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iobagul roman din Florida (...@aol.com, IP: 24.214.177...)
2009-06-12 21:35
tot teroristi erau si smecherii care livrau armament de ultima ora talibanilor cind luptau impotriva

rusilor(oricum interesul poarta fesul,adica atunci luptau impotriva rusilor,iar acum lupta impotriva israelienilor,sa'i elibereze pe palestinieni)=baga bine la scafirlie,ca presa zionista n'o sa-tzi sufle o vorba de asta
Regan ii numea pe talibani eroii in opinci care nu se rusineaza sa lupte impotriva tiranilor
Iranul a ramas printre putziini care mai incearca sa ia partea oropsitzilor,chiar potzi sa spui ca e singura care a ramas neacaparata de satanisti( si singura cu adevarat democrata)

Network-centric Warfare
While American operators may get their kicks unloading a salvo of deadly missiles on unsuspecting villagers thousands of miles away, what happens when CIA "cut-outs" get it wrong?

According to investigative journalist Amir Mir, writing in the Lahore-based newspaper The News, "of the sixty cross-border Predator strikes...between January 14, 2006 and April 8, 2009, only 10 were able to hit their actual targets, killing 14 wanted al-Qaeda leaders, besides perishing 687 innocent Pakistani civilians. The success percentage of the US Predator strikes thus comes to not more than six percent."

Webmaster's Commentary:
You tax dollars at work, folks... while homeless Vets sleep on our streets.

Ban considering fining Israel for Gaza damage
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Thursday it was "critical" that Israel halt all settlement activity. He added that he was considering fining the state $11 million for damage it did to UN facilities during the Gaza war.

Webmaster's Commentary:
Memo to Ban Ki Moon: what about fining Israel some kind of reparations for the carnage and destruction of the Gazan Palestinian people?

Or don't they matter in your equation, just as long as the UN gets enough money to rebuild their facilities?!?

Suspect in US Holocaust museum guard killing has links to BNP
Yesterday it emerged that Von Brunn, a longtime antisemite, had attended meetings of the American Friends of the British National party (AFBNP), which was set up to raise funds from far-right activists in America.

Webmaster's Commentary:
They are going to use this guy to smear anyone refusing to go along with the NWO agenda!

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