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Alex2003 din USA (...@att.net, IP: 12.75.162...)
2010-01-12 03:50
Cenzurat ca si spam...

Intrucit sintem la teme Americane, am decis sa pun aici ceace nu s-a permis la un blog cunoscut American. A fost scos ca si spam.... pentru binele meu...
este vorba despre interceptarea pe unde scurte al unei statii care s-a identificat ca si radio Taivan, transmitind Taipei. S-a anuntat ca ieri, presedintele American a semnat un acord prin care USA va da rachete top secrete Patriot , Chinei !
Am ramas stupefiat, nici un cuvint in presa Americana. Acesta este o tradare fara de precedent. Iata articolul pe care l-am scris in Engleza, si decideti voi:

I am not going to allow, a mentally sick jerk president who is completely out of touch with reality, to terrorize me psychologically by giving top secret Patriot missiles to the Chinese (Taiwan), as it was announced today. This is a higher treason then the Rosemberg's affair in the 50's. The Chinese are going to reverse engineer it, and find a way to make it ineffective by counter measures, leaving the West Coast and Israel totally open to any ballistic missile attack, one by the North Koreans, the other, by anyone wanting to take a pot shot at them.
Please someone arrest him for treason and get him out of the office before too late !!!, he is INVITING (!) a nuclear war !!!!

Antoine din Ne (...@yahoo.fr, IP: 89.203.143...)
2010-01-12 17:13
Re: Cenzurat ca si spam...

La 2010-01-12 03:50:02, Alex2003 a scris:

> Intrucit sintem la teme Americane, am decis sa pun aici ceace nu s-a
> permis la un blog cunoscut American. A fost scos ca si spam....
> pentru binele meu...
> este vorba despre interceptarea pe unde scurte al unei statii care s-a
> identificat ca si radio Taivan, transmitind Taipei. S-a anuntat ca
> ieri, presedintele American a semnat un acord prin care USA va da
> rachete top secrete Patriot , Chinei !
> Am ramas stupefiat, nici un cuvint in presa Americana. Acesta este o
> tradare fara de precedent. Iata articolul pe care l-am scris in
> Engleza, si decideti voi:
> I am not going to allow, a mentally sick jerk president who is
> completely out of touch with reality, to terrorize me psychologically
> by giving top secret Patriot missiles to the Chinese (Taiwan), as it
> was announced today. This is a higher treason then the Rosemberg's
> affair in the 50's. The Chinese are going to reverse engineer it, and
> find a way to make it ineffective by counter measures, leaving the
> West Coast and Israel totally open to any ballistic missile attack,
> one by the North Koreans, the other, by anyone wanting to take a pot
> shot at them.
> Please someone arrest him for treason and get him out of the office
> before too late !!!, he is INVITING (!) a nuclear war !!!!
Este o stire oficiala, nu trebuie sa asculti radio erevan:


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