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Paul din Ohio din SUA (...@hotmail.com, IP: 24.29.11...)
2008-11-11 17:07
Este vorba despre organizatii de gen "Peace Corp"

care, in viziunea lui Obama ar putea ajuta cu munca lor si cu expertiza lor la stabilizarea unor regiuni ale globului si prevenirea caderii in haos. In acest sens vorbeste el despre "securitatea nationala".

sovrenemy (...@gmail.com, IP: 89.122.144...)
2008-11-11 17:27
Re: Este vorba despre organizatii de gen "Peace Corp"

Mai era unu prin Germania, tot cu firu' gandurilor aplecat pe stanga, care in vara lu' '39 inca vorbea despre drepturi egale si pacea-n lume.

La 2008-11-11 17:07:01, Paul din Ohio a scris:

> care, in viziunea lui Obama ar putea ajuta cu munca lor si cu
> expertiza lor la stabilizarea unor regiuni ale globului si prevenirea
> caderii in haos. In acest sens vorbeste el despre "securitatea
> nationala".

alwis46 (...@yahoo.com, IP: 86.121.237...)
2008-11-11 21:07
Re: Este vorba despre organizatii de gen "Peace Corp"

Si la asa ceva ?

Early controversy

The organization experienced major controversy in its first year of operation. On October 13, 1961, a postcard was written by a volunteer named Margery Jane Michelmore in Nigeria to a friend in the U.S. She described her situation in Nigeria as "squalor and [of] absolutely primitive living conditions."[8][9] However, this postcard never made it out of the country.[9] The Ibadan University College Students Union demanded deportation and accused the volunteers of being "America's international spies" and the project as "a scheme designed to foster neocolonialism."[10] Soon the international press picked up the story, leading several people in the U.S. administration to question the future of the program as a whole.[11] Nigerian students protested the program, and the American volunteers sequestered themselves and eventually began a hunger strike.[9] After several days, the Nigerian students agreed to open a dialogue with the Americans.[11]

La 2008-11-11 17:07:01, Paul din Ohio a scris:

> care, in viziunea lui Obama ar putea ajuta cu munca lor si cu
> expertiza lor la stabilizarea unor regiuni ale globului si prevenirea
> caderii in haos. In acest sens vorbeste el despre "securitatea
> nationala".

Paul din Ohio din SUA (...@hotmail.com, IP: 24.29.11...)
2008-11-11 21:49
Re: Este vorba despre organizatii de gen "Peace Corps" Nu uita

ca pe atunci razboiul rece era in toi. Si acum e foarte posibil ca anumite "organizatii" sa pretinda ca tinerii care lucreaza in acele tari sunt "spioni americani" . Probabil ca voluntarii americani vor activa in tari care nu sunt la cheremul islamistilor si KGBistilor. In celelalte tari (ca Sudan, Somalia, Mozambic) vor "activa" numai acestia din urma. La 2008-11-11 21:07:07, alwis46 a scris:

> Si la asa ceva ?
> Early controversy
> The organization experienced major controversy in its first year of
> operation. On October 13, 1961, a postcard was written by a volunteer
> named Margery Jane Michelmore in Nigeria to a friend in the U.S. She
> described her situation in Nigeria as "squalor and [of] absolutely
> primitive living conditions."[8][9] However, this postcard never made
> it out of the country.[9] The Ibadan University College Students Union
> demanded deportation and accused the volunteers of being "America's
> international spies" and the project as "a scheme designed to foster
> neocolonialism."[10] Soon the international press picked up the
> story, leading several people in the U.S. administration to question
> the future of the program as a whole.[11] Nigerian students protested
> the program, and the American volunteers sequestered themselves and
> eventually began a hunger strike.[9] After several days, the Nigerian
> students agreed to open a dialogue with the Americans.[11]
> La 2008-11-11 17:07:01, Paul din Ohio a scris:
> > care, in viziunea lui Obama ar putea ajuta cu munca lor si cu
> > expertiza lor la stabilizarea unor regiuni ale globului si prevenirea
> > caderii in haos. In acest sens vorbeste el despre "securitatea
> > nationala".
> >

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