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srelu (...@yahoo.com, IP: 79.114.230...)
2009-07-02 00:41
Sorrofully the dear Williams need to worry about the future of his child

<<...so that he can grow up well educated and you need not fear for his future>>

For most Europeans, especially Romanians, a gipsy is just a gipsy regardless of his education.

invizibil din RO (...@yahoo.com, IP: 81.89.29...)
2009-07-02 10:34
Re: Sorrofully the dear Williams need to worry about the future of his child

La 2009-07-02 00:41:40, srelu a scris:

> <<...so that he can grow up well educated and you need not fear for
> his future>>
> For most Europeans, especially Romanians, a gipsy is just a gipsy
> regardless of his education.

vai ... "a gipsy is just a gipsy" . pute dupa tine de inteligenta

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