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dorinP din Kanata (...@hotmail.com, IP: 216.208.140...)
2009-07-28 20:29
Off topic

Nici o intentie sa schimb subiectul, nici sa stirnesc pe unii sau pe altii. Consider insa ca pentru cei care s-au manifestat in discutiile referitoare la traficul de organe informatia este interesanta


Anthropologist's 'Dick Tracy moment' plays role in arrest of suspected kidney trafficker

Friday, July 24th 2009, 1:45 AM
Levy Rosenbaum was brought to the FBI's attention by anthropologist Nancy Scheper-Hughes (below) in 2002. Hagen for News

Levy Rosenbaum was brought to the FBI's attention by anthropologist Nancy Scheper-Hughes (below) in 2002.
The Brooklyn man arrested Thursday for dealing in black-market kidneys was identified to the FBI seven years ago as a major figure in a global human organ ring.


Romania probes Israeli adoption agency link in organ trafficking

Romanian authorities are looking into possible links between Israeli adoption agencies and an illegal global conspiracy to sell organs for transplants.

The Romanian Embassy in Israel has asked for, and received from the Labor and Social Affairs Ministry, a list of all children born in Romania who have been brought to Israel for adoption in recent years. The Romanian officials are trying to ascertain if all such children arrived in Israel with all organs in their bodies.

Giuseppe Cocos din Wanderland (...@yahoo.com, IP: 146.95.132...)
2009-07-28 21:13
Re: Off topic. Wow!

> The Romanian Embassy in Israel has asked for, and received from the
> Labor and Social Affairs Ministry, a list of all children born in
> Romania who have been brought to Israel for adoption in recent years.
> The Romanian officials are trying to ascertain if all such children
> arrived in Israel with all organs in their bodies.

Asteptam rezultatele!
> [...]

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