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Evreu-rus din Rusia (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.47.58...)
2009-04-22 00:49
Declaratiile "antisemite" facut in cadrul summitului ONU de la Durban

Declaratiile respective se refera la conflictul israeliano-palestinian. Un paragraf se refera clar la "soarta poporului palestinian care traieste sub ocupatie straina".

Victimele rasismului, discriminarii rasiale, xenofobiei si intolerantei asociate
63. "Suntem preocupati de situatia poporului palestinian aflat sub ocupatie straina. Recunoastem dreptul inalienabil al poporului palestinian la autodeterminare si la crearea unui stat independent si recunoastem dreptul la securitate al tuturor statelor din regiune, inclusiv Israel, si facem apel la state sa sprijine procesul de pace si sa-l definitiveze cat mai repede."

65. "Recunoastem dreptul refugiatilor de a se intoarce in mod voluntar in caminele si pe proprietatile lor in demnitate si siguranta, si cerem insistent statelor sa le inlesneasca intoarcerea in aceste conditii."

Curat "antisemitism"!

antiohus (...@hotmail.com, IP: 77.126.239...)
2009-04-22 02:31
ha ha ha !! asta chiar ca-i...

poanta zilei

bey,daca tot esti pus sa torni minciuni,macar fa-o cu ceva...skill,ceva logica

oricum,este bine stiut ca ei nu pronunta niciodata cuvantul "israel",ci exprimari de genul..."entitate sionista",etc...

dar daca aduci aici un copy/paste cu fragmentul respectiv(in engleza),vei fi iertat

ps. ca sa vezi cum e viata asta,sunt unii pe forum care te ridica in slavi,iar altii(eu,noi,de exemplu)afirma ca nu ai fi avut loc pe-acolo pe la ei nici ca spalator de weceuri

laur din Bucuresti (...@yahoo.com, IP: 202.134.119...)
2009-04-22 07:40
alte opinii

Tuesday, April 21, 2009, Greg Bacon said...
I watched part of his speech and was struck by the booing and hissing going on... and the walkout, which was obviously staged.

Someone sure is afraid of AJ and what he had to say, so much so they tried to disrupt a man merely giving a speech.

Looks like they have no ground to stand on and give educated rebuttals, so they resort to a form of violence. Just like that SLC in the ME anytime someone mentions the word "peace." Mention the "P" word to the Khazars and they'll respond by sending in flights of heavily armed F-16's and Apache helicopter gunships to reply.

That's Israel for you. When they can't beat you to death with a club, or bomb and shoot you out of existence, they'll make a big show and disrupt your speech because they don't want anyone to hear anything that hasn't been thru the Zionist filter.

At Tuesday, April 21, 2009, Infensus Mentis said...
You're welcome, Q.

I agree, Greg - the walk-out was a form of violence, and since it was an orchestrated one, it was pre-meditated violence. It's an insult of the highest order. It says a lot about our arse-backward world when leaders of nations walk out on the only person willing to speak the truth at an international forum.

As good as his speech was, it looks like Ahmadinejad toned it down a bit:

Among the excised sections was a claim that Zionists "have been able to deeply penetrate [western] political and economic structures, including their legislation, mass media, companies, financial systems, and their security and intelligence agencies".Perfectly factual assertion, but of course a totally unacceptable utterance if you're addressing Zionist stooges at the U.N., who chuck hissy fits and walk out at the slightest hint of criticism of the Apartheid State. The irony is that the walk-out actually confirms that Ahmadinejad's omitted claim is true.

Evreu-rus din Rusia (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.47.58...)
2009-04-22 16:22
Declaratiile in original

La 2009-04-22 02:31:41, antiohus a scris:

> poanta zilei
> bey,daca tot esti pus sa torni minciuni,macar fa-o cu
> ceva...skill,ceva logica
> oricum,este bine stiut ca ei nu pronunta niciodata cuvantul
> "israel",ci exprimari de genul..."entitate sionista",etc...
> dar daca aduci aici un copy/paste cu fragmentul respectiv(in
> engleza),vei fi iertat

World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and
Related Intolerance

63. "We are concerned about the plight of the Palestinian people under foreign
occupation. We recognize the inalienable right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and to the establishment of an independent State and we recognize the right to security for all States in the region, including Israel, and call upon all States to support the peace process and bring it to an early conclusion";

65. "We recognize the right of refugees to return voluntarily to their homes and
properties in dignity and safety, and urge all States to facilitate such return";

Unde anume vezi "antisemitism" in aceste declaratii?

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