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  07:21, luni, 8 iulie 2024
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Solitude din USA (...@yahoo.com, IP: 134.60.48...)
2009-12-10 17:35

"Mr. Patapievici did not mentioned [sic] the existence of any tape about Mr. Geoana: he just said that Mr. Basescu was offered such a thing and he rejected it. He was not talking about videos -true or fake or may not exist- or against anybody but about Mr. Basescu's moral attitude.”

Poate data viitoare, baieti!

Socrate din Bucuresti (...@yahoo.com, IP: 86.121.62...)
2009-12-10 17:47
Solitude, ce parere ai de moralitatea lui HTP ? * Re: Update!

Ce ai fi spus daca, in oglinda, Dan Nica ar fi dat un interviu similar, cu TB in loc de MG ?
Portocalism, portocalism, dar toate au o limita : cei 7 ani de acasa.

La 2009-12-10 17:35:49, Solitude a scris:

> "Mr. Patapievici did not mentioned [sic] the existence of any tape
> about Mr. Geoana: he just said that Mr. Basescu was offered such a
> thing and he rejected it. He was not talking about videos -true or
> fake or may not exist- or against anybody but about Mr. Basescu's
> moral attitude.”
> Poate data viitoare, baieti!

Punk din Gogobangu De Sud-Vest (...@yahoo.com, IP: 82.223.117...)
2009-12-10 21:59
Re: Update!

La 2009-12-10 17:35:49, Solitude a scris:

> Poate data viitoare, baieti!
Ce graso, acu oi vrea si tu sex oral? Ce ne crezi nebuni????

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