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niciodata din cluj napoca (...@yahoo.com, IP: 89.123.72...)
2009-09-19 01:55
Paul continuare

The Arrow system consists of the joint production hypersonic Arrow interceptor, Elta EL/M-2080 "Green Pine" early-warning AESA radar,[8] the Tadiran Telecom "Golden Citron" ("Citron Tree") C3I center,[9] and the Israel Aerospace Industries "Brown Hazelnut" ("Hazelnut Tree") launch control center. The system is rather transportable than mobile, as it can be moved to other prepared sites but cannot be set up just anywhere.[4]

aceasta e sursa urmeaza:

ranged surface-to-surface missiles.[10] The United States and Israel signed a memorandum of understanding to co-fund it on May 6, 1986,[6][17] and in 1988 the U.S. Department of Defense Strategic Defense Initiative Organization (SDIO) placed an order with Israel Aircraft Industries for the Arrow 1 demonstrator.[5][n 2] The Gulf War, which exposed the controversial performance[18] of the MIM-104 Patriot against Iraqi "Al Hussein" missiles, gave further impetus to the development of the Arrow.[10]

apoi scrie sursa:

Israel Aerospace Industries announced in June 2009, that the Arrow 3 patented[56] exoatmospheric interception method includes a two stage interceptor, like the Arrow 2, but based on hit-to-kill technology.[57] IAI also displayed a full-sized model of the Arrow 3 at the June 2009 Paris Air Show.[58]

Mie mi se pare clar americanii platesc ca Israelul contribuie R&D-ul in plus Boing a pprimit mai nou drept de productie si paralel americanii continua programul lor

Paul din Ohio din SUA (...@hotmail.com, IP: 65.185.23...)
2009-09-19 02:18
Re: Paul continuare.OK

Sigur ca Israelul contribuie substantial, dar e totusi vorba de un "joint effort and funding". Prin urmare nu cred ca este LEGAL ca o parte sa vanda unei terte tari fara acordul celuilalt.
P.S. Pentru Israel este o realizare importanta, dar provocarile care stau in fata SUA cer tehnologii si mai complexe. La 2009-09-19 01:55:41, niciodata a scris:

> The Arrow system consists of the joint production hypersonic Arrow
> interceptor, Elta EL/M-2080 "Green Pine" early-warning AESA radar,[8]
> the Tadiran Telecom "Golden Citron" ("Citron Tree") C3I center,[9] and
> the Israel Aerospace Industries "Brown Hazelnut" ("Hazelnut Tree")
> launch control center. The system is rather transportable than
> mobile, as it can be moved to other prepared sites but cannot be set
> up just anywhere.[4]
> aceasta e sursa urmeaza:
> ranged surface-to-surface missiles.[10] The United States and Israel
> signed a memorandum of understanding to co-fund it on May 6,
> 1986,[6][17] and in 1988 the U.S. Department of Defense Strategic
> Defense Initiative Organization (SDIO) placed an order with Israel
> Aircraft Industries for the Arrow 1 demonstrator.[5][n 2] The Gulf
> War, which exposed the controversial performance[18] of the MIM-104
> Patriot against Iraqi "Al Hussein" missiles, gave further impetus to
> the development of the Arrow.[10]
> apoi scrie sursa:
> Israel Aerospace Industries announced in June 2009, that the Arrow 3
> patented[56] exoatmospheric interception method includes a two stage
> interceptor, like the Arrow 2, but based on hit-to-kill
> technology.[57] IAI also displayed a full-sized model of the Arrow 3
> at the June 2009 Paris Air Show.[58]
> Mie mi se pare clar americanii platesc ca Israelul contribuie R&D-ul
> in plus Boing a pprimit mai nou drept de productie si paralel
> americanii continua programul lor

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