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Socrate din Bucuresti (...@yahoo.com, IP: 82.76.163...)
2008-03-10 16:33
Ultima Ora. Tokes vrea autonomia Transylvaniei !

Bazati pe interviul din Ziua, postul sarb B92 da urmatoarea stire

"Kosovo model for Transylvania"
10 March 2008 | 13:46 | Source: Tanjug
BUDAPEST -- Romania's member of the European Parliament Laszlo Tokes says Kosovo is a "model for the Romanian region of Transylvania".

In an interview for the Bucharest-based daily Ziua, Tokes said that Transylvania, with its ethnic Hungarian majority, should be granted, "as a temporary solution", the status of an autonomy similar to that which was given to Vojvodina in Serbia.

He added that the Hungarians in Transylvania should fight for autonomy according to the principle of "right to territory", which would be similar to the autonomy of Palestine, "that is realized according to the principle 'peace for territory'".

Tokes' stand on the unilateral proclamation of Kosovo independence does not correspond to the official position of Romania, which has stated that it will not recognize the secession of the southern Serbian province.

Zenn din Bucuresti (...@yahoo.com, IP: 167.206.164...)
2008-03-10 18:46
Re: Ultima Ora. Tokes vrea autonomia Transylvaniei ! Ha, ha, ha...bunaaa!!!

Asta-i omu' licuricilor. NWO...

La 2008-03-10 16:33:04, Socrate a scris:

> Bazati pe interviul din Ziua, postul sarb B92 da urmatoarea stire
> "Kosovo model for Transylvania"
> 10 March 2008 | 13:46 | Source: Tanjug
> BUDAPEST -- Romania's member of the European Parliament Laszlo
> Tokes says Kosovo is a "model for the Romanian region of
> Transylvania".
> In an interview for the Bucharest-based daily Ziua, Tokes said that
> Transylvania, with its ethnic Hungarian majority, should be granted,
> "as a temporary solution", the status of an autonomy similar to that
> which was given to Vojvodina in Serbia.
> He added that the Hungarians in Transylvania should fight for
> autonomy according to the principle of "right to territory", which
> would be similar to the autonomy of Palestine, "that is realized
> according to the principle 'peace for territory'".
> Tokes' stand on the unilateral proclamation of Kosovo independence
> does not correspond to the official position of Romania, which has
> stated that it will not recognize the secession of the southern
> Serbian province.

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