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SKEPTIK (...@charter.net, IP: 75.142.122...)
2009-11-07 11:54

Uite ca am facut eu, din America, ce trebuia sa faceti voi, lashilor: Trimis la DW:

...I dont think you should criticize other country's
'failed' political system, as long as your political
system for the past 120 years produced the death
of over 100 million innocent people! Maybe you
dont remeber also that your army and russians
decimated Romania from '40 to '45, then 40 years
of comunism, not forgeting over 800 years of continuos
attacks by the otoman empire , austro-hungarian empire,
Russia, etc....Therefore, while your country and other 'snobs'
like England, Spain, Italy, Holland, France ,were bussy flourishing,
the poor romanians had to continuously defend from people
like you! Romania never had a period of quiet, peace, to
be able to be strong economicaly! And while is true that there
is coruption in the 'new' Romania(I dont think anyone can beat
the western countries in stealing,, lying and coruption--I live
in US and you probably heard of how republican party (nazi party
all over again) is destroying America!) but the reality is that after
so many years of destuction, of not being able to advance and all
the natural resources being delapidated, its impossible for Romania
to come out of this dire situation, wihtout a major help from the
countries like yours who proffitted from many Romanian exports,
including a lot of skillfull workers, who are making your economy
look great, your people make money, while Romania suffers!
Instead of criticizing , you should get informed and find you find out
the whole history of Romania , not only the past 20 years! AND HELP!
A good start could be here: http://www.roembus.org/english/romanian_links/history_of_romanians.htm
How's this for a history lesson?

The vampire king!

spaiu' (...@k.ro, IP: 78.97.17...)
2009-11-07 12:30

I-ai dat pe spate! creste productia de batiste de unica folosinta...Chiar crezi, serios, ca demersul tau va avea un efect?

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