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ug (...@home.ro, IP: 81.181.246...)
2009-12-10 11:32
Ni se pregateste ceva ?

" In ochii democratiilor europene avansate, falsificarea votului este culmea coruptiei ... a spus Vivien Ashton ... Eu cred ca alegerile au fost furate ... Ma rog lui Dumnezeu ca judecatorii la Curtea Constitutionala vor da o hotarare corecta ... a spus Valentina Lupan " (traducere libera)

"In the eyes of European advanced democracies, vote rigging is the ultimate in corruption, ..." said Vivien Ashton, ... "I think the election was stolen," said Valentina Lupan ... I pray to God that the judges at the constitutional Court will rule correctly."
Romania plunged into turmoil by allegations of "massive fraud" in presidential election
Obs: aproximativ 932 pentru "Vivien Ashton" + Stratfor .

Socrate din Bucuresti (...@yahoo.com, IP: 86.121.62...)
2009-12-10 12:14
Da, portocalizarea accelerata a administratiei de stat * Re: Ni se pregateste ceva ?

La 2009-12-10 11:32:01, ug a scris:

> " In ochii democratiilor europene avansate, falsificarea votului este
> culmea coruptiei ... a spus Vivien Ashton ... Eu cred ca alegerile au
> fost furate ... Ma rog lui Dumnezeu ca judecatorii la Curtea
> Constitutionala vor da o hotarare corecta ... a spus Valentina Lupan
> " (traducere libera)
> "In the eyes of European advanced democracies, vote rigging is the
> ultimate in corruption, ..." said Vivien Ashton, ... "I think the
> election was stolen," said Valentina Lupan ... I pray to God that the
> judges at the constitutional Court will rule correctly."
> In:
> Romania plunged into turmoil by allegations of "massive fraud" in
> presidential election
> http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/capress/091209/world/eu_romania_election_turmoil
> http://plescoi.canalblog.com/
> Obs: aproximativ 932 pentru "Vivien Ashton" + Stratfor .

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