > associates.
> >
> >
> > http://www.iran-daily.com/1386/2968/html/
> >
> > **********
> >
> > 10:18:25 Þ.Ù
> >
> > French judiciary police is investigating documents on the French
> > President Nicolas Sarkozy's spy activities for the Zionist regime's
> > Spy Agency, Mossad, Le Figaro daily reported.
> >
> > Le Figaro in an article titled "Mossad's infilteration into the public
> > movement union (the French ruling party)" worte that the police is
> > studying an electronic letter sent to 100 members of high ranking
> > French police officials about Sarkozy's espionage for Mossad.
> >
> > According to the daily, former Zionist regime's prime minister,
> > Menachem Begin, in 1978 proposed then commander of the regime's spy
> > agents, Rafael Itan, to employ three French political activists who
> > were willing to cooperate with the Zionist reigme for spy missions.
> >
> > Nicolas Sarkozy was one of the citizens who started its cooperation
> > with Mossad in 1983 as the fourth French member of Mossad, Le Figaro
> > revealed.
> >
> > mk
> > http://www.iribnews.ir/Full_en.asp?news_id=245671&n=35
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Mai alwis ai idee ce lucruri interesante spui tu aici? Si atunci de ce sa-i primeasca lumea in tarile lor cind ei nu au decit o patrie de suflet?

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