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Evreu-rus din Rusia (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.47.58...)
2008-11-14 23:01
Dle Ho Ciu Tzi (cativa dintre evreii sionisti cu influenta deosebita in lume)

In America:
1. Rothschild
2. Lehman Brothers
3. August Belmont
4. Goldman Sachs & Co.
5. J. & W. Seligman
6. James Speyer & Co.
7. Kuhn Loeb & Co. (Warburg)
8. Lazard Freres

-AOL: Time Warner : Gerald Levin
- CNN : Walter Isaacson
- Polygram : Edgar Bronfman Jr.
- Walt Disney : Joseph E. Roth
- Miramax Films : B. & H. Weinstein
-ABC : Michael Eisner
- Viacom : Murray Redstone
- CBS : Murray Redstone
- Dreamworks : Katzenberg/Geffen/Spielberg
- Vivendi : Edgar Bronfman Jr.
- News Corporation : Rupert Murdoch
- Associated Press : Michael Silverman
- Advance Publications : Samuel Newhouse

- New York Times : Arthur Sulzberger
- Washington Post : K. M. Graham
- Wall Street Journal : Peter Kahn
- New York Daily News : M. Zuckerman
- New York Post : Peter Chernin

Membrii administratiei Bush:
- Douglas Feith -Under Secretary of Defense
- Richard Perle - Pentagon adviser
- David Wormser - adviser to the Vice President
- Harold Rhode - Iran specialist
- Ben Bernanke - Chairman of the Federal Reserve

- BBC TV : Greg Dyke
-Carlton Communications :Michael Green
- Granada : S. Morrison
- BSky : R. Murdoch
- ITV : Michael Green
- ITN : Michael Green
- BBC Radio : Jenny Abramsky

- Daily Express : R. Desmond
- Sunday Express: R. Desmond
- Daily Star : R. Desmond
- The Sun : R. Murdoch
- The Times : R. Murdoch
- News of the World : R. Murdoch
-Daily Telegraph : Israel Asper
- Weekly Telegraph : Israel Asper
- Daily Mail : Guy Zitter

evreu normal din tuturor sperantelor (...@013.net, IP: 87.69.185...)
2008-11-14 23:08
Re: Dle Ho Ciu Tzi (cativa dintre evreii sionisti cu influenta deosebita in lume)

La 2008-11-14 23:01:17, Evreu-rus a scris:

Si ce ai vrut sa demonstrezi cu aceasta lista evreule?????
Ca esti mandru ca sunt asa de multi evrei in toate sectoarele din lume????
Ce dovedeste asta?:CA SUNT DESTEPTI...spre regretul dumitale.....!

> In America:
> Bancile:
> 1. Rothschild
> 2. Lehman Brothers
> 3. August Belmont
> 4. Goldman Sachs & Co.
> 5. J. & W. Seligman
> 6. James Speyer & Co.
> 7. Kuhn Loeb & Co. (Warburg)
> 8. Lazard Freres
> Media:
> -AOL: Time Warner : Gerald Levin
> - CNN : Walter Isaacson
> - Polygram : Edgar Bronfman Jr.
> - Walt Disney : Joseph E. Roth
> - Miramax Films : B. & H. Weinstein
> -ABC : Michael Eisner
> - Viacom : Murray Redstone
> - CBS : Murray Redstone
> - Dreamworks : Katzenberg/Geffen/Spielberg
> - Vivendi : Edgar Bronfman Jr.
> - News Corporation : Rupert Murdoch
> - Associated Press : Michael Silverman
> - Advance Publications : Samuel Newhouse
> Ziare:
> - New York Times : Arthur Sulzberger
> - Washington Post : K. M. Graham
> - Wall Street Journal : Peter Kahn
> - New York Daily News : M. Zuckerman
> - New York Post : Peter Chernin
> Membrii administratiei Bush:
> - Douglas Feith -Under Secretary of Defense
> - Richard Perle - Pentagon adviser
> - David Wormser - adviser to the Vice President
> - Harold Rhode - Iran specialist
> - Ben Bernanke - Chairman of the Federal Reserve
> UK:
> Televiziune:
> - BBC TV : Greg Dyke
> -Carlton Communications :Michael Green
> - Granada : S. Morrison
> - BSky : R. Murdoch
> - ITV : Michael Green
> - ITN : Michael Green
> - BBC Radio : Jenny Abramsky
> Ziare:
> - Daily Express : R. Desmond
> - Sunday Express: R. Desmond
> - Daily Star : R. Desmond
> - The Sun : R. Murdoch
> - The Times : R. Murdoch
> - News of the World : R. Murdoch
> -Daily Telegraph : Israel Asper
> - Weekly Telegraph : Israel Asper
> - Daily Mail : Guy Zitter

Ho Ciu Tzi din Chinatown (...@flash.ro, IP: 195.160.204...)
2008-11-14 23:12
Dle Ho Ciu Tzi(cativa dintre evreii sionisti cu influenta deosebita in lume) / F. interesanta lista!

La 2008-11-14 23:01:17, Evreu-rus a scris:

> In America:
> Bancile:
> 1. Rothschild
> 2. Lehman Brothers
> 3. August Belmont
> 4. Goldman Sachs & Co.
> 5. J. & W. Seligman
> 6. James Speyer & Co.
> 7. Kuhn Loeb & Co. (Warburg)
> 8. Lazard Freres
> Media:
> -AOL: Time Warner : Gerald Levin
> - CNN : Walter Isaacson
> - Polygram : Edgar Bronfman Jr.
> - Walt Disney : Joseph E. Roth
> - Miramax Films : B. & H. Weinstein
> -ABC : Michael Eisner
> - Viacom : Murray Redstone
> - CBS : Murray Redstone
> - Dreamworks : Katzenberg/Geffen/Spielberg
> - Vivendi : Edgar Bronfman Jr.
> - News Corporation : Rupert Murdoch
> - Associated Press : Michael Silverman
> - Advance Publications : Samuel Newhouse
> Ziare:
> - New York Times : Arthur Sulzberger
> - Washington Post : K. M. Graham
> - Wall Street Journal : Peter Kahn
> - New York Daily News : M. Zuckerman
> - New York Post : Peter Chernin
> Membrii administratiei Bush:
> - Douglas Feith -Under Secretary of Defense
> - Richard Perle - Pentagon adviser
> - David Wormser - adviser to the Vice President
> - Harold Rhode - Iran specialist
> - Ben Bernanke - Chairman of the Federal Reserve
> UK:
> Televiziune:
> - BBC TV : Greg Dyke
> -Carlton Communications :Michael Green
> - Granada : S. Morrison
> - BSky : R. Murdoch
> - ITV : Michael Green
> - ITN : Michael Green
> - BBC Radio : Jenny Abramsky
> Ziare:
> - Daily Express : R. Desmond
> - Sunday Express: R. Desmond
> - Daily Star : R. Desmond
> - The Sun : R. Murdoch
> - The Times : R. Murdoch
> - News of the World : R. Murdoch
> -Daily Telegraph : Israel Asper
> - Weekly Telegraph : Israel Asper
> - Daily Mail : Guy Zitter

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 85.250.241...)
2008-11-14 23:29
Re: Dle Hapciu

acum ai sa dormi chiar foarte bine.

Daca vrei putem sa-tzi facem un abonament: in fiecare seara itzi dam cateva nume. Doar 1000$ pe luna si dormi linistit. Rezultate sigure pentru un pretz de nimic. Pe noi ne costa mai mult!

La 2008-11-14 23:12:37, Ho Ciu Tzi a scris:

> La 2008-11-14 23:01:17, Evreu-rus a scris:
> > In America:
> > Bancile:
> > 1. Rothschild
> > 2. Lehman Brothers
> > 3. August Belmont
> > 4. Goldman Sachs & Co.
> > 5. J. & W. Seligman
> > 6. James Speyer & Co.
> > 7. Kuhn Loeb & Co. (Warburg)
> > 8. Lazard Freres
> >
> > Media:
> > -AOL: Time Warner : Gerald Levin
> > - CNN : Walter Isaacson
> > - Polygram : Edgar Bronfman Jr.
> > - Walt Disney : Joseph E. Roth
> > - Miramax Films : B. & H. Weinstein
> > -ABC : Michael Eisner
> > - Viacom : Murray Redstone
> > - CBS : Murray Redstone
> > - Dreamworks : Katzenberg/Geffen/Spielberg
> > - Vivendi : Edgar Bronfman Jr.
> > - News Corporation : Rupert Murdoch
> > - Associated Press : Michael Silverman
> > - Advance Publications : Samuel Newhouse
> >
> > Ziare:
> > - New York Times : Arthur Sulzberger
> > - Washington Post : K. M. Graham
> > - Wall Street Journal : Peter Kahn
> > - New York Daily News : M. Zuckerman
> > - New York Post : Peter Chernin
> >
> > Membrii administratiei Bush:
> > - Douglas Feith -Under Secretary of Defense
> > - Richard Perle - Pentagon adviser
> > - David Wormser - adviser to the Vice President
> > - Harold Rhode - Iran specialist
> > - Ben Bernanke - Chairman of the Federal Reserve
> >
> > UK:
> > Televiziune:
> > - BBC TV : Greg Dyke
> > -Carlton Communications :Michael Green
> > - Granada : S. Morrison
> > - BSky : R. Murdoch
> > - ITV : Michael Green
> > - ITN : Michael Green
> > - BBC Radio : Jenny Abramsky
> >
> > Ziare:
> > - Daily Express : R. Desmond
> > - Sunday Express: R. Desmond
> > - Daily Star : R. Desmond
> > - The Sun : R. Murdoch
> > - The Times : R. Murdoch
> > - News of the World : R. Murdoch
> > -Daily Telegraph : Israel Asper
> > - Weekly Telegraph : Israel Asper
> > - Daily Mail : Guy Zitter
> >

Ho Ciu Tzi din Chinatown (...@flash.ro, IP: 195.160.204...)
2008-11-14 23:34
Re: Dle Hapciu

Orice, numai nu jigniti patria mea muma China, tovarasi evrei!!!!!

La 2008-11-14 23:29:53, roy a scris:

> acum ai sa dormi chiar foarte bine.
> Daca vrei putem sa-tzi facem un abonament: in fiecare seara itzi dam
> cateva nume. Doar 1000$ pe luna si dormi linistit. Rezultate sigure
> pentru un pretz de nimic. Pe noi ne costa mai mult!
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> La 2008-11-14 23:12:37, Ho Ciu Tzi a scris:
> > La 2008-11-14 23:01:17, Evreu-rus a scris:
> >
> > > In America:
> > > Bancile:
> > > 1. Rothschild
> > > 2. Lehman Brothers
> > > 3. August Belmont
> > > 4. Goldman Sachs & Co.
> > > 5. J. & W. Seligman
> > > 6. James Speyer & Co.
> > > 7. Kuhn Loeb & Co. (Warburg)
> > > 8. Lazard Freres
> > >
> > > Media:
> > > -AOL: Time Warner : Gerald Levin
> > > - CNN : Walter Isaacson
> > > - Polygram : Edgar Bronfman Jr.
> > > - Walt Disney : Joseph E. Roth
> > > - Miramax Films : B. & H. Weinstein
> > > -ABC : Michael Eisner
> > > - Viacom : Murray Redstone
> > > - CBS : Murray Redstone
> > > - Dreamworks : Katzenberg/Geffen/Spielberg
> > > - Vivendi : Edgar Bronfman Jr.
> > > - News Corporation : Rupert Murdoch
> > > - Associated Press : Michael Silverman
> > > - Advance Publications : Samuel Newhouse
> > >
> > > Ziare:
> > > - New York Times : Arthur Sulzberger
> > > - Washington Post : K. M. Graham
> > > - Wall Street Journal : Peter Kahn
> > > - New York Daily News : M. Zuckerman
> > > - New York Post : Peter Chernin
> > >
> > > Membrii administratiei Bush:
> > > - Douglas Feith -Under Secretary of Defense
> > > - Richard Perle - Pentagon adviser
> > > - David Wormser - adviser to the Vice President
> > > - Harold Rhode - Iran specialist
> > > - Ben Bernanke - Chairman of the Federal Reserve
> > >
> > > UK:
> > > Televiziune:
> > > - BBC TV : Greg Dyke
> > > -Carlton Communications :Michael Green
> > > - Granada : S. Morrison
> > > - BSky : R. Murdoch
> > > - ITV : Michael Green
> > > - ITN : Michael Green
> > > - BBC Radio : Jenny Abramsky
> > >
> > > Ziare:
> > > - Daily Express : R. Desmond
> > > - Sunday Express: R. Desmond
> > > - Daily Star : R. Desmond
> > > - The Sun : R. Murdoch
> > > - The Times : R. Murdoch
> > > - News of the World : R. Murdoch
> > > -Daily Telegraph : Israel Asper
> > > - Weekly Telegraph : Israel Asper
> > > - Daily Mail : Guy Zitter
> > >
> >
> >

Evreu-rus din Rusia (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.47.58...)
2008-11-14 23:52
Re: Dle Ho Ciu Tzi (cativa dintre evreii sionisti cu influenta deosebita in lume)

La 2008-11-14 23:08:00, evreu normal a scris:

> La 2008-11-14 23:01:17, Evreu-rus a scris:
> Si ce ai vrut sa demonstrezi cu aceasta lista evreule?????
> Ca esti mandru ca sunt asa de multi evrei in toate sectoarele din
> lume????
> Ce dovedeste asta?:CA SUNT DESTEPTI...spre regretul dumitale.....!

Din nefericire, putine decizii pertinente in aceasta lume tot mai impertinenta mai pot fi luate fara sa fie neaparat agreate de o mana de oameni remarcabili prin instinctul lor de dominatie si prin stiinta lor de a guverna intr-un mod nescrupulos o omenire mult prea nestiutoare.
Vorba unui om care parea intelept, pana in momentul cand s-a lasat sa devina bratul executor al sionistilor: "Lumea este guvernata de personaje foarte diferite de cele pe care le cunosc cei de cealalta parte a cortinei. Aspectul real al problemei este ca guvernul este dominat de elementele financiare ale marilor grupuri, inca de pe vremea lui Andrew Jackson."
Franklin Roosevelt, pres. al SUA, 1933

MirceaS din Paris (...@netscape.net, IP: 82.233.232...)
2008-11-15 19:41
Re: Dle Ho Ciu Tzi(cativa dintre evreii sionisti cu influenta deosebita in lume) / F. interesanta lista!

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 85.250.241...)
2008-11-15 21:11
Re: Dle Ho Ciu Tzi(cativa dintre evreii sionisti cu influenta deosebita in lume) / F. interesanta lista!

Ho Ciu Tzi din Chinatown (...@flash.ro, IP: 195.160.204...)
2008-11-15 21:26
Re: Dle Ho Ciu Tzi(cativa dintre evreii sionisti cu influenta / F. interesanta / Amice Roiu,

roy din secrapadeziua.blogspot.com (...@hotmail.com, IP: 85.250.241...)
2008-11-15 21:57
Re: Dle Ho Ciu Tzi(cativa dintre evreii sionisti cu influenta / F. interesanta / Amice Roiu,

Ho Ciu Tzi din Chinatown (...@flash.ro, IP: 195.160.204...)
2008-11-15 22:02
Re: Dle Ho Ciu Tzi(cativa dintre evreii sionisti cu influenta / F. interesanta / Amice Roiu,

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