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Miroslav (...@slsp.sk, IP: 195.168.38...)
2009-02-03 14:58
Care e Adevarul de Fapt: e Insula Serpilor Insula sou nu. Ucraina spune Da.

United Nations international court officially gives Serpent Island status as island
Today, 14:34
The International Court of the United Nations has officially declared the island status of Serpent Island, it was reported to Interfax-Ukraine by the Foreign Ministry press secretary Vasyl Kyrylych on Tuesday.

In The Hague (Netherlands) today, the UN International Court officially also announced its decision regarding the delimitation of the continental shelf and economic zones of Ukraine and Romania in the Black Sea.

According to the set procedure, the court ruling's announcement will be done in presence of both parties, represented by their official delegations. The country's commissioner in UN International Court Volodymyr Vasylenko will head Ukrainian delegation.

As Kyrylych reported earlier, whatever the court's decisions is, it will not affect Ukraine's state border and territory, and the separation line will be far from the country's state border.

As reported, in September 2004, Romania submitted a motion to the UN international court to rule on its dispute with Ukraine over the division of the Black Sea shelf and the economic zones in the Black Sea.

The main problem in the dispute is the status of Serpent Island, which Romania considers a rock, and not a fully-fledged island.

At present, the island, or the 1.5-square-kilomter rock, is home to 80 people, including employees of the lighthouse and scientists.

The Ukrainian parliament gave the name of Bily in February to the settlement on the rock or island.

The shelf of the Black Sea is rich in oil and natural gas.

Sursa: http://www.kyivpost.com/nation/34752

Starshij praporschik Shmatko (...@yahoo.com, IP: 64.19.51...)
2009-02-03 15:12
Re: Care e Adevarul de Fapt: e Insula Serpilor Insula sou nu. Ucraina spune Da.

La 2009-02-03 14:58:01, Miroslav a scris:

> United Nations international court officially gives Serpent Island
> status as island
> Today, 14:34
> The International Court of the United Nations has officially declared
> the island status of Serpent Island, it was reported to
> Interfax-Ukraine by the Foreign Ministry press secretary Vasyl
> Kyrylych on Tuesday.
> In The Hague (Netherlands) today, the UN International Court
> officially also announced its decision regarding the delimitation of
> the continental shelf and economic zones of Ukraine and Romania in
> the Black Sea.
> According to the set procedure, the court ruling's announcement will
> be done in presence of both parties, represented by their official
> delegations. The country's commissioner in UN International Court
> Volodymyr Vasylenko will head Ukrainian delegation.
> As Kyrylych reported earlier, whatever the court's decisions is, it
> will not affect Ukraine's state border and territory, and the
> separation line will be far from the country's state border.
> As reported, in September 2004, Romania submitted a motion to the UN
> international court to rule on its dispute with Ukraine over the
> division of the Black Sea shelf and the economic zones in the Black
> Sea.
> The main problem in the dispute is the status of Serpent Island, which
> Romania considers a rock, and not a fully-fledged island.
> At present, the island, or the 1.5-square-kilomter rock, is home to 80
> people, including employees of the lighthouse and scientists.
> The Ukrainian parliament gave the name of Bily in February to the
> settlement on the rock or island.
> The shelf of the Black Sea is rich in oil and natural gas.
> Sursa: http://www.kyivpost.com/nation/34752
Bai Miro-Slav-ule, de ce postezi in Ruseste, pe Rumynesti nu poti?

innumelemeu din de Aici (...@yahoo.com, IP: 193.230.150...)
2009-02-03 15:20
Este insula doar in capul lor - Curtea a spus ca nu poate fi considerata coasta, deci e stanca

Daca ar fi fost acceptata ca insula, ar fi trebuit sa primeasca platou continental cu o raza mult mai mare de 12 mile, asa cum a sustinut Romania si a si acceptat Curtea. Problema in Ucraina sta in felul urmator: pentru ca specialistii erau siguri ca nu o sa aiba castig de cauza si pentru ca, oricum, opozantii lui Iuscenko au profitat de ocazie ca sa il acuza de colaborationism cu Romania si NATO, niste "baieti destepti" au reusit sa induca populatiei ucrainene, in ultimul an, ideea ca Bucurestii vor sa recupereze Insula Serpilor. Nu conteaza ca Romania nu mai poate sa faca asta (pt ca a cedat ca proasta in 1997). Asa ca, pentru a nu pierde si mai mult sprijinul populatiei, au anuntat "marea victorie": Insula Serpilor a fost recunoscuta si revine Ucrainei. Ucrainenii au profitat si de faptul ca, pentru a nu incinge si mai mult spiritele in Ucraina, Curtea, considerand ca Stanca/Insula Serpilor nu merita mai mult de 12 mile marine, a evitat sa se pronunte si asupra carcaterului juridic. Asa ca Kievul a intors-o cum a vrut si prezinta o infrangere drept victorie.

La 2009-02-03 14:58:01, Miroslav a scris:

> United Nations international court officially gives Serpent Island
> status as island
> Today, 14:34
> The International Court of the United Nations has officially declared
> the island status of Serpent Island, it was reported to
> Interfax-Ukraine by the Foreign Ministry press secretary Vasyl
> Kyrylych on Tuesday.
> In The Hague (Netherlands) today, the UN International Court
> officially also announced its decision regarding the delimitation of
> the continental shelf and economic zones of Ukraine and Romania in
> the Black Sea.
> According to the set procedure, the court ruling's announcement will
> be done in presence of both parties, represented by their official
> delegations. The country's commissioner in UN International Court
> Volodymyr Vasylenko will head Ukrainian delegation.
> As Kyrylych reported earlier, whatever the court's decisions is, it
> will not affect Ukraine's state border and territory, and the
> separation line will be far from the country's state border.
> As reported, in September 2004, Romania submitted a motion to the UN
> international court to rule on its dispute with Ukraine over the
> division of the Black Sea shelf and the economic zones in the Black
> Sea.
> The main problem in the dispute is the status of Serpent Island, which
> Romania considers a rock, and not a fully-fledged island.
> At present, the island, or the 1.5-square-kilomter rock, is home to 80
> people, including employees of the lighthouse and scientists.
> The Ukrainian parliament gave the name of Bily in February to the
> settlement on the rock or island.
> The shelf of the Black Sea is rich in oil and natural gas.
> Sursa: http://www.kyivpost.com/nation/34752

Duca din Congo (...@hotmail.com, IP: 70.80.88...)
2009-02-03 20:42
Re: Care e Adevarul de Fapt: e Insula Serpilor Insula sou nu. Ucraina spune Da.

Idea ca Romania a acceptat "ca proasta" ca insula sa fie a Ucrainei in 1997, e putin exagerata. Romania a semnat procese verbale in 1948, 1949 si a ratificat si 1 tratat cu URSS in 1961 unde din nou reitera ca Insula Serpilor e a URSS-ului (deci si a Ucrainei ca succesoare ).

In plus oameni buni, insula e o stanca de 17 hectare - nu ea in sine e miza ci zacamintele din jurul ei.

La 2009-02-03 14:58:01, Miroslav a scris:

> United Nations international court officially gives Serpent Island
> status as island
> Today, 14:34
> The International Court of the United Nations has officially declared
> the island status of Serpent Island, it was reported to
> Interfax-Ukraine by the Foreign Ministry press secretary Vasyl
> Kyrylych on Tuesday.
> In The Hague (Netherlands) today, the UN International Court
> officially also announced its decision regarding the delimitation of
> the continental shelf and economic zones of Ukraine and Romania in
> the Black Sea.
> According to the set procedure, the court ruling's announcement will
> be done in presence of both parties, represented by their official
> delegations. The country's commissioner in UN International Court
> Volodymyr Vasylenko will head Ukrainian delegation.
> As Kyrylych reported earlier, whatever the court's decisions is, it
> will not affect Ukraine's state border and territory, and the
> separation line will be far from the country's state border.
> As reported, in September 2004, Romania submitted a motion to the UN
> international court to rule on its dispute with Ukraine over the
> division of the Black Sea shelf and the economic zones in the Black
> Sea.
> The main problem in the dispute is the status of Serpent Island, which
> Romania considers a rock, and not a fully-fledged island.
> At present, the island, or the 1.5-square-kilomter rock, is home to 80
> people, including employees of the lighthouse and scientists.
> The Ukrainian parliament gave the name of Bily in February to the
> settlement on the rock or island.
> The shelf of the Black Sea is rich in oil and natural gas.
> Sursa: http://www.kyivpost.com/nation/34752

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