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romanul din Romania (...@hotmail.com, IP: 82.208.161...)
2008-07-04 02:53
Drepturile omului interzice pedepsirea unora pentru faptele altora.

Drepturile omului interzice pedepsirea unora pentru faptele altora. Pai maine poimaine o sa luati copiii teroristilor o sa-i torturati pana ce teroristii arestati va vor da informatii. Ca tot aia e.

Folositi logica terorista: Ucideti sau pedepsiti oameni nevinovati pentru faptele altora. La fel fac si teroristii: Omoara oameni nevinovati in mod direct, pentru faptele unor conducatori...

Eufrosin din Romania (...@bugmenot.com, IP: 78.96.157...)
2008-07-04 13:15
Re: Drepturile omului interzice pedepsirea unora pentru faptele altora.

Se practica demult. In teritoriile ocupate nu putine sunt violurile fetelor Palestiniene , sau castrarea baieteilor cu foarfeci in fata parintilor. Nici macar nu e pentru a extrage informatii, ci pentru ca e posibil:



- New York Times journalist Chris Hedges stated: " And it was--I mean, I've seen kids shot in Sarajevo. I mean, snipers would shoot kids in Sarajevo. I've seen death squads kill families in Algeria or El Salvador. But I'd never seen soldiers bait or taunt kids like this and then shoot them for sport. It was--I just--even now, I find it almost inconceivable. And I went back every day, and every day it was the same."

- Moshe Nissim, who operated a bulldozer for 75 straight hours in Jenin was quoted in Yediot Ahoronot:
"No one refused an order to take down a house. When they told me to destroy a house I exploited that in order to destroy a few more homes. On the loudspeaker (the Palestinian residents) were warned to get out before I came in. But I didn't give a chance to anyone. I didn't wait. I'm sure that people died inside of those houses. From my perspective we left them a football field, they should play there. The 100x100 was our present to the camp. Jenin will not return to be what it was." (Yedioth Ahronot, Friday 31 May 2002, translated by Alternative Information Center).

La 2008-07-04 02:53:34, romanul a scris:

> Drepturile omului interzice pedepsirea unora pentru faptele altora.
> Pai maine poimaine o sa luati copiii teroristilor o sa-i torturati
> pana ce teroristii arestati va vor da informatii. Ca tot aia e.
> Folositi logica terorista: Ucideti sau pedepsiti oameni nevinovati
> pentru faptele altora. La fel fac si teroristii: Omoara oameni
> nevinovati in mod direct, pentru faptele unor conducatori...

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