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Arcturus (...@gmail.com, IP: 24.82.154...)
2009-01-11 19:38
Israeli Soldier in Gaza: "Purification . . .It's Dirty Here"

Ia uite de ce nu lasa guvernul AshkeNAZI jurnalistii in Gaza ... pentru ca ar putea documenta crimele soldatilor. Adevarul nu poate insa ramane ascuns pt. totdeauna:

CBC reports on Israeli military killing of civilians with Israeli army footage that Israeli television leaked. It shows the killing of a mother of two. There is touching footage of a young girl trying not to show the enemy her tears. Israeli soldiers appear to have delayed an ambulance from coming in time to save her. One of the Israeli soldiers says "I don't know what we are doing here. Purification maybe. It's dirty here. I don't know why a good Hebrew boy should be here so far from his home."


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