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clejanul din ...calator prin lumea larga (...@yahoo.com, IP: 72.138.15...)
2008-03-23 19:17
anabel raspunde

Madam Anabel m-a trimis la http://www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/blogon/drupal/?q=node/26069. Aici, explicatia lor a produs o adevarata furtuna:

Votes for Brancusi in our Top 500 Artists of the 20th Century list moved him from 30th place to the top spot with 42,000 plus votes, compared to Picasso at No.2 with 15,000 plus votes, following a leading Romanian newspaper story about the site, encouraging readers to vote for the Romanian master Brancusi.

Congratulations to our Romanian voters and to Cotidianul, but following a number of protests from artists on the site who feel that this has distorted the list as an accurate reflection of their favourites, we have moved Brancusi back to the 20th spot to create a more balanced and fairer listing.

By blogadmin at 2008-03-19 10:15

Au alterat votul asa cum au vruut muschii lor.

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