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Seherezada din din 1001 de Zile (...@yahoo.com, IP: 87.64.8...)
2009-01-28 13:52
Nu se va demola ... In 2008, nr. de vizitatori din toate colturile lumii: peste 1 130 000

Interesul oamenilor este imens si creste continuu ...
vizitarea acestor locuri generind impresii de neuitat, marcante pe viata .

<<While the camp gradually erodes, more people than ever are visiting the site and placing it under increasing physical strain.
In 2008, 1.13 million people came here from around the world, vastly more than the museum ... whose main exhibition remains largely unaltered from the mid-1950s, ... was built to cope with.>>

Insa museul nu are ``entrance fee``, asa ca nu genereaza venituri, decit prin tururi ghidate, vinzari de carti, si parking ... Din 1947, cele fondurile pentru muzeu au fost platite in principal de guvernul Poloniei ..

Drept pentru care s-au antamat deja discutii pentru <<Rescue Plan>>:

<<Earlier this month, Germany said it considered it a ``core duty&#8230; to keep the memory of the Holocaust alive``, adding it was in discussions with Poland about making future contributions to the upkeep of the museum.

In the hope of saving the museum for future generations, officials want to set up a 120 Mil Euro endowment fund with the help of the international community, the profits from which would be used entirely for long-term conservation work. >>

Seherezada din din 1001 de Zile (...@yahoo.com, IP: 87.64.8...)
2009-01-28 14:09
din impresiile celor care au vizitat acel loc ...

<<I visited the site last year and nothing in my 52 years on this earth prepared me for what I saw. I am still at a loss for how this was allowed to happen in the first place. The EU should take up task of ensuring this site is preserved and funded. Every school going child in Europe should be brought to see what can happen when despots are allowed to take control.
Nothing we can do will ever make up for this shrine to evil.>>

<<I visited Auschwitz three years ago. It must be preserved, and its upkeep should be the responsibility of every combatant power in WWII.
The place changes your view of humanity. It converts the past from a film or a book or an article into a cold reality. Everyone should be able to visit Auschwitz, especially children. And everyone should. No-one should ever be allowed to forget.>>

<<Having been to Auschwitz, I found it one of the most moving and reflective experiences of my life. I feel very strongly therefore about maintaining the site in order to teach future generations about the abhorrent behaviour human beings are capable of.
This was a crime committed by Europeans, I therefore feel it is appropriate that Europeans foot the bill for its maintainance. As representatives of Europe the EC should make funds available to ensure Auschwitz remains open to the public and continues to tell the tale of the holocaust`s horrificly systematic murders.>>

<<A few years ago I went on a school trip to Auschwitz. It was a humbling, and for many, upsetting, experience for our group of 14/15 year olds.
Nothing that we had learnt in the classroom could have prepared us for the experience. The memories of the vast space, eerie silence and the fact we were merely standing in a place that had claimed so many lives will remain with me forever. I think it is so important that Auschwitz is preserved in order for future generations to learn about the past and as a reminder that nothing that terrible should be allowed to happen again.>>

<<Auschwitz is not just there for the survivors - it is there for all of us - Jew and Gentile alike.
A reminder to all humanity of just how dangerous politicians and their followers can become.>>


samizdat din Iasi (...@gmail.com, IP: 92.84.232...)
2009-01-28 14:25
Re: din impresiile celor care au vizitat acel loc ...

La 2009-01-28 14:09:43, Seherezada a scris:

> <<I visited the site last year and nothing in my 52 years on this
> earth prepared me for what I saw. I am still at a loss for how this
> was allowed to happen in the first place. The EU should take up task
> of ensuring this site is preserved and funded. Every school going
> child in Europe should be brought to see what can happen when despots
> are allowed to take control.
> Nothing we can do will ever make up for this shrine to evil.>>
> <<I visited Auschwitz three years ago. It must be preserved, and its
> upkeep should be the responsibility of every combatant power in WWII.
> The place changes your view of humanity. It converts the past from a
> film or a book or an article into a cold reality. Everyone should be
> able to visit Auschwitz, especially children. And everyone should.
> No-one should ever be allowed to forget.>>
> <<Having been to Auschwitz, I found it one of the most moving and
> reflective experiences of my life. I feel very strongly therefore
> about maintaining the site in order to teach future generations about
> the abhorrent behaviour human beings are capable of.
> This was a crime committed by Europeans, I therefore feel it is
> appropriate that Europeans foot the bill for its maintainance. As
> representatives of Europe the EC should make funds available to
> ensure Auschwitz remains open to the public and continues to tell the
> tale of the holocaust`s horrificly systematic murders.>>
> <<A few years ago I went on a school trip to Auschwitz. It was a
> humbling, and for many, upsetting, experience for our group of 14/15
> year olds.
> Nothing that we had learnt in the classroom could have prepared us for
> the experience. The memories of the vast space, eerie silence and the
> fact we were merely standing in a place that had claimed so many
> lives will remain with me forever. I think it is so important that
> Auschwitz is preserved in order for future generations to learn about
> the past and as a reminder that nothing that terrible should be
> allowed to happen again.>>
> <<Auschwitz is not just there for the survivors - it is there for all
> of us - Jew and Gentile alike.
> A reminder to all humanity of just how dangerous politicians and their
> followers can become.>>
> http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/7800397.stm
Sheherazada a tradus in engleza basme din ,,1001 de nopti"! In romaneste te rog scumpo ca esti pe un forum romanesc. Chiar daca stiu engleza, ,,n-o pricep" din respect pentru poporul roman.

Smekerezada din Amintiri (...@yahoo.com, IP: 87.64.8...)
2009-01-28 14:33
Re: din impresiile celor care au vizitat acel loc ...

La 2009-01-28 14:25:00, samizdat a scris:

> Sheherazada a tradus in engleza basme din ,,1001 de nopti"! In
> romaneste te rog scumpo ca esti pe un forum romanesc. Chiar daca stiu
> engleza, ,,n-o pricep" din respect pentru poporul roman.
aprecierea mea asupra capacitatii de intelegere a poporul meu roman,
este mult mai inalta, ...

decit parerile tale denigratoare si pline de dispretz ...

samizdat din Iasi (...@gmail.com, IP: 92.84.232...)
2009-01-28 15:09
Re: din impresiile celor care au vizitat acel loc ...

La 2009-01-28 14:33:45, Smekerezada a scris:

> La 2009-01-28 14:25:00, samizdat a scris:
> > Sheherazada a tradus in engleza basme din ,,1001 de nopti"! In
> > romaneste te rog scumpo ca esti pe un forum romanesc. Chiar daca stiu
> > engleza, ,,n-o pricep" din respect pentru poporul roman.
> -----------------
> aprecierea mea asupra capacitatii de intelegere a poporul meu roman,
> este mult mai inalta, ...
> decit parerile tale denigratoare si pline de dispretz ...
Nu, madame, ne crezi prosti si cu caractere de slugi; asta-i adarata ta parere despre poporul roman. Ne crezi niste manelisti care inghitim orice pentru un blid de fasole! In democratie exista o regula ,, a majoritatii" care se bazeaza pe spiritul de turma si crezi ca daca n-am ridicat capul in timpul comunismului introdus de voi, chiar am crezut cele spuse de voi, crezi ca nu avem puterea discernamantului sau ca ,,O orinduire de sclavi naste caractere de sclavi!". Ei bine ,,madame" la fiecare popor, oricat de mult ar fi tinut in sclavie tot se va gasi cate unul care sa readuca VISUL LIBERTATII si sa se sacrifice pentru el. Numai adevarul ne face liberi - asa glasuieste scriptura. Al vostru nu este adevar, este doar propaganda si asta-i minciuna. Ce mare lucru este sa cosmetizezi niste cladiri incat sa dea o impresie sumbra de shoah, este doar chestie de decoruri si regie. De ce ne-am lasa impresionati de lamentarile vostre? Mai bune ar fi niste dovezi clare si indubitabile, dar de asa ceva nu dispuneti, pentru ca nu le puteti fabrica (exemplu unde-i cenusa de la 6 milioane ?). Contestatarii holocaustului din toata lumea v-au chemat deseori la dezbateri cu cartile pe masa si voi n-ati facut altceva decat sa-i arestati, sa-i inchideti sa-i batjocoriti, sa-i discreditati, sa-i dati afara. Asta spune foarte multe, si noua oamenilor obisnuiti ne trezeste multe suspiciuni si amintiri dureroase. Vedem ca in locul dialogului preferati intimidarea contestatarilor, vedem clar ca in locul dovezilor prefearti sa ne insultati, sa ne faceti nazisti si legionari. Daca citim cartile holocausticilor si revizionistilor si vedem cate prostii au scris holocausticii si cate obiectii intemeiate au revizionistii ne faceti prosti si inculti, cretini si criminali. Noi? ei bine daca va ,,ucidem" cu ceva este ca va ucidem cu intrebarile, la care nu aveti raspusuri, si ne trimiteti in toate fundaturile. Si chestiile astea nu sunt deloc cusher! Oricat de multi ati fi (holocausticilor) noi vedem ca sunt si evrei (multi supravietuitori ai lagarelor de munca) care povestesc altceva decat voi, si care se opun ei insisi minciunii oficiale. Multi evrei se desteapta si incep sa puna intrebari, nu se lasa prostiti - am vazut un film al lui David Cole (tanar evreu in vizita la Auschwitz) care surprinde niste aspecte ,,foarte interesante". Recomandarea ar fi sa ,,distrugeti urmele" pentru ca nu va fi singur, vor mai veni si altii. Pana atunci va recomand o baie buna in piscina olimpica destinata detinutilor de la Auschwitz, sa va spalati mizeriile sufletesti si pacatele (desi pt pacatele voastre in istorie nu ar ajunge toata apa Iordanului). Dupa baie cititi si poate publicati rapoartele CRUCII ROSII INTERNATIONALE care vizita lagarele pe toata perioada razboiului. Asa ca draga lasa 1001 minciuni lacrimogene!

Smekerezada din Amintiri (...@yahoo.com, IP: 87.64.8...)
2009-01-28 15:25
Re: din impresiile celor care au vizitat acel loc ...

La 2009-01-28 15:09:34, samizdat a scris:

> Ei bine ,,madame" la fiecare popor, oricat de mult ar fi
> tinut in sclavie tot se va gasi cate unul care sa readuca VISUL
> LIBERTATII si sa se sacrifice pentru el.
sa inteleg ca esti TU acela ????
Oy vei !!!

PS. poti sa-mi spui ``Doamna`` ... pe romaneste !!

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