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Toma Flamindul (...@yahoo.com, IP: 71.111.128...)
2009-01-28 18:04

Elie Wiesel as an "eyewitness" authority

EW claims he was "liberated" from Dachau (Jewish Telegraphic Agency, 11 April 1983), "liberated" from Buchenwald (NYT, 2 Nov. 1986), and "liberated" from Auschwitz (NY Post, 23 Oct. 1986 and NYT, 4 Jan. 1987). One of these claims may be true. The others are false. Do the professors believe it matters?

EW claims in All Rivers Run to the Sea (NY, 1995): "I read (Immanuel Kant's) The Critique of Pure Reason in Yiddish." Kant's Critique has not been translated into Yiddish. Here, again, EW did not tell the truth. Does it matter?

EW claims that after Jews were executed at Babi Yar in the Ukraine, "geysers of blood" spurted from their grave for "months" afterward (See Paroles d'etranger, 1982, p. 86). Impossible? Yes, it is. Do the professors believe it matters?

When Holocaust Studies professors are too fearful to condemn such claims, and those who make them, what are their students to do?

Greywolf din Botosani (...@yahoo.com, IP: 92.84.252...)
2009-01-28 18:35

La 2009-01-28 18:04:03, Toma Flamindul a scris:

> Elie Wiesel as an "eyewitness" authority
> EW claims he was "liberated" from Dachau (Jewish Telegraphic Agency,
> 11 April 1983), "liberated" from Buchenwald (NYT, 2 Nov. 1986), and
> "liberated" from Auschwitz (NY Post, 23 Oct. 1986 and NYT, 4 Jan.
> 1987). One of these claims may be true. The others are false. Do the
> professors believe it matters?
> EW claims in All Rivers Run to the Sea (NY, 1995): "I read (Immanuel
> Kant's) The Critique of Pure Reason in Yiddish." Kant's Critique has
> not been translated into Yiddish. Here, again, EW did not tell the
> truth. Does it matter?
> EW claims that after Jews were executed at Babi Yar in the Ukraine,
> "geysers of blood" spurted from their grave for "months" afterward
> (See Paroles d'etranger, 1982, p. 86). Impossible? Yes, it is. Do the
> professors believe it matters?
> When Holocaust Studies professors are too fearful to condemn such
> claims, and those who make them, what are their students to do?
,,dumnezeul" holocaustului ca un ,,zeu" ce era, se afla <<pretutindeni>> deci este plauzibil sa fie eliberat si de la Auschwitz, si de la Buchenwald si de la Dachau, si probabil si de la Majdanek in acelasi timp. Si sa nu uitam - a inviat la Babi-Yar ca un adevarat Mesia al holocashului. Plauzibil, extrem de plauzibil si deci <adevarat>. Hu, ha , ha ha!

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