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Evreu-rus din Rusia (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.47.59...)
2008-07-16 15:19

Militiile crestine erau in acel moment aliati ai Israelului. Mai mult decat atat a avut loc in timpul prezentei armatei israeliene la Beirut, care nu numai ca nu a facut nimic ptr a impiedica genocidul, dar a intervenit ptr a-i opri pe refugiati sa fuga din calea mortii-le-au blocat drumurile de acces. Mai mult, Sharon a stiut si aprobat acest masracu.
Apropo, dar de masacrul de la Sharafat, masacrul de la Kibya, masacrul de la Kafr Qasem, masacrul de la Al-Sammou', masacrul de la Oyon Qara, masacrul din Moscheea Al-Aqsa, masacrul din Moscheea Ibrahimi, masacrul de la Jabalia, de toate acestea ce ai de zis?

evreu mandru din israel din Israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 84.109.85...)
2008-07-16 16:21
Re: Ahmed....

De ce mergi asa de departe in istorie, cand civili palestinieni au fost omorati din greseala, noi nu suntem ca voi, n-avem ce castiga din a ucide deliberat civili, numai o imagine proasta in ochii opiniei publice.

Dar aici ai o micutza lista care va reprezinta natura ucigasa si setea de sange evreu:

1.12.2001 -- Two suicide terrorists exploded inside a car bomb at the Ben Yehuda pedestrian mall in Jerusalem; 11 Israeli civilians were killed and 183 were wounded.

27.3.2002 -- Passover's Eve, a suicide attack at Park hotel in Netanya; 29 Israelis were killed and over 130 were wounded.

31.3.2002 -- A suicide attack in a Haifa restaurant; 15 were killed and about 45 were wounded.

1 June 2001 -- A suicide terrorist exploded at the entrance to a crowded seaside dance club in Tel Aviv; 21 were killed and 106 were wounded.

9.8.2001 -- A suicide terrorist exploded in Sbarro restaurant in the heart of Jerusalem; 15 Israelis were killed and dozens were wounded.

28.10.2001 -- A terrorist attack in the heart of Hadera; 4 women were killed.

4.3.2001 -- A suicide attack in Netanya; 3 Israeli civilians were killed and over 80 were wounded.

26.3.2001 -- An Israeli infant was shot to death by a Palestinian sniper in Hebron. The infant's father was moderately wounded.

18.5.2001 -- A suicide attack near a shopping mall in Netanya; 5 Israeli civilians were killed and 110 were wounded.

La 2008-07-16 15:19:45, Evreu-rus a scris:

> Militiile crestine erau in acel moment aliati ai Israelului. Mai mult
> decat atat a avut loc in timpul prezentei armatei israeliene la
> Beirut, care nu numai ca nu a facut nimic ptr a impiedica genocidul,
> dar a intervenit ptr a-i opri pe refugiati sa fuga din calea
> mortii-le-au blocat drumurile de acces. Mai mult, Sharon a stiut si
> aprobat acest masracu.
> Apropo, dar de masacrul de la Sharafat, masacrul de la Kibya, masacrul
> de la Kafr Qasem, masacrul de la Al-Sammou', masacrul de la Oyon Qara,
> masacrul din Moscheea Al-Aqsa, masacrul din Moscheea Ibrahimi,
> masacrul de la Jabalia, de toate acestea ce ai de zis?

b.d. din israel (...@yahoo.com, IP: 85.65.215...)
2008-07-16 16:43
Re: Ahmed....

Si eu adaug o mica lista. Dintr-o perioada ceva mai indepartata cand,
''bravii luptatori de libertate'' care motiveaza crimele lor pretextand
''eliberarea teritoriilor ocupate'', nici nu visau ca va exista asa ceva.
Adica, razboiul din 1967.
Cum se motiveaza atacurile teroriste de dinainte de aceasta data ?

Jan 1, 1952 - Jerusalem
7 armed terrorists attacked and killed a 19 year-old girl in her home, in the neighborhood of Beit Yisrael.

June 9, 1953 - Lod and Hadera
Terrorists killed a resident of Lod, after throwing hand grenades and spraying gunfire in all directions. On the same night, another group of terrorists attacked a house in Hadera.

Jun 11, 1953 - Kfar Hess
Terrorists attacked a young couple in their home and shot them to death.

Mar 17, 1954 - Maale Akrabim
Terrorists ambushed a bus traveling from Eilat to Tel Aviv, opening fire at short range. The terrorists boarded the bus, and shot each passenger, one by one, murdering 11.

Jan 2, 1955 - Judean Desert
2 hikers killed by terrorists.

Mar 24, 1955 - Patish
1 young woman killed and 18 wounded when terrorists threw hand grenades and opened fire on a crowded wedding celebration.

Apr 7, 1956 - Ashkelon
1 young woman killed when terrorists threw 3 hand grenades into her house.

Apr 7, 1956 - Kibbutz Givat Chaim
2 killed when terrorists opened fire on a car.

Apr 11, 1956 - Shafrir (Kfar Chabad)
3 children and 1 youth worker killed, and 5 injured, when terrorists opened fire on a synagogue full of children and teenagers.

Sep 12, 1956 - Ein Ofarim
Terrorists killed 3 Druze guards.

Sep 23, 1956 - Kibbutz Ramat Rachel
4 archaeologists killed and 16 wounded when terrorists opened fire from a Jordanian position.

Oct 4, 1956 - Sdom
5 Israeli workers killed.

Oct 9, 1956 - Neve Hadasah
2 workers were killed in an orchard of the youth village.

Nov 8, 1956 - Terrorists opened fire on a train, attacked cars and blew up wells, in the north and center of Israel. 6 Israelis were wounded.

Feb 18, 1957 - Nir Yitzhak
2 civilians killed by terrorist landmines.

Apr 16, 1957 - Kibbutz Mesilot
2 guards killed by terrorists who infiltrated from Jordan.

May 29, 1957 - Kibbutz Kisufim
1 killed and 2 wounded when their vehicle struck a landmine.

Aug 23, 1957 - Kibbutz Beit Govrin
2 guards of the Israeli Mekorot water company killed.

Feb 11, 1958 - Kfar Yona
Terrorists killed a resident of Moshav Yanov.

Apr 5, 1958 - Tel Lachish
Terrorists lying in ambush shot and killed 2 people.

May 26, 1958 - Jerusalem
4 Israeli police officers killed in a Jordanian attack on Mt. Scopus.

Nov 17, 1958 - Mt. of the Beatitudes | Syrian terrorists killed the wife of the British air attache in Israel, who was staying at the guesthouse of the Italian Convent.

Dec 3, 1958- Kibbutz Gonen
A shepherd killed and 31 civilians wounded in an artillery attack.

Feb 1, 1959 - Moshav Zavdiel
3 civilians killed by a terrorist landmine.

Apr 27, 1959 - Masada
2 hikers shot and killed at close range.

Apr 26, 1960 - Ashkelon
Terrorists killed a resident of the city.

Jan 1, 1965 - Palestinian terrorists attempted to bomb the National Water Carrier - the first attack carried out by the PLO's Fatah faction.

July 5, 1965 - Mitzpe Massua
A Fatah cell planted explosives near Beit Guvrin, and on the railroad tracks to Jerusalem near Kfar Battir.

May 16, 1966 - Northern Galilee region | 2 Israelis killed when their jeep hit a terrorist landmine. Tracks led into Syria.

Jul 13, 1966 - Almagor
2 soldiers and 1 civilian killed when their truck struck a terrorist landmine.


La 2008-07-16 16:21:35, evreu mandru din israel a scris:

> De ce mergi asa de departe in istorie, cand civili palestinieni au
> fost omorati din greseala, noi nu suntem ca voi, n-avem ce castiga din
> a ucide deliberat civili, numai o imagine proasta in ochii opiniei
> publice.
> Dar aici ai o micutza lista care va reprezinta natura ucigasa si setea
> de sange evreu:
> 1.12.2001 -- Two suicide terrorists exploded inside a car bomb at the
> Ben Yehuda pedestrian mall in Jerusalem; 11 Israeli civilians were
> killed and 183 were wounded.
> 27.3.2002 -- Passover's Eve, a suicide attack at Park hotel in
> Netanya; 29 Israelis were killed and over 130 were wounded.
> 31.3.2002 -- A suicide attack in a Haifa restaurant; 15 were killed
> and about 45 were wounded.
> 1 June 2001 -- A suicide terrorist exploded at the entrance to a
> crowded seaside dance club in Tel Aviv; 21 were killed and 106 were
> wounded.
> 9.8.2001 -- A suicide terrorist exploded in Sbarro restaurant in the
> heart of Jerusalem; 15 Israelis were killed and dozens were wounded.
> 28.10.2001 -- A terrorist attack in the heart of Hadera; 4 women were
> killed.
> 4.3.2001 -- A suicide attack in Netanya; 3 Israeli civilians were
> killed and over 80 were wounded.
> 26.3.2001 -- An Israeli infant was shot to death by a Palestinian
> sniper in Hebron. The infant's father was moderately wounded.
> 18.5.2001 -- A suicide attack near a shopping mall in Netanya; 5
> Israeli civilians were killed and 110 were wounded.
> La 2008-07-16 15:19:45, Evreu-rus a scris:
> > Militiile crestine erau in acel moment aliati ai Israelului. Mai mult
> > decat atat a avut loc in timpul prezentei armatei israeliene la
> > Beirut, care nu numai ca nu a facut nimic ptr a impiedica genocidul,
> > dar a intervenit ptr a-i opri pe refugiati sa fuga din calea
> > mortii-le-au blocat drumurile de acces. Mai mult, Sharon a stiut si
> > aprobat acest masracu.
> > Apropo, dar de masacrul de la Sharafat, masacrul de la Kibya, masacrul
> > de la Kafr Qasem, masacrul de la Al-Sammou', masacrul de la Oyon Qara,
> > masacrul din Moscheea Al-Aqsa, masacrul din Moscheea Ibrahimi,
> > masacrul de la Jabalia, de toate acestea ce ai de zis?
> >

monel din israel (...@bezeqint.net, IP: 79.183.213...)
2008-07-16 17:28
Re: Alwis46

La 2008-07-16 15:19:45, Evreu-rus a scris:

> Militiile crestine erau in acel moment aliati ai Israelului. Mai mult
> decat atat a avut loc in timpul prezentei armatei israeliene la
> Beirut, care nu numai ca nu a facut nimic ptr a impiedica genocidul,
> dar a intervenit ptr a-i opri pe refugiati sa fuga din calea
> mortii-le-au blocat drumurile de acces. Mai mult, Sharon a stiut si
> aprobat acest masracu.
> Apropo, dar de masacrul de la Sharafat, masacrul de la Kibya, masacrul
> de la Kafr Qasem, masacrul de la Al-Sammou', masacrul de la Oyon Qara,
> masacrul din Moscheea Al-Aqsa, masacrul din Moscheea Ibrahimi,
> masacrul de la Jabalia, de toate acestea ce ai de zis?
mai fratilor, ahmed nu stie engleza, a invatat putina romana cand l-au trimis comunistii pe contul poporului sa invete in romania.
acum linge cu-ruri pentru acei bani pe care i-a primit atunci.

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