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Artistul2007 din US (...@hotmail.com, IP: 188.24.147...)
2009-05-09 13:31
Romania rata ridicata a vorturilor are educatie pro avort pro crima in scoli? Avortul se iarta prin


“Sex Ed

The Education for Health program has brought graphic sex education into our schools. It is funded by all the major population control players: UNAID, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNDP, and the World Bank. In second grade (8-9 years) pupils are taught about differences between men and women. They are supposed to discover body parts through interactive games.During the third and fourth grades (9-11 years), students are taught how babies appear and develop in the womb. During the fifth and sixth grades (11-13 years), students are taught about conception, risks of pregnancy and sexual behavior. During the seventh and eighth grades (13-15), they learn about beginning sexual activity and are given useful addresses for easy access to contraception and, presumably, abortion. In the final grades, students receive full reproductive health services and are taught specific aspects of sexual relations. That is to say, they are given free hormonal contraceptives and condoms.
The teaching material has been criticized by many teachers and organizations for its pornographic pictures and immoral ideas. Pro-life organizations, including Primul Pas (Iasi), Christiana (Cluj), and Pro Filus (Pitesti) have been particularly skeptical of the program because it focuses on contraception and abortion, and does not emphasize morality. Other groups have been critical on the grounds that homosexuality is included in sex education, as well as euthanasia and scientific eugenics


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