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BeDeii vechi si NOI din ROmania (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.43.11...)
2008-03-08 13:27
Razbunarea ''Lordului razboiului''

Dupa ce va iesi din prizon, evidema...

valentin vasilescu din bucuresti (...@yahoo.fr, IP: 89.38.206...)
2008-03-08 21:32
Intre interesele obscure ale MI 6 in Kosovo si razbunarea Kremlinului...

Individuals named Bout's brother Sergei, managers -- Serguei Denissenko and Valeriy Naydo -- and Bout's U.S.-based chief financial officer, Syrian born accountant Richard Chichakli who was operating from the town of Richardson in East texas as Chichakli associates, DHH Enterprises Inc. and Daytona Pools Ltd..He was also a friend of the bin Laden family and ended up at one time (1993 to 1996 )as commercial manager of the free zone in Sharjah.
One of the companies so named in April was Trans Avia – curiously Andrew Gilligan in the Evening Standard On Line on Friday 13th May reported that,,, “between 6 and 9 March this year, according to official Civil Aviation Authority records, two Victor Bout charter flights took off from RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire. The cargo was armoured vehicles and a few British troops. The client was the Ministry of Defence.” Another two flights were made in the same three days of March by an airline called Jet Line International, also from RAF Brize Norton. A further three flights were made at the same time from another base, RAF Lyneham. The destination was Kosovo. The client, once again, was the Ministry of Defence.”

Tractoristu din SMT (...@aol.com, IP: 207.200.116...)
2008-03-09 05:31
Re: Razbunarea ''Lordului razboiului''

La 2008-03-08 13:27:34, BeDeii vechi si NOI a scris:

> Dupa ce va iesi din prizon, evidema...
Astia nu ies din inchisoare. Mereu puscariasii se incaiera si , accidental, se omoara intre ei.
Ceilalti mor de AIDS luat din dormitorul ce l mare.

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