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Klaus Steinberg (...@web.de, IP: 91.65.79...)
2008-03-28 00:56
McCain...... omul providential :))))

SUA au felicitat Rusia ultima oara in 1991, cand tara incepuse sa se duca de rapa si erau frumoase perspective sa fie taiata in felii-feliute pentru toti pofticiosii. Iata ce declara ( in 2007) McCain:
n the June 4, 2007 issue of BusinessWeek, Bartiromo asked McCain about Russia:

Bartiromo: What about Russia—friend or foe?

McCain: Russia is probably the greatest disappointment in recent years. It has turned into a KGB oligarchy. [President Vladimir] Putin wants to restore the days of the old Russian empire, and he continues to repress democracy, human rights, and freedom of the press. Mysterious assassinations are even taking place. If oil were still $10 a barrel, Mr. Putin would not pose any kind of a threat. I do not believe you will see a reigniting of the Cold War. But I do believe that Putin and his cadre of KGB friends are causing us great difficulties in a variety of ways, including a failure to assist us in trying to rein in Iranian nuclear ambitions.

Un presedinte ca Vasesco era de preferat, nu-i asa Mister McCain ??

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