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Costinn (...@yahoo.com, IP: 76.171.20...)
2007-05-03 14:05
Greseala monumentala de documentare

Limitari de genul acesta se practica cu succes si au fost imopuse de public in state americane precum California, Arizona, Florida

Rauri de cerneala s-au scurs si au fsot publicate studii si carti.

Dati mai baieti un google pe "term limit" si o sa vedeti, nu-l mai lasati pe sefu sa comita sinucidere jurnalistica degeaba.

Arcturus (...@gmail.com, IP: 24.86.218...)
2007-05-03 17:29
Re: felicitari Costinn

Deh, ce sa-i faci, atunci cand vrei sa ataci pe cineva nu mai conteaza documentarea. D-ul SRS vrea sa il atace pe Mihaies, realitatea este doar un mic detaliu ce poate fi ignorat.

Felicitari Costinn!

The following 15 legislatures have term limits:
Arizona Legislature: four two-year terms for both houses (eight years).

Arkansas General Assembly: three two-year terms for House members (six years) and two four-year terms for Senate members (eight years).

California State Legislature: three two-year terms for Assembly members (six years) and two four-year terms for Senate members (eight years).

Colorado General Assembly: four consecutive two-year terms in the House (eight years) and two consecutive four-year terms in the Senate (eight years).

Florida Legislature: may serve no more than eight years in either house.
Louisiana State Legislature: three four-year terms for both houses (twelve years).

Maine Legislature: four two-year terms for both houses (eight years).
Michigan Legislature: three two-year terms for House members (six years) and two four-year terms for Senate members (eight years).

Missouri General Assembly: four consecutive two-year terms for House members (eight years) and two four-year consecutive terms for Senate members (eight years). Members may be elected again to the other
house, but not serve more than 16 years.

Montana State Legislature: four two-year terms for House members (eight years) in any sixteen year period and two four-year terms for Senate members (eight years) in any sixteen year period.

Nebraska Legislature: two four-year terms (eight years).

Nevada Legislature: six two-year terms for Assembly members (twelve years) and three four-year terms for Senate members (twelve years).

Ohio General Assembly: four consecutive two-year terms for House members (eight years) and two consecutive four-year terms for Senate members (eight years).

Oklahoma Legislature: six two-year terms for House members (twelve years) and three four-year terms for Senate members (twelve years).

South Dakota Legislature: four two-year terms for both houses (eight years).

La 2007-05-03 14:05:39, Costinn a scris:

> Limitari de genul acesta se practica cu succes si au fost imopuse de
> public in state americane precum California, Arizona, Florida
> Rauri de cerneala s-au scurs si au fsot publicate studii si carti.
> Dati mai baieti un google pe "term limit" si o sa vedeti, nu-l mai
> lasati pe sefu sa comita sinucidere jurnalistica degeaba.

Tom Sawyer din *** (...@gmail.com, IP: 81.83.53...)
2007-05-03 18:10
Re: felicitari Costinn

Hai s-o spunem p-a dreapta!

La nivel federal(Congres) nu exista term limit.
La nivel statal, Legislativele a 15 state din 50 au diferite forme de term limit. Acestea au fost introduse incepand din 1990 in 21 de state, dar intre timp 6 au revenit la o organizare fara term limit fie prin decizia Curtilor Supreme ca term limit e ilegal, fie prin abrogarea lor de catre Legislativ.

La 2007-05-03 17:29:45, Arcturus a scris:

> Deh, ce sa-i faci, atunci cand vrei sa ataci pe cineva nu mai conteaza
> documentarea. D-ul SRS vrea sa il atace pe Mihaies, realitatea este
> doar un mic detaliu ce poate fi ignorat.
> Felicitari Costinn!
> The following 15 legislatures have term limits:
> Arizona Legislature: four two-year terms for both houses (eight
> years).
> Arkansas General Assembly: three two-year terms for House members (six
> years) and two four-year terms for Senate members (eight years).
> California State Legislature: three two-year terms for Assembly
> members (six years) and two four-year terms for Senate members (eight
> years).
> Colorado General Assembly: four consecutive two-year terms in the
> House (eight years) and two consecutive four-year terms in the Senate
> (eight years).
> Florida Legislature: may serve no more than eight years in either
> house.
> Louisiana State Legislature: three four-year terms for both houses
> (twelve years).
> Maine Legislature: four two-year terms for both houses (eight years).
> Michigan Legislature: three two-year terms for House members (six
> years) and two four-year terms for Senate members (eight years).
> Missouri General Assembly: four consecutive two-year terms for House
> members (eight years) and two four-year consecutive terms for Senate
> members (eight years). Members may be elected again to the other
> house, but not serve more than 16 years.
> Montana State Legislature: four two-year terms for House members
> (eight years) in any sixteen year period and two four-year terms for
> Senate members (eight years) in any sixteen year period.
> Nebraska Legislature: two four-year terms (eight years).
> Nevada Legislature: six two-year terms for Assembly members (twelve
> years) and three four-year terms for Senate members (twelve years).
> Ohio General Assembly: four consecutive two-year terms for House
> members (eight years) and two consecutive four-year terms for Senate
> members (eight years).
> Oklahoma Legislature: six two-year terms for House members (twelve
> years) and three four-year terms for Senate members (twelve years).
> South Dakota Legislature: four two-year terms for both houses (eight
> years).
> La 2007-05-03 14:05:39, Costinn a scris:
> > Limitari de genul acesta se practica cu succes si au fost imopuse de
> > public in state americane precum California, Arizona, Florida
> >
> > Rauri de cerneala s-au scurs si au fsot publicate studii si carti.
> >
> > Dati mai baieti un google pe "term limit" si o sa vedeti, nu-l mai
> > lasati pe sefu sa comita sinucidere jurnalistica degeaba.
> >

Arcturus (...@gmail.com, IP: 24.86.218...)
2007-05-03 18:41
Re: felicitari Costinn

Intram in detalii, SRS a spus ca nu s-a mai auzit de asa ceva.

La 2007-05-03 18:10:06, Tom Sawyer a scris:

> Hai s-o spunem p-a dreapta!
> La nivel federal(Congres) nu exista term limit.
> La nivel statal, Legislativele a 15 state din 50 au diferite forme de
> term limit. Acestea au fost introduse incepand din 1990 in 21 de
> state, dar intre timp 6 au revenit la o organizare fara term limit fie
> prin decizia Curtilor Supreme ca term limit e ilegal, fie prin
> abrogarea lor de catre Legislativ.
> La 2007-05-03 17:29:45, Arcturus a scris:
> > Deh, ce sa-i faci, atunci cand vrei sa ataci pe cineva nu mai conteaza
> > documentarea. D-ul SRS vrea sa il atace pe Mihaies, realitatea este
> > doar un mic detaliu ce poate fi ignorat.
> >
> > Felicitari Costinn!
> >
> > The following 15 legislatures have term limits:
> > Arizona Legislature: four two-year terms for both houses (eight
> > years).
> >
> > Arkansas General Assembly: three two-year terms for House members (six
> > years) and two four-year terms for Senate members (eight years).
> >
> > California State Legislature: three two-year terms for Assembly
> > members (six years) and two four-year terms for Senate members (eight
> > years).
> >
> > Colorado General Assembly: four consecutive two-year terms in the
> > House (eight years) and two consecutive four-year terms in the Senate
> > (eight years).
> >
> > Florida Legislature: may serve no more than eight years in either
> > house.
> > Louisiana State Legislature: three four-year terms for both houses
> > (twelve years).
> >
> > Maine Legislature: four two-year terms for both houses (eight years).
> > Michigan Legislature: three two-year terms for House members (six
> > years) and two four-year terms for Senate members (eight years).
> >
> > Missouri General Assembly: four consecutive two-year terms for House
> > members (eight years) and two four-year consecutive terms for Senate
> > members (eight years). Members may be elected again to the other
> > house, but not serve more than 16 years.
> >
> > Montana State Legislature: four two-year terms for House members
> > (eight years) in any sixteen year period and two four-year terms for
> > Senate members (eight years) in any sixteen year period.
> >
> > Nebraska Legislature: two four-year terms (eight years).
> >
> > Nevada Legislature: six two-year terms for Assembly members (twelve
> > years) and three four-year terms for Senate members (twelve years).
> >
> > Ohio General Assembly: four consecutive two-year terms for House
> > members (eight years) and two consecutive four-year terms for Senate
> > members (eight years).
> >
> > Oklahoma Legislature: six two-year terms for House members (twelve
> > years) and three four-year terms for Senate members (twelve years).
> >
> > South Dakota Legislature: four two-year terms for both houses (eight
> > years).
> >
> > La 2007-05-03 14:05:39, Costinn a scris:
> >
> > > Limitari de genul acesta se practica cu succes si au fost imopuse de
> > > public in state americane precum California, Arizona, Florida
> > >
> > > Rauri de cerneala s-au scurs si au fsot publicate studii si carti.
> > >
> > > Dati mai baieti un google pe "term limit" si o sa vedeti, nu-l mai
> > > lasati pe sefu sa comita sinucidere jurnalistica degeaba.
> > >
> >
> >

Tom Sawyer din *** (...@gmail.com, IP: 81.83.53...)
2007-05-03 19:20
Re: felicitari Costinn

Ce detalii mai vrei?

Cateva state din USA au inceput destul de recent sa experimenteze cu sistemul asta la nivel statal. Mai bine de un sfert din ei au renuntat deja. Or fi avut motive...

La 2007-05-03 18:41:40, Arcturus a scris:

> Intram in detalii, SRS a spus ca nu s-a mai auzit de asa ceva.
> La 2007-05-03 18:10:06, Tom Sawyer a scris:
> > Hai s-o spunem p-a dreapta!
> >
> > La nivel federal(Congres) nu exista term limit.
> > La nivel statal, Legislativele a 15 state din 50 au diferite forme de
> > term limit. Acestea au fost introduse incepand din 1990 in 21 de
> > state, dar intre timp 6 au revenit la o organizare fara term limit fie
> > prin decizia Curtilor Supreme ca term limit e ilegal, fie prin
> > abrogarea lor de catre Legislativ.
> >
> > La 2007-05-03 17:29:45, Arcturus a scris:
> >
> > > Deh, ce sa-i faci, atunci cand vrei sa ataci pe cineva nu mai conteaza
> > > documentarea. D-ul SRS vrea sa il atace pe Mihaies, realitatea este
> > > doar un mic detaliu ce poate fi ignorat.
> > >
> > > Felicitari Costinn!
> > >
> > > The following 15 legislatures have term limits:
> > > Arizona Legislature: four two-year terms for both houses (eight
> > > years).
> > >
> > > Arkansas General Assembly: three two-year terms for House members (six
> > > years) and two four-year terms for Senate members (eight years).
> > >
> > > California State Legislature: three two-year terms for Assembly
> > > members (six years) and two four-year terms for Senate members (eight
> > > years).
> > >
> > > Colorado General Assembly: four consecutive two-year terms in the
> > > House (eight years) and two consecutive four-year terms in the Senate
> > > (eight years).
> > >
> > > Florida Legislature: may serve no more than eight years in either
> > > house.
> > > Louisiana State Legislature: three four-year terms for both houses
> > > (twelve years).
> > >
> > > Maine Legislature: four two-year terms for both houses (eight years).
> > > Michigan Legislature: three two-year terms for House members (six
> > > years) and two four-year terms for Senate members (eight years).
> > >
> > > Missouri General Assembly: four consecutive two-year terms for House
> > > members (eight years) and two four-year consecutive terms for Senate
> > > members (eight years). Members may be elected again to the other
> > > house, but not serve more than 16 years.
> > >
> > > Montana State Legislature: four two-year terms for House members
> > > (eight years) in any sixteen year period and two four-year terms for
> > > Senate members (eight years) in any sixteen year period.
> > >
> > > Nebraska Legislature: two four-year terms (eight years).
> > >
> > > Nevada Legislature: six two-year terms for Assembly members (twelve
> > > years) and three four-year terms for Senate members (twelve years).
> > >
> > > Ohio General Assembly: four consecutive two-year terms for House
> > > members (eight years) and two consecutive four-year terms for Senate
> > > members (eight years).
> > >
> > > Oklahoma Legislature: six two-year terms for House members (twelve
> > > years) and three four-year terms for Senate members (twelve years).
> > >
> > > South Dakota Legislature: four two-year terms for both houses (eight
> > > years).
> > >
> > > La 2007-05-03 14:05:39, Costinn a scris:
> > >
> > > > Limitari de genul acesta se practica cu succes si au fost imopuse de
> > > > public in state americane precum California, Arizona, Florida
> > > >
> > > > Rauri de cerneala s-au scurs si au fsot publicate studii si carti.
> > > >
> > > > Dati mai baieti un google pe "term limit" si o sa vedeti, nu-l mai
> > > > lasati pe sefu sa comita sinucidere jurnalistica degeaba.
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

Arcturus (...@gmail.com, IP: 24.86.218...)
2007-05-03 19:31
Re: felicitari Costinn

Nu vreau nici un detaliu, SRS a spus ca nu s-a mai auzit de asa ceva si a gresit. Ca e bun sistemul sau nu, e cu totul alta poveste. Daca discuta despre eficienta unui asemenea sistem, era cu totul altceva, dar SRS a ales sa il atace pe Mihaies pentru o idee care este folosita si altundeva. Tot articolul se bazeaza pe ideea ca "NU s-a mai pomenit asa ceva".

Asteptam corectari din partea lui SRS.

La 2007-05-03 19:20:53, Tom Sawyer a scris:

> Ce detalii mai vrei?
> Cateva state din USA au inceput destul de recent sa experimenteze cu
> sistemul asta la nivel statal. Mai bine de un sfert din ei au renuntat
> deja. Or fi avut motive...

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