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briel (...@yahoo.ca, IP: 65.93.174...)
2008-10-01 20:47
Parintele profesor Staniloae a fost unul dintre foarte putinii teologi

care au indraznit sa scrie despre Sfanta Treime. Cum de este asa,
Unul Dumnezeu si totusi trei, relatia dintre Ei, relatia Lui cu creatia
intreaga si in mod special cu omul.

"Sfanta Treime sau la inceput a fost iubirea", asa se numeste lucrarea.

The Word is begotten of the Mind,
The Breath proceeds from the Mind,
Yet there was never a time when the Mind existed without yhe Word and Breath.
They dwelt in the Darkness that was before darkness, outside time,
Yet They made all things within time,
For time and darkness came into being only when movement and light were made.

By Thinking which is beyond thought, the Primal Essence creates.
The Word brings forth and fulfills the command of the Mind,
The Action-Breath accomplishes and perfects,
And with these two hands of the Mind,
Thought becomes deed.

(cap.VI, The First Ennead : In The Beginning Was The Way.
Nu, nu este parintele Staniloae, este anticul Lao Tzu, care a
trait cam cu 600 de ani inainte de Hristos. Uluitor, nu ?)

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