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Seherezada din din 1001 de Zile (...@yahoo.com, IP: 87.64.26...)
2009-02-13 12:25
``gugu ga-ga`` cit poftiti ... pozitia lumii intregi si a Vaticanului fatza de SHOAH este pecetluita

pozitia Vaticanului despre Shoah ..., este clara si pecetluita ...

<<The Vatican document ``We Remember ``(n. II) also declares:
``The fact that the Shoah took place in Europe, that is, in countries of long-standing Christian civilization, raises the question of the relation between the Nazi persecution and the attitudes down the centuries of Christians towards the Jews``>>

Ba mai mult, ... pozitia lui Ratzinger, inca de cind era cardinal,
este extrem de severa fatza de rolul crestinismului ...

<<Thus, in the contemporary context, which cannot ignore the appalling slaughter of the Shoah in the 20th century, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, introducing this document, asks the question:

``Did not the presentation of the Jews and of the Jewish people, in the New Testament itself, contribute to creating a hostility to this people which the ideology of those who wanted to suppress it has encouraged ?``

The document honestly admits that many passages in the New Testament that are critical of the Jews ``served as a pretext for anti-Jewish sentiment and, effectively, have been used for this purpose``>>

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