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JohnGreen1 din Abidos (...@yahoo.ca, IP: 216.16.227...)
2008-02-21 21:17
Sirbii o cauta cu lumanarea!

Ex-servicemen cross into Kosovo
21 February 2008 | 16:39 | Source: Beta
MERDARE -- Several hundred protesting war veterans have around 13:30 CET crossed the administrative line to Kosovo.

The scene at Merdare today (Beta)

They are demonstrating the province's ethnic Albanians' unilateral declaration of independence.

A Kosovo police, KPS, cordon and barbed wire met the protesters soon after they crossed the checkpoint, but the veterans removed the obstacles from the road and continued deeper into the province.

Wearing former Yugoslav Army (VJ) uniforms, they threw stones at KPS members, and set tires on fire close to their outpost.

After this, KFOR soldiers, wearing full riot gear, appeared and formed a new cordon, while KPS withdrew.

This was followed by the arrival of a new KFOR reinforcement, with more soldiers and an APC.

The ex-servicemen are currently in the territory of the province, with a new barbed wire obstacle, this time set by KFOR, preventing them from advancing.

They are shouting slogans including, "Kosovo is ours", "Kosovo is the heart of Serbia", and, "We won't give Kosovo away".

No injuries were reported so far.

Alcor din Canada (...@hotmail.com, IP: 99.236.218...)
2008-02-21 22:23
Re: Sirbii o cauta cu lumanarea!

Si varianta cu americanii este valabila?

> Ex-servicemen cross into Kosovo
> 21 February 2008 | 16:39 | Source: Beta
> MERDARE -- Several hundred protesting war veterans have around 13:30
> CET crossed the administrative line to Kosovo.
> The scene at Merdare today (Beta)
> They are demonstrating the province's ethnic Albanians' unilateral
> declaration of independence.
> A Kosovo police, KPS, cordon and barbed wire met the protesters soon
> after they crossed the checkpoint, but the veterans removed the
> obstacles from the road and continued deeper into the province.
> Wearing former Yugoslav Army (VJ) uniforms, they threw stones at KPS
> members, and set tires on fire close to their outpost.
> After this, KFOR soldiers, wearing full riot gear, appeared and formed
> a new cordon, while KPS withdrew.
> This was followed by the arrival of a new KFOR reinforcement, with
> more soldiers and an APC.
> The ex-servicemen are currently in the territory of the province, with
> a new barbed wire obstacle, this time set by KFOR, preventing them
> from advancing.
> They are shouting slogans including, "Kosovo is ours", "Kosovo is the
> heart of Serbia", and, "We won't give Kosovo away".
> No injuries were reported so far.

vlad_tzepesch (...@yahoo.com, IP: 209.78.40...)
2008-02-21 22:49
Re: Sirbii o cauta cu lumanarea!

Sirbii sint foarte patrioti.
Cum adica o cauta cu luminarea?
Orice popor normal ar lupta pentru teritoriul lor.

Tractoristu din SMT (...@aol.com, IP: 207.200.116...)
2008-02-22 02:28
Re: Sirbii o cauta cu lumanarea!

La 2008-02-21 22:49:41, vlad_tzepesch a scris:

> Sirbii sint foarte patrioti.
> Cum adica o cauta cu luminarea?
> Orice popor normal ar lupta pentru teritoriul lor.
Kosova nu e teritoriu sirbesc. A fost a turcilor mai mult decit a sirbilor. Sirbii sint SLAVI. Ei nu sint oamenii locului.
Un popor de militieni.,
Acum , ca nu mai au iugoslavia , trebuie sa se duvcca l;a munca, la capsuni.

Ion Caramache (...@aol.com, IP: 205.188.117...)
2008-02-22 17:49
Re: Sirbii o cauta cu lumanarea!

La 2008-02-21 22:49:41, vlad_tzepesch a scris:

> Sirbii sint foarte patrioti.
> Cum adica o cauta cu luminarea?
> Orice popor normal ar lupta pentru teritoriul lor.
De aceea, pe linga ambasadele altora, patriotii sirbi au spart, jefuit si au dat foc la magazinele propriilor lor cetateni. Si, sa nu uitam, manifestatia de la Belgrad ca fost organizata de guvernul Serbiei.

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