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Evreu-rus din Rusia (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.47.59...)
2008-08-06 01:19
De ce Bush este cel mai mare terorist din lume?

George W. Bush, in his unprovoked attack against the sovereign nation of Iraq, openly violated the UN Charter, to which the US is a signatory. The Charter's core principles contained in Article 2(4) and Article 51 prohibit one nation from attacking another except in self-defense or with the authority of the U.N. In effect, George Bush launched an unlawful use of force against persons and property.
The invasion launched by George W. Bush was heralded by the most frightening and powerful use of force and military violence in recent history. His Shock and Awe bombardment of Baghdad was designed to intimidate and coerce the government as well as the civilian population of that nation to change its existing leadership. That, in itself, was a political objective.
The purpose of the invasion and ensuing occupation of Iraq was to replace the existing dictatorship with an American-backed form of democracy that would not permit the emergence of a government headed by the majority Shia religious leadership. These motives were unquestionably political and social.

EVERYONE ELSE: Despite the protestations of George W. Bush to the contrary, we are NOT safer now by any stretch of the imagination. According to an NBC report at the beginning of September, 2004, there were roughly 2,929 terrorism related deaths around the world since the 9/11 attacks. Of these, 58 per cent of them – 1,709 – occurred in 2004 - this year!

Repeat: The total number of deaths in the entire world at the hands of terrorists since George W. Bush declared a War on Terror, amounts to around 3,000. Add the terrible losses in the United States on that fateful morning of September 11th, and we reach somewhere in the vicinity of 6,000 precious, innocent lives. Again: In only three years, terrorists around the world took the lives of approximately six thousand people.

GEORGE W. BUSH: In pursuit of his arrogant and PNAC-driven political and social objectives in Iraq, George W. Bush has the blood of thousands of innocent civilians on his hands. To cover his guilt, early in the war, the US government ordered the Iraqi Ministry of Health to stop counting civilian deaths, and forbade them from releasing any totals previously gathered. The image of a surgical war, dominated by smart bombs and resulting in very few civilian casualties was televised to the American public throughout the hostilities.

Restul, cititi de pe: http://tvnewslies.org/html/george_w__bush_-_world_s_leadi.html
Imi cer scuze ca nu am facut o traducere adecvata, dar a fost prea lung continutul si nu aveam nici un chef sa traduc.

alamar din america (...@msn.com, IP: 81.144.136...)
2008-08-06 01:27
Re: De ce Bush este cel mai mare terorist din lume?

La 2008-08-06 01:19:35, Evreu-rus a scris:

> *
> George W. Bush, in his unprovoked attack against the sovereign
> nation of Iraq, openly violated the UN Charter, to which the US is a
> signatory. The Charter's core principles contained in Article 2(4)
> and Article 51 prohibit one nation from attacking another except in
> self-defense or with the authority of the U.N. In effect, George Bush
> launched an unlawful use of force against persons and property.
> *
> The invasion launched by George W. Bush was heralded by the most
> frightening and powerful use of force and military violence in recent
> history. His Shock and Awe bombardment of Baghdad was designed to
> intimidate and coerce the government as well as the civilian
> population of that nation to change its existing leadership. That, in
> itself, was a political objective.
> *
> The purpose of the invasion and ensuing occupation of Iraq was
> to replace the existing dictatorship with an American-backed form of
> democracy that would not permit the emergence of a government headed
> by the majority Shia religious leadership. These motives were
> unquestionably political and social.
> EVERYONE ELSE: Despite the protestations of George W. Bush to the
> contrary, we are NOT safer now by any stretch of the imagination.
> According to an NBC report at the beginning of September, 2004, there
> were roughly 2,929 terrorism related deaths around the world since the
> 9/11 attacks. Of these, 58 per cent of them – 1,709 –
> occurred in 2004 - this year!
> Repeat: The total number of deaths in the entire world at the hands of
> terrorists since George W. Bush declared a War on Terror, amounts to
> around 3,000. Add the terrible losses in the United States on that
> fateful morning of September 11th, and we reach somewhere in the
> vicinity of 6,000 precious, innocent lives. Again: In only three
> years, terrorists around the world took the lives of approximately six
> thousand people.
> GEORGE W. BUSH: In pursuit of his arrogant and PNAC-driven political
> and social objectives in Iraq, George W. Bush has the blood of
> thousands of innocent civilians on his hands. To cover his guilt,
> early in the war, the US government ordered the Iraqi Ministry of
> Health to stop counting civilian deaths, and forbade them from
> releasing any totals previously gathered. The image of a surgical
> war, dominated by smart bombs and resulting in very few civilian
> casualties was televised to the American public throughout the
> hostilities.
> Restul, cititi de pe:
> http://tvnewslies.org/html/george_w__bush_-_world_s_leadi.html
> Imi cer scuze ca nu am facut o traducere adecvata, dar a fost prea
> lung continutul si nu aveam nici un chef sa traduc.
dle rus, cand termini cu traducerea acestor site-uri (prestigioase), anunta-ne !...Asteptam noile traduceri ale dtale de pe site urile al- manar, al jaazira , al qaida, islamic jihad ,etc...

lahovari din undeva in lume (...@yahoo.com, IP: 208.104.156...)
2008-08-06 01:43
Re: De ce Bush este cel mai mare terorist din lume?

Cel mai destept presedinte care a existat undeva in lume ,incearca sa scape lumea de un cancer care se chiama islamo-fascism -rusofob,criminali rusi,arabi,persani,.sper sa avem norocul ca americanii sa aleaga de data asta sau viitoare un om cu cojones mai mari ca cele care le are presedintele actual.

La 2008-08-06 01:19:35, Evreu-rus a scris:

> *
> George W. Bush, in his unprovoked attack against the sovereign
> nation of Iraq, openly violated the UN Charter, to which the US is a
> signatory. The Charter's core principles contained in Article 2(4)
> and Article 51 prohibit one nation from attacking another except in
> self-defense or with the authority of the U.N. In effect, George Bush
> launched an unlawful use of force against persons and property.
> *
> The invasion launched by George W. Bush was heralded by the most
> frightening and powerful use of force and military violence in recent
> history. His Shock and Awe bombardment of Baghdad was designed to
> intimidate and coerce the government as well as the civilian
> population of that nation to change its existing leadership. That, in
> itself, was a political objective.
> *
> The purpose of the invasion and ensuing occupation of Iraq was
> to replace the existing dictatorship with an American-backed form of
> democracy that would not permit the emergence of a government headed
> by the majority Shia religious leadership. These motives were
> unquestionably political and social.
> EVERYONE ELSE: Despite the protestations of George W. Bush to the
> contrary, we are NOT safer now by any stretch of the imagination.
> According to an NBC report at the beginning of September, 2004, there
> were roughly 2,929 terrorism related deaths around the world since the
> 9/11 attacks. Of these, 58 per cent of them – 1,709 –
> occurred in 2004 - this year!
> Repeat: The total number of deaths in the entire world at the hands of
> terrorists since George W. Bush declared a War on Terror, amounts to
> around 3,000. Add the terrible losses in the United States on that
> fateful morning of September 11th, and we reach somewhere in the
> vicinity of 6,000 precious, innocent lives. Again: In only three
> years, terrorists around the world took the lives of approximately six
> thousand people.
> GEORGE W. BUSH: In pursuit of his arrogant and PNAC-driven political
> and social objectives in Iraq, George W. Bush has the blood of
> thousands of innocent civilians on his hands. To cover his guilt,
> early in the war, the US government ordered the Iraqi Ministry of
> Health to stop counting civilian deaths, and forbade them from
> releasing any totals previously gathered. The image of a surgical
> war, dominated by smart bombs and resulting in very few civilian
> casualties was televised to the American public throughout the
> hostilities.
> Restul, cititi de pe:
> http://tvnewslies.org/html/george_w__bush_-_world_s_leadi.html
> Imi cer scuze ca nu am facut o traducere adecvata, dar a fost prea
> lung continutul si nu aveam nici un chef sa traduc.

Evreu-rus din Rusia (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.47.59...)
2008-08-06 01:51
Re: De ce Bush este cel mai mare terorist din lume?

La 2008-08-06 01:43:39, lahovari a scris:

> Cel mai destept presedinte care a existat undeva in lume ,incearca sa
> scape lumea de un cancer care se chiama islamo-fascism
> -rusofob,criminali rusi,arabi,persani,.sper sa avem norocul ca
> americanii sa aleaga de data asta sau viitoare un om cu cojones mai
> mari ca cele care le are presedintele actual.
Cum se face ca toti cei care va dati aparatorii tampitului nu aveti mai multa minte decat el? Stii macar ce inseamna rusofob? Hai, sa te aud. Intrebare elementara. Dar stii ce inseamna rusofon? Cunosti diferenta? Primesti de la mine o acadea daca raspunzi bine.

. . (...@yahoo.com, IP: 86.106.63...)
2008-08-06 01:56
Re: De ce Bush este cel mai mare terorist din lume?

Guzgane lahovari, speri degeaba. Americanii sint terminati. Singurul lucru ce le-a mai ramas de facut este sa se curete de parazitii care i-au adus in halul asta, adica de voi. Nu veti mai avea pe cine sa pacaliti, asta a fost, balul s-a terminat. Crapati pe limba voastra.

lahovari din undeva in lume (...@yahoo.com, IP: 208.104.156...)
2008-08-06 01:57
Re: De ce Bush este cel mai mare terorist din lume?

un bufon murdar ca tine,traducere exacta

La 2008-08-06 01:51:33, Evreu-rus a scris:

> La 2008-08-06 01:43:39, lahovari a scris:
> > Cel mai destept presedinte care a existat undeva in lume ,incearca sa
> > scape lumea de un cancer care se chiama islamo-fascism
> > -rusofob,criminali rusi,arabi,persani,.sper sa avem norocul ca
> > americanii sa aleaga de data asta sau viitoare un om cu cojones mai
> > mari ca cele care le are presedintele actual.
> >
> Cum se face ca toti cei care va dati aparatorii tampitului nu aveti
> mai multa minte decat el? Stii macar ce inseamna rusofob? Hai, sa te
> aud. Intrebare elementara. Dar stii ce inseamna rusofon? Cunosti
> diferenta? Primesti de la mine o acadea daca raspunzi bine.

Evreu-rus din Rusia (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.47.59...)
2008-08-06 02:08
Re: De ce Bush este cel mai mare terorist din lume?

La 2008-08-06 01:57:42, lahovari a scris:

> un bufon murdar ca tine,traducere exacta
> La 2008-08-06 01:51:33, Evreu-rus a scris:
> > La 2008-08-06 01:43:39, lahovari a scris:
> >
> > > Cel mai destept presedinte care a existat undeva in lume ,incearca sa
> > > scape lumea de un cancer care se chiama islamo-fascism
> > > -rusofob,criminali rusi,arabi,persani,.sper sa avem norocul ca
> > > americanii sa aleaga de data asta sau viitoare un om cu cojones mai
> > > mari ca cele care le are presedintele actual.

Foarte bine. Nu mai primesti nici o acadea de la mine. Rusofobie se traduce prin ura/frica/respingere fata de rusi. Prin urmare, nu-si gasea contextul in comentariul dumitale-citez: islamo-fascism-rusofob (inseamna ca islamistii-fascisti!!?? ii urasc pe rusi?). Mai invata, mai invata...

cercetas din Stiulezia (...@ausi.com, IP: 75.68.237...)
2008-08-06 02:15

La 2008-08-06 02:08:12, Evreu-rus a scris: cacareze ca de obicei

Evreu-rus din Rusia (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.47.59...)
2008-08-06 02:18

La 2008-08-06 02:15:53, cercetas a scris:

> La 2008-08-06 02:08:12, Evreu-rus a scris: cacareze ca de obicei
Nu am cum. Mi-ai luat-o dumneata inainte.

cercetas din Stiulezia (...@ausi.com, IP: 75.68.237...)
2008-08-06 02:22

deci ramane cum am stabilit.
pacat de voi, si-a batut joc KGB-istii de voi a pus mana pe toate bogatiile si va lasa numai........

Evreu total cel mai evreu (...@saudia.com, IP: 75.68.237...)
2008-08-06 04:08
Re: hopa hop, tragi si nu ia foc, pasarica-i cu noroc...... spune pas si treci la loc

spune pas si treci la loc, ca nu ai interesu sa fi in defensiva, mergi la alt subiect sau deschide unul nou

La 2008-08-06 04:00:44, lahovari a scris: ....................................
...................eu pot repeta pana maine acelas lucru

lahovari din undeva in lume (...@yahoo.com, IP: 208.104.156...)
2008-08-06 21:29
Re: De ce Bush este cel mai mare terorist din lume?

vierme de canal jegos terminat iesti tu te-au eliberat de la socola si azi debitezi tampitenipe forum lepadatura

La 2008-08-06 01:56:30, . . a scris:

> Guzgane lahovari, speri degeaba. Americanii sint terminati. Singurul
> lucru ce le-a mai ramas de facut este sa se curete de parazitii care
> i-au adus in halul asta, adica de voi. Nu veti mai avea pe cine sa
> pacaliti, asta a fost, balul s-a terminat. Crapati pe limba voastra.

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