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oblioo (...@yahoo.com, IP: 62.175.249...)
2009-06-30 02:06
Si primul ministru australian a mintit in privinta datoriei externe ( doar 91 de miliarde )

Notice: Nobody is in credit. Can you believe that? Are we all in debt to the moon?

Notice also the difference between the World Bank / IMF figures and the Australian Bureau of Statistics figures. Someone is lying. Find where Howard's $91 billion debt in unfunded federal public sector superannuation is recorded. Find the same debt for the states and many local government authorities. We owe it to someone.

The World Money Lenders are so rich they can pretend they do not exist. These same money lenders now own the list of the world's richest men and they can afford to remove their names from the list.

Bill Gates got to the top because the Money Masters didn't want their names there, just in case curious people started to wonder how people, who produce nothing and lend what they haven't got, can get so obscenely rich. They got that rich creating money - not earning it.

Only honest poor men create goods and services. The big money is made manipulating oil, gold and commodity prices. Even bigger gains are available to those who create money and lend at extortionate interest rates to further impoverish Third World countries. A few good wars where political puppets award lucrative contracts are costly in lives but rewarding in dollars.

Our savings, life assurance, superannuation will be so devalued as to be worthless while they remain in the hands of the Money Masters. They milk us. At the stroke of a pen they can invest $5 billion of our super, in a USA hedge fund, trash the fund, take the wealth, leave us destitute, which they do REGULARLY.

If we continue to fall for this scam then WE ARE THE PROBLEM. When people say "But what can I do?" give them this paper and tell them to get it to 20 people.

iobagul roman din Florida (...@aol.com, IP: 24.214.177...)
2009-06-30 04:34
Re: Si primul ministru australian a mintit in privinta datoriei externe ( doar 91 de miliarde )

Super adevarat,ei tiparesc banii din aer rarefiat si au numit(cu ajutorul presei,au spalat creiere de narozi,95%)guvernele marionete,care nu fac decit sa aspire cu zece miini banii tiparitzi cu "sudoare"de o singura mina neagra.
Nenorocirea cea mai mare o sa vina cind ei or sa-tzi tipareasca euro,cind nu vor mai fi bani decit pt.ce vrea scula lor(si probabil vor avea cipsul 666 in ei)

009-06-30 02:06:11, oblioo a scris:

> Notice: Nobody is in credit. Can you believe that? Are we all in debt
> to the moon?
> Notice also the difference between the World Bank / IMF figures and
> the Australian Bureau of Statistics figures. Someone is lying. Find
> where Howard's $91 billion debt in unfunded federal public sector
> superannuation is recorded. Find the same debt for the states and
> many local government authorities. We owe it to someone.
> The World Money Lenders are so rich they can pretend they do not
> exist. These same money lenders now own the list of the world's
> richest men and they can afford to remove their names from the list.
> Bill Gates got to the top because the Money Masters didn't want their
> names there, just in case curious people started to wonder how
> people, who produce nothing and lend what they haven't got, can get
> so obscenely rich. They got that rich creating money - not earning
> it.
> Only honest poor men create goods and services. The big money is made
> manipulating oil, gold and commodity prices. Even bigger gains are
> available to those who create money and lend at extortionate interest
> rates to further impoverish Third World countries. A few good wars
> where political puppets award lucrative contracts are costly in lives
> but rewarding in dollars.
> Our savings, life assurance, superannuation will be so devalued as to
> be worthless while they remain in the hands of the Money Masters.
> They milk us. At the stroke of a pen they can invest $5 billion of
> our super, in a USA hedge fund, trash the fund, take the wealth,
> leave us destitute, which they do REGULARLY.
> If we continue to fall for this scam then WE ARE THE PROBLEM. When
> people say "But what can I do?" give them this paper and tell them to
> get it to 20 people.

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