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  10:34, duminica, 7 iulie 2024
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niciodata din cluj napoca (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.137.111...)
2008-11-11 14:15
Ce parare am eu

MirceaS din Paris (...@netscape.net, IP: 82.237.178...)
2008-11-11 14:45
Re: Ce parare am eu

dorinP din Kanata (...@hotmail.com, IP: 76.68.246...)
2008-11-11 14:55
Re: Ce parare am eu

MirceaS din Paris (...@netscape.net, IP: 82.237.178...)
2008-11-11 18:02
Re: ptr. d-l dorinP - corectie

Extrasul de mai jos este din discursul lui Shimon Peres, care a precedat discursul lui Olmert


La 2008-11-11 14:55:57, dorinP a scris:

> ......
> Se pare ca Olmert s-a referit in discursul sau si la cei ca tine,
> reprezentind mica dar foarte vizibila parte extremista, dar cel care
> se ascunde sub "indicativul" ZO nu a considerat necesar sa o faca
> publica.
> "They hurt Palestinians, just because they are Palestinians, and
> challenge the law enforcement authorities, police and soldiers, who
> are protecting the country and also protecting them," he said. "The
> violent and dangerous minority must be condemned and isolated and we
> must silence their abusive and inciting words. Their damaging and
> destructive acts must not be tolerated as if they are a state within
> a state.
> "Israel's honor, the power of democracy and rule of law, obligate
> this. The extremists have no future because they don't act justly.
> The majority of the electorate won't be frightened by this
> threatening minority. The people will defend their land, peace and
> democracy with all their might. They will overcome those struck by
> blindness, like just one candle can dissolve darkness."
> "Israeli citizens repeatedly hit with violent cruelty Palestinians who
> want to harvest olives, as they have done for hundreds of years, in
> places where their personal and family homes have stood,"
> "Young Israelis, smitten by messianic dreams, which have no basis in
> the reality of our lives, hit our soldiers, break their bones and
> threaten their lives. There is no end to it."
> Live and let live iti spune ceva?

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