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Evreu-rus din Rusia (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.47.58...)
2008-12-28 20:03
Bestiilor, lumea civilizata s-a saturat de genocid. UN Security Council calls for immediate

halt to Gaza violence.
The United Nations Security Council called early on Sunday for an immediate end to all violence in Gaza after the death toll climbed past 270 on the second day of Israeli air strikes in retaliation for rocket and mortar fire by Gaza militants.
The statement, agreed upon after four hours of closed-door council discussions, called on all parties to address "the serious humanitarian and economic needs in Gaza."
It urged them to take necessary measures, including the opening of border crossings, to ensure Gaza's people were supplied with food, fuel and medical treatment. Israel has been restricting the amount of supplies that have been allowed in.
Council members "stressed the need for the restoration of calm in full" - a reference to a six-month cease-fire ended by Hamas a week ago - to open the way for a Palestinian-Israeli political solution.
Diplomats from several countries said they had preferred a cautiously worded statement on which all 15 council members could agree to a public debate where they would have clashed angrily over who was to blame for the Gaza violence.
"We have had over the years many occasions when we had long meetings of the Security Council, strong statements were made and they did not affect anything," Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin said. "Our hope and our expectation is that this modest... press statement is going to have an impact."
But within minutes of the statement being issued diplomats gave conflicting interpretations of it.
Palestinian Ambassador Riyad Mansour said it was clearly aimed at Israel. He told reporters Palestinians would now be waiting to see if Israel stopped its "aggression."
If Israel did not do so within 24 or 48 hours, he said, "We, the Arab nations and our friends ... will come back knocking on the door of the Security Council in order to bring Israel into compliance."

contraevreu-rus (...@aol.com, IP: 208.104.167...)
2008-12-28 20:37
Re: Bestiilor, lumea civilizata s-a saturat de genocid. UN Security Council calls for immediate

Gura dezaxatule,ce a devenit forumul vocea destrabalatilor antisemit si islamofascisti,alt neo natzi Stein-cu mintea de piatra,posteaza din tara lui Adolf si face comentari demne de Stazi,mintind la fel ca Ahmed schizofrenicul.

La 2008-12-28 20:03:55, Evreu-rus a scris:

> halt to Gaza violence.
> The United Nations Security Council called early on Sunday for an
> immediate end to all violence in Gaza after the death toll climbed
> past 270 on the second day of Israeli air strikes in retaliation for
> rocket and mortar fire by Gaza militants.
> The statement, agreed upon after four hours of closed-door council
> discussions, called on all parties to address "the serious
> humanitarian and economic needs in Gaza."
> It urged them to take necessary measures, including the opening of
> border crossings, to ensure Gaza's people were supplied with food,
> fuel and medical treatment. Israel has been restricting the amount of
> supplies that have been allowed in.
> Council members "stressed the need for the restoration of calm in
> full" - a reference to a six-month cease-fire ended by Hamas a week
> ago - to open the way for a Palestinian-Israeli political solution.
> Diplomats from several countries said they had preferred a cautiously
> worded statement on which all 15 council members could agree to a
> public debate where they would have clashed angrily over who was to
> blame for the Gaza violence.
> "We have had over the years many occasions when we had long meetings
> of the Security Council, strong statements were made and they did not
> affect anything," Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin said. "Our hope
> and our expectation is that this modest... press statement is going
> to have an impact."
> But within minutes of the statement being issued diplomats gave
> conflicting interpretations of it.
> Palestinian Ambassador Riyad Mansour said it was clearly aimed at
> Israel. He told reporters Palestinians would now be waiting to see if
> Israel stopped its "aggression."
> If Israel did not do so within 24 or 48 hours, he said, "We, the Arab
> nations and our friends ... will come back knocking on the door of
> the Security Council in order to bring Israel into compliance."

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